My 7 Wonders

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1.Niagara Falls

2. Maldives

3. The Great Pyramid of Giza

4. Mount Everest

5. The Grand Canyon

6. The Great Barrier Reef

7. Auroras

• > 6million cubic meters/min

• Most powerful waterfall in North America

• Approx 1990 coral island

• Smallest Asian Country

• Giza is a city in Egypt

• Weighs approximately 5.750.000 tons!

• As a tomb for Egyption Pharoah Khufu

Its not the mountain we conquer but ourselves

• Lies between Tibet and Nepal

•Growing 6.1cm per year

• Sir Edmund Hillary & Norgay

• USA, Arizona

•446km long, 29km wide, 1.83km deep

• Coast of Queensland, Austrailia

• Largest living organism ~ 2300km

• Can bee seen from Space

• Polar regions (Artic & Antartic circles)

• Charged particles colliding

Then which of the favours from the Lord will you deny? 55:13