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The West and the World

IntroductionAfter the 15 century the European explorers found America and took things from it and exchange products from America and in most of the countries the exchanging became their support for living.

The West's First Outreach: Maritime Power

Introduction In the middle ages the western European wanted to enter the world trade system, for make routes through the Atlantic Ocean. The Ottoman Empire was with out gold and the west Europe wanted to make routes to Asia, but they started colonizing the island of Africa and America since the technology was not so advance to reach Asia. 

 New Technology: A Key to Power

 The technology was more advanced, there were more weapons the ships can travel easily by the coordinates of the new maps, and ships were armed with weapons. 

Portugal and Spain Lead the Pack There was more colonization a long the times the Portuguese to protect their commerce made forts on the coasts of the Atlantic ocean of Africa, Indian Ocean and coasts of India. By 1514 the Portuguese reached the island of Indonesia and china. The Spanish began their expeditions with Christopher Columbus on 1492. Ferdinand Magellan sailed South America and pacific. His ships claimed to Indonesia and Philippines. Portugal made forts on Africa and India, Indonesia, china and Japan.

Northern European Expeditions In the 16 century northern European nations became more active in trips, they concentrated in lands in the Americas Spain and Portuguese lands. French explorers each first Canada on 1534.England in search for a passage to Asia established colonies on the coasts of Atlantic ocean of north America. The Dutch and the English companies get benefits from the trade network and received monopolies from their governments.

Introduction Europe entry to the Atlantic Ocean and this made a new exchange of goods in the world.

Toward a World Economy

 The "Colombian Exchange" of Disease and Food

 The bad things about the new trade system were the diseases most in America; the indigenous in this region got a high loss of people. The European and Asian animals were brought to America. 

The West's Commercial Outreach The ability for the Europeans to dominate the ocean made able the voyage and trade of food on the seas. Europeans didn’t have much territory at first in the coasts of Africa, India and south Asia, and they enter the local trade system and this was seen in Ottoman Empire, Japan and Russia.

Imbalances in World Trade The earliest Spain and Portugal, compete with England and France for the exportation of goods and the policies of food. The European areas were economically dependent of the world trade system. 

A System of International Inequality The divisions between the countries lasted until the 20 century, some of the countries like Africa and America continued with the trade system, but mostly the world trade system was between regions. In America, Latin America the Caribbean based their goods on the importation of African slaves; the indigenous had to work on the mines and plantations, in Southeast Asia the work system was similar and India, in Europe it was not so hard.

How Much World in the World Economy? A lot of countries were outside of the world trade system, East Asia; china ignored the trade system to continue with their own trade system. Japan started with a trade with Europe but quickly it reverse course, except for Dutch enclave near Nagasaki, The Ottoman, Safavid, and Munhall Empires within the Islamic world they limit Europeans merchants between them. the Russian trade was with central Asia, and Africa except for the slaves kingdoms. 

The Expansionist TrendThe world trade system became to expand. Southeast Asia and India were brought into a more complete system in the eighteenth century. the British and French East India Companies regarded India as suitable for incorporation as a dependent region and a producer of cotton. Eastern Europe was drawn into the western European market system as a supplier of grain to feed the growing cities of the West.

IntroductionThe Spanish use the control of the sea to control the commerce and start controlling all the cultures and peoples and control the commerce and use manufactured goods.

Colonial Expansion

The Americas: Loosely Controlled Colonies

The Spanish people start conquering in 1509 from the Caribbean islands through center America. The Spanish win the battle with the Incas in 1531 in South America. The colonial extension of Portugal expanded to Brazil until the riches of the country get more evident.More formal Administrative structures where mad in that place because there where made agricultural places .France, Britain, and Holland established colonies in North America. The Catholicism in the Native Americans proportioned another administration.

British and French North America: Backwater ColoniesThe only Europeans interested in conquering North America where the French and Britannic people and in South America the Spanish people and Portugal people. The British and French people were not interested in money or in making people slaves they were more interested in agriculture.They started making trade and making taxes, they used very similar rules here than in Europe. They were aware of the Enlightenment that was happening in Europe (this was a intellectual movement).

North America and Western Civilization

The English people didn’t mix with the native Indians of north America and the Spaniards did mix with the south America Indians. the English people brought slaves from Africa, they didn’t use the native north Americans for do this type of work. they move through the west because there were not enough space.Canada was decelerated as a French colony but was the given to the Britannic people cause the trade of Paris in 1763.In North America there were 13 states and each one had their own institution they wasn’t like in Europe that they had aristocracy.

Africa and Asia: Coastal Trading StationsThe Spaniards lost there interest in Africans as slaves because they get sick very easy and they die, until 19 century. Two more intrusive settlements were attempted by the Portuguese in Angola and the Dutch on the Cape of Good Hope. Spanish colonized the Philippines and the Dutch controlled the islands of Indonesia.The English and French let apart America and go through India to make their companies. There they have control of Ganges river valley.

Impact on Western Europe

There was a war of 7 years between militaries and two companies. The Europeans were a little part of the population in India.They were fight for sugar the Europeans did not wanted to colonized India they only wanted the land.

Conclusion: The Impact of a New World Order

They create a world economy largely denominated by the west. Latin America, Africa, the southern colonies of the American coast, and some other regions were drawn into a system that condemned them to an inferior, dependent status. Global economy makes larger links through civilization.

GLOSARY: RELIED: To rest with confidence, as when fully satisfied of the veracity, integrity, or ability of persons, or of the certainty of facts or of evidence; to have confidence; to trust; to depend; -- with on, formerly also with in.

RAW: Hence: Unprepared for use or enjoyment; immature; unripe; unseasoned; inexperienced; unpracticed; untried; as, raw soldiers; a raw recruit.

PAVED: To lay or cover with stone, brick, or other material, so as to make a firm, level, or convenient surface for horses, carriages, or persons on foot, to travel on; to floor with brick, stone, or other solid material; as, to pave a street; to pave a court.

PROFITS: The positive gain from an investment or business operation after subtracting for all expenses. opposite of loss.

FLEETS: To sail; to float.