The Tomb of the biblical prophet Daniel

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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE (You have a link on the first slide): Thank you! Daniel's tomb (Aramgah-e Daniel), is a triple holy place (for Muslims, Jewish, and Christians). But....I have seen also another claimed tomb of Daniel, located just outside of Samarkand, Uzbekistan. (There are six different locations claiming to be the site of the tomb of the biblical figure Daniel: Babylon, Kirkuk and Muqdadiyah in Iraq, Susa and Malamir in Iran, and Samarkand in Uzbekistan). Danial-e-Nabi Mausoleum, Shush the same is located on the eastern banks of the Shaoor River. This mausoleum is the resting abode of one of the prophets of the Israelites. The premises have two courtyards, which are surrounded with chambers and porches. The mausoleum is located at the end of the second courtyard, which has rooms in three side of courtyard for a night’s stay of pilgrims. In this mausoleum, the sepulcher below the tomb is an old yellow colored stone devoid of any inscriptions. The ceiling of the mausoleum has beautiful mirror works with light apertures on eight sides under the dome. The foundations of the mausoleum are old but thick and strong. The upper section of eastern side of mausoleum is adorned with tile works. The dome of Danial-e-Nabi is a multi-sided, hexagonal in shape erected on a circular base.

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Michelangelo Buonarroti: The Prophet Daniel. Fresco, dated 1508-1512Sistine Chapel, Vatican City

Daniel is known as a prophet partly because of his power to explain dreams. But first and foremost Daniel is the hero of his own book.The significance of the story of Daniel to Christianity, like that of the other prophets on the ceiling, lies in the belief that his visions and actions foretold the coming of Christ.

În tinereţe Daniel a fost dus ca rob din Israel la Babilon. La şcoală a dat curând dovadă de o înţelepciune cu totul ieşită din comun, dar mai ales s-a evidenţiat prin capacitatea supranaturală de a pătrunde în lumea lui Dumnezeu şi de a primi tălmăciri pentru vise şi vedenii.

The Book of Daniel mentions that Daniel lived in Babylon and may have visited the place of Susa, Iran, but the place where he died is not specified; the tradition preserved among the Jews and Arabs is that he was buried in Susa. Today the Tomb of Daniel in Susa is a popular attraction among local Muslims and Iran's Jewish community alike. Daniel's tomb (Aramgah-e Daniel), is a triple holy place (for Muslims, Jewish, and Christians).

Ca urmare a simpatiei de care s-a bucurat din partea lui Nebucadnetar, a fost promovat în cele mai înalte dregătorii imperiale. Şi acolo însă şi-a păstrat dorinţa de a trăi ca un evreu cucernic. Din aceasta cauză, la vârsta de 70-75 de ani a fost aruncat într-o groapă cu lei, din care Dumnezeu l-a scăpat în chip miraculos.

Daniel's Answer to the King. Briton Rivière (1840–1920) Manchester City Art Gallery

Rembrandt (1606–1669)Belsazar's Feast 1635. National Gallery London

According to Daniel 5:1-31, King Belshazzar of Babylon takes sacred golden and silver vessels from the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem by his predecessor Nebuchadnezzar. Using these holy items, the King and his court praise 'the gods of gold and silver, bronze, iron, wood, and stone'. Immediately, the disembodied fingers of a human hand appear and write on the wall of the royal palace the words "MENE", "MENE", "TEKEL", "UPHARSIN"

MENE: God has numbered your kingdom, and finished it;

TEKEL: You have been weighed in the balances, and found waiting;

PERES: Your kingdom has been divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.

Daniel in the Lion's den visited by an angel. François Verdier (1651–1730)

In the narrative, when Daniel was a young man, he was taken into Babylonian captivity where he was educated in Chaldean thought. However, he never converted to Neo-Babylonian ways. By Divine Wisdom from his God, Yahweh, he interpreted dreams and visions of kings, thus becoming a prominent figure in the court of Babylon. Eventually, he had apocalyptic visions of his own that have been interpreted as the Four monarchies. Some of the most famous tales of Daniel are: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, The writing on the wall and Daniel in the lions' den.

Caracterul său integru şi apartenenţa lui la lumea supraomenească a revelaţiei divine, l-au ajutat să plutească asemenea unei corăbii peste talazurile frământate ale istoriei. Monarhii lumii s-au succedat unul după altul: Nebucadnetar a fost urmat de Belsatar, iar apoi Babilonul a căzut în stăpânirea lui Darius, medul şi a lui Cyrus, persanul. Simpatizat de toţi aceştia, Daniel a rămas mereu la curtea împărătească, hărăzit de Dumnezeu să fie un fel de „crainic dumnezeiesc” pe lângă curţile imperiale ale pământului. La ceas de cumpănă, el a fost un fel de conştiinţă cosmică şi de „lumină a Neamurilor”.

Qajari tile work detail in the square in front of the tomb says words of Imam Ali “Whoever visits my brother Daniel has visited me”

Wall painting reminding visitors the reasons of the dressing code for women. Courtyard of Daniel's tomb (Aramgah-e Daniel)

Text : Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Nicoleta Leu


Copyright: All the images belong to their authors

Arangement: Sanda Foişoreanu Bijan Kamkar - Mastan Salamat Mikonand - Rababi
