Wisconsin/Nicaragua Health Projects Partnership

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What is Partners of the Americas

Where does Wisconsin fit in?

What do WNP volunteers do?

Health/Medical Projects

Where did Partners of the Americas originate?

1955 President Eisenhower was interested in exploring possibilities developing closer ties

between the Central and South American countries and the United States.

1962 President John F. Kennedy launches the Alliance for Progress (a program of

governmental cooperation in the Western Hemisphere )

1964 Partners of the Americas was founded as the people-to-people component of the

Alliance for Progress. 

1965 The Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partnership is incorporated and receives the 501 (c) status as a

non-profit, non-governmental agency


. . . . build unique bilateral partnerships between sections of the U.S. and sections of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Through these partnerships, volunteers on both sides would work together on self-help projects in community and economic development, while fostering

inter-American friendship and understanding.

Working together . . . We make a difference!

In 1965 . . birth of the private sector organization

• economies heavily dependent on agricultural production

• each takes in approximately 57,000 sq. miles.

• Extensive stretches of coastline and large inland lake

• valuable forest areas


Why Wisconsin and Nicaragua??

Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partners of the Americas

is a not-for-profit, non-political organization working to enhance quality of life in both Wisconsin and Nicaragua,

by people-to-people programs promoting cultural awareness and

sustainable community development

Mission Statement:

Volunteers throughout Wisconsin are involved at

all levels –Partner City groups along with civic,

church, youth, and community service groups.

Working together, we make a difference

Program Focus . . . .

Learning CentersChica Nica Doll DressesVocational TrainingCommunity EducationLending LibrariesWorkshop ToursMicro-lending Educational Scholarships




Photo ExhibitsTravel ToursArts & Crafts SalesCultural FestivalsCoffee SalesPartner City Activity

Farmer to Farmer Quality Milk ProductionCheese Making ExchangesPoultry Project Small Kitchen Gardens

Vitamin AMaternal & Child HealthEye Glass MissionsSunglasses ProjectCommunity Water ProjectsStudent Medical TravelProfessional Medical ExchangesTherapy Dressing Project


ScholarshipsYouth ProjectsBackpack ProjectBook collections for libraryYouth Exchanges

Fire Truck Shipments Disaster Relief Shipping ProjectsMedical/Hospital support

Partners believes citizen participation is essential to a

strong and healthy community

Working Together, We make a difference

Health & Humanitarian Assistance

Nicaragua is a country that is

faced with earthquakes,

volcanoes, hurricanes, tidal

waves as well as challenges

of a man made origin

Wisconsin has always

responded generously and

with care.

A unique project called “Firefighters United” has brought together Wisconsin and Nicaraguan firefighters. W/NP began to ship fire trucks and ambulances to Nicaragua in 2000, and soon firefighters in both countries began to join in the activities. An average of three or more emergency vehicles are shipped each year, as well as firefighter coats, boots, helmets, air packs, hoses and other necessary equipment. 27 fire trucks (6 more waiting to be shipped) and 15 ambulances with a value of more than $1,000,000 have been shipped. This

program would not be possible without the Denton Program which allows the vehicles to be shipped on Air Force cargo planes. Thanks to Dr. Brad Martin,

the W/NP program is immensely successful.  

Humanitarian Assistance

Getting donations to Nicaragua takes Collaboration . . . .

U.S. Dept of Defense

W/NP Hospitals, Fire Depts,


W/NP Warehouse in Stevens Point

2139 N. 2nd Drive

Volunteers - Bob Moodie Trucking, WI Nat’l Guard, Wisconsin Truck Lift

Getting donations from Wisconsin to Nicaragua…..a challenging but NOT impossible task!

It takes a team effort

3rd Thursday of the monthW/NP Warehouse Packing Days

Volunteers come to pack, sort donations, wash Fire

Trucks/Ambulances (6 awaiting departure)

Ambulance from Stevens Point arriving. Note: aircraft

had mechanical problem, crew asked to use fire truck to get to engine, as nothing available at the airport in


Humanitarian AssistanceEMS


W/NP has sent 27+ fire trucks and 14 ambulances to Nicaragua over

the past 12 years.  When they arrive they become properly of the

Direcion General de Bomerbos de Nicaragua or the Asociacion Civil Cuerpo de Bomberos Voluntarios

de Nicaragua.


Some vehicles are purchased by individuals, others gather a

group of friends and pool their money, others are donated

2012 shipments arriving to Managua from St. Anna Fire Dept. & Columbus WI

Share your knowledge – give yourself or someone else an

experience of a lifetime!


Las Colinas Fire Dept.

Western Wisconsin Technical College truck in Managua

Nindiri Volunteer Fire Department – operates out of Jose’s home. His bedroom

houses the 4-6 volunteers on 24 hour shifts

Typical scenes in the

public hospitals

Lenin Fonseca HospitalNational Adult Trauma

CenterNational Adult Burn


______Velez Pais HospitalNational Pediatric

Hospital and Pediatric Burn Center

Opportunity knocks: take the challenge, go share your knowledge & make new friends!

Opportunity knocks: Be on the look out for items still in good use to share with EMS, Firefighters and the medical

communities in Nicaragua

Above: Rothschild turn out gear….Left: Clintonville airport beacon

now at the pier on Lake Managua!

Picking up donations at W/NP Managua office from Wisconsin

Fire Departments

Customs to the W/NP office in Managua to the hospitals and fire departments…..

For years, Sherin identified remodeling needs at the Managua office. Morning of March 16th 2009 she drew the plan to the left, later in the afternoon she fell next door to the office while

viewing the adjacent property as possible option. She died of a head injury – her

memorial fund remodeled the office according to her plan.

Sherin Bowen’s memorial

fund put into action just the

way she would have


Before and after……

Managua Office dedication

The Burn Therapy Dressing Project is a social health program working in collaboration with the Lenin Fonseca and Velez Paiz Childrens Hospital that

benefits people who lack resources from rural areas in Nicaragua.

W/NP Learning Center ladies make the therapy dressing for patients recovering from burn treatments or plastic surgeries.

Current Status of Burn Patients in NicaraguaBurn patients from different parts of the country need to be transferred to the Managua

hospitals. The two public hospital options where burn units are available are: Fernando Velez Paiz childrens hospital and Antonio Lennin Foseca general hospital. Currently, the public hospitals are not able to provide appropriate burn therapy dressings for the burn patients.

The patients are referred by their doctor to the W/NP office on Tuesday and Saturday’s where the Learning Center volunteers make the burn dressings.

Carlos and Rafael are brothers who work in a sugarcane field in their hometown.

Last December 23, there was a big fire in the field while they were working. Both

brothers were trapped in the flames, unable to escape. Ninety percent of their skin was

burned off due to this fire, and they had nowhere to turn for help. Five months after this devastating accident happened, Doctor

Leandro Perez sent them to the Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partner’s office to

receive therapy dressings. Carlos and Rafael received gloves, sleeves, vests and

pant dressing pieces.

These brothers’ continuous persistence inspired everyone around them. Wisconsin Nicaragua Partners enjoyed their jokes and

encouraging dispositions in the midst of such tough hardship and misfortune.

German, who happened to be receiving his hand dressing the same time as Carlos and

Rafael, heard first hand from these two gentlemen how much quicker his burn would heal from the therapy dressings.

Therapy Dressing Project

Carlos, 17, was hit by an electrical cable of 13,000 watts while he was walking on the roof of his house, his left arm, chest and legs were burned.

“Included in this report, is the acknowledgment and appreciation of Lynda Pracht’s efforts with the Chica Nica Project. The advanced sewing skills acquired through sewing the Chica

Nica doll dresses have contributed to the quality construction of burn dressing garments. The Chica Nica project has 35 members from different Learning Centers and four ladies from

Chica Nica are part of therapy dressing project staff. Quality control workshops provided by Lynda Pracht for 14 years have given the women opportunity to put into practice these past four months how to make masks, gloves, pants, shirts, sleeves, foot and ankle leggings, and

different parts of the body garments that burn patients need to wear after the initial treatment and during the healing process”

Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partners Therapy Dressing Project Update In 4 months, since the project started, the volunteer staff in coordination with Doctor Leandro has provided services to 51 people.

200 garments have made and every patient is a challenge as some need more than one garment and some of their affected areas are difficult to fit. The process to fit and make the garments can take up to 2 hours or more if needed.

Gerardo, 22, has a broken arm and 46 % of his body has third degree burns.

Opportunity knocks: make a financial donation at www.wisnic.org to help buy materials

Visiting our Partner Country - Nicaragua

Traveling in Nicaragua……

Exploring family businesses

Nicaragua has simply delicious food of all


“It is also in our interest to help a neighbor in need. It renews our soul. It lifts our collective spirit. I believe to whom much is given, much is required. We’ve been given a lot as a nation, and therefore, I believe we’re required to help – help people realize their potential.” President Bush, July 9, 2007

Working together, we make a difference

What can you do?

Become a member of W/NP

Share your knowledge with a training workshop – either you go there or bring some Nicaraguan firefighters here.

Learn about our Partner Country, its people and its culture

Gather medical and EMS supplies

Buy and ambulance or fire truck

Involve your local hospital, get a contact and pick up excess supplies as they are available

Organize a local Partner City chapter

Donate money

Room 129 Nelson Hall, UWSP

Stevens Point, WI 54481


