Audience Feedback for Main and Ancillary Tasks Brighton On the Beach Magazine

Audience feedback for main and ancillary tasks

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Page 1: Audience feedback for main and ancillary tasks

Audience Feedback for Main and Ancillary

TasksBrighton On the Beach Magazine

Page 2: Audience feedback for main and ancillary tasks

Asking people…• I asked 10 people to have a look at my main product and ancillary

products then to answer a couple of questions that I have put together to find out their opinions of my work. I printed out some questionnaires for them to fill out, as it would help me with understanding what people think about my final productions.• I then gathered up the information in which gave me a clear idea of

what people thought about my work, and where I could improve if I was to make any changes. I found out if people would want to buy my magazine and if they were interested in a vintage kind of lifestyle.

Page 3: Audience feedback for main and ancillary tasks

1st person I asked:What do you think of the vintage style of the magazine?

Works well with the images and fonts chosen.

What features of the magazine do you like/dislike? Why?

Love double page spread – very unique with polaroid's.

Why does the billboard catch your eye?

The ‘wow’ thing is hard to miss

What features of the website do you find interesting? Why?

Sound as you can listen whilst browsing

What elements of all 3 products are similar? What do you like the most?

The photography, very interesting

What do you think could be improved across all 3 products?

Website could be more interesting and interactive

Would you buy this magazine? Why/why not?

Yes because vintage style is cool

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2nd person:• What do you think of the vintage style of the magazine?• Professional looking, colourful, informative

• What features of the magazine do you like/dislike? Why?• Layout is good, content – go into shop knowing what I’d want exactly

• Why does the billboard catch your eye? • Because it is well laid out

• What features of the website do you find interesting? Why?• The sound because it is an interactive element

• What elements of all 3 products are similar? What do you like the most?• The photography, vintage style and also the advertising of vintage lifestyle

• What do you think could be improved across all 3 products?• Page number missing from contents

• Would you buy this magazine? Why/why not?• Yes because I like vintage clothes and the whole product

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3rd person:• What do you think of the vintage style of the magazine?• Very informative and colourful

• What features of the magazine do you like/dislike? Why?• Vintage shops and being able to save money on bargain buys

• Why does the billboard catch your eye? • Because it has Brighton and vintage in it

• What features of the website do you find interesting? Why?• Vintage finds – like bargains

• What elements of all 3 products are similar? What do you like the most?• Brighton snack time – enjoy eating out, sun, beach etc.

• What do you think could be improved across all 3 products?• The fonts are all similar, the colours match• Colourful pictures• Would you buy this magazine? Why/why not?• Yes it is right up my street.

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4th • What do you think of the vintage style of the magazine?• I like the vintage style of the magazine because I haven’t seen this before

• What features of the magazine do you like/dislike? Why?• I like the pictures, I like the layout however there is a picture there is a black line that needs cropping

• Why does the billboard catch your eye? • Its simplistic so it could be bolder.

• What features of the website do you find interesting? Why?• The pier picture and I like the orange font

• What elements of all 3 products are similar? What do you like the most?• The typography and I like the pictures

• What do you think could be improved across all 3 products?• The font colour and simplistic font styles

• Would you buy this magazine? Why/why not?• No because it is not my style and I only look at rock magazines

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5th• What do you think of the vintage style of the magazine?• It’s very unique

• What features of the magazine do you like/dislike? Why?• Like the pictures, layout

• Why does the billboard catch your eye? • Its very simplistic so doesn’t give you too much to focus on. However it could be bolder to attract more attention

• What features of the website do you find interesting? Why?• I like the gallery on the home page because it gives a vintage style which the magazine was aiming for

• What elements of all 3 products are similar? What do you like the most?• The fonts are all similar giving the magazine a clear house style

• What do you think could be improved across all 3 products?• Bolder fonts, the orange colour on magazine, black background on picture needs editing off

• Would you buy this magazine? Why/why not?• No because I have no interest in vintage magazines

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6th• What do you think of the vintage style of the magazine?• It is well represented within the magazine however the front cover seems a little too modern

• What features of the magazine do you like/dislike? Why?• I like the layout of all of the photos, they look professional and the borders give them a good effect

• Why does the billboard catch your eye? • With the dramatic boarder around the text it is quite appealing, it could be more colourful though

• What features of the website do you find interesting? Why?• like how the text is in a typewriter font, it adds to the vintage style

• What elements of all 3 products are similar? What do you like the most?• Similar images used, I like the style of them

• What do you think could be improved across all 3 products?• More variety of images, some more colour in the background

• Would you buy this magazine? Why/why not?• Yes, it seems to give a lot of info about good clothing spots around the area

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7th• What do you think of the vintage style of the magazine?• I like the vintage style as its something unique and not been done before.

• What features of the magazine do you like/dislike? Why?• I lobe the look and layout of the double page spread as it has a clean look to it

• Why does the billboard catch your eye? • The shape around the ‘out now’ caught my eye because of how big it is

• What features of the website do you find interesting? Why?• The front page looks great because of the photos in the background

• What elements of all 3 products are similar? What do you like the most?• The text used are the same and like the double page spread the most

• What do you think could be improved across all 3 products?• Add a price tag, the text on the website saying Brighton on the beach could be a different colour to stand out

• Would you buy this magazine? Why/why not?• No because I'm not into this style of magazine

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8th• What do you think of the vintage style of the magazine?• It is really nice and I love the way you have placed the images as on the double page spread they look like polaroid's

• What features of the magazine do you like/dislike? Why?• I like the layout of the double page spread as it looks like a magazine should. The billboard could have a background.

• Why does the billboard catch your eye? • Because of the big writing on and the ‘out now’ which is a selling point

• What features of the website do you find interesting? Why?• I really like how you have used images for the background of the webpage and I really like the photography on the front.

• What elements of all 3 products are similar? What do you like the most?• The overall style is very similar and the parts I like the most are the contents page and the double page spread.

• What do you think could be improved across all 3 products?• Billboard – needs a background image. Website – the welcome sentence needs a different colour. Front cover – have a look at the

colour of the writing.• Would you buy this magazine? Why/why not?• No because I don’t live in Brighton. But yes, probably if I lived in Brighton.

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9th• What do you think of the vintage style of the magazine?• I think that the vintage style of the magazine works well and is shown by the colours of the images. The front page cover in ‘vintage’ by the

image as it reminds me of ‘submarine’ film. The font looks as if it were a typewriter.

• What features of the magazine do you like/dislike? Why?• I like the colours of blue as it relates to Brighton beach. I like the layout of the double page spread the images look like a collage

• Why does the billboard catch your eye? • The shape used with the ‘out now’ inside. The front page being on the right hand side with the text opposite.

• What features of the website do you find interesting? Why?• In like the background image, colours, Spotify for people to listen to music whilst browsing the website

• What elements of all 3 products are similar? What do you like the most?• The colours, font, the layout I like most, its eye-catching. The images taken

• What do you think could be improved across all 3 products?• The colours of the contents page could be a light grey/cream colour?

• Would you buy this magazine? Why/why not?• Yes interested in vintage style

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10th• What do you think of the vintage style of the magazine?• I like it, I think it suits Brighton

• What features of the magazine do you like/dislike? Why?• I like the colour scheme and the fonts you’ve used, it really suits the vintage style

• Why does the billboard catch your eye? • Spikey wow shape, really grabs your attention

• What features of the website do you find interesting? Why?• I like the music on the website, it’s a good touch

• What elements of all 3 products are similar? What do you like the most?• Colour scheme – reads & natural earthy tones

• What do you think could be improved across all 3 products?• Fill some more of the blank space on the contents page

• Would you buy this magazine? Why/why not?• No because I don’t buy magazines but I would 100% buy it if I was into that kind of thing

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From the questionnaires…• 10 people have answered my questionnaires and I have gathered up

the information from them. I asked diverse and people with an ‘indie’ and different kind of style to look at my magazine, aged between 16-30 years old which were my type of target audience.• I have found out that many people would like to buy this magazine.

6/10 people would like to buy this magazine as it appeals to them and they found it interesting. This is more than half of the people that I asked, which is a good thing if my magazine was put on sale to the public.