Bad Moon Rising: Boolprop's Monster Mash Challenge

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Page 1: Bad Moon Rising: Boolprop's Monster Mash Challenge
Page 2: Bad Moon Rising: Boolprop's Monster Mash Challenge

Welcome to my attempt at the Boolprop Monster Mash Challenge! I will be going for these mini challenges:

• ALLOTMENT CHIC - Grow all your food in the garden! After your first fridge runs out, only stock it with stuff you've grown on the lot! +15 points. • BEFORE AND AFTER - On top of the portraiture challenge, paint a portrait/take a picture of the black sheep each time they gain a new a new lifestate and hang them up in the house! +5 points for every lifestate portrait. • HEIRS AND SPARES - Dealing with supernaturals is risky business. Your black sheep needs to have a spare to pick up the mantle in case a terrible accident happens! +10 points for having a spare • EXTREME MONSTER MASH (TS2/3 ONLY) - Go for every single lifestate possible. +20 for TS2.• STRANGE FRIENDS (TS2) - Build a servo, or find a bigfoot friend for your family! +20 for both.• WICKED (TS2) - The black sheep's family wants to be special too! Get three different sims in the family to become witches. +10 for your infallibly good witch, +10 for your atrociously evil witch, +10 for your true neutral witch.

Page 3: Bad Moon Rising: Boolprop's Monster Mash Challenge

Meet Victor Stein.

His aspiration is knowledge, for that sweet, sweet abduction perk, with the LTW of becoming a mad scientist (how fitting!). His personality is 9/2/6/3/5. I will be doing a traditional legacy start, with no college, because I’m impatient as fuck. I’m using a 2x3 lot because my laptop doesn’t handle large lots well, so I reduced Victor’s funds to 2500.

Despite his LTW, Victor will be getting a job in the artist career to get the camera. Paintings are a little too large to display nicely in a row, especially when you’ve got to do about 6.

He won’t need to go to college first because I have modded my game so that any career that can be done as freelance work does not require a university degree. As someone currently getting a BDes in illustration, let me tell you: a degree is not required to be an artist. I don’t understand why sims can go into the medical field without a degree, but art requires one. It’s bullshit.

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My two initial goals for are to a) get him abducted as soon as possible and b) find him a witchy friend. An atrociously evil witch will be able to resurrect a sim as a zombie, and turn another sim into a witch, and I’d like to max out his magic skill before those spells are going to be needed.

Having him befriend the wolf pack leader, or a grand vampire would be a bonus, but it’s not entirely necessary at this point. They’re a pain in the ass to find, but not as time consuming as maxing out the magic skill.

So, I sent him downtown on his first night in hopes of meeting some supernatural friends.

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The first sim he met was a downtownie, whose name is Kendra McCarthy in this neighbourhood. She’s not a supernatural, but she has two bolts with Victor, so she might make a nice wife.

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Genesis Charvat The Atrociously Evil Witch showed up around 2 in the morning, so Victor abandoned his flirting with Kendra to go befriend her.

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Turns out she also had two bolts with Victor, so he flirted his way to friendship with her, which was probably much quicker than using only friendly interactions. Kendra had left by this point, so I didn’t have to worry about relationship drama.

I do play with ACR, but for this challenge I’ll only be using the original game interactions to build friendships/romances.

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By morning they’d reached a high enough relationship for her to turn him into a warlock. Just in time, too; his needs were starting to plummet, as indicated by that lovely shade of yellow his plumbbob has turned.

Including the relationship bar as bonus proof.

Don’t ask me how the pine trees are growing out of concrete; I built this lot for a different hood.

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After returning home, I had Victor take a job in the artist career track. He spent the rest of his night unsuccessfully digging for treasure, and tending to his vegetable garden.

Turns out, gardens are super annoying to take care of when you don’t have a gold badge. My legacy family had some weird glitch where they all got gold badges after only a few interactions with the plots, which made it so much easier to deal with the plants when I forgot to check on them (which is often.)

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I used the promo money to buy an easel. He now alternates between spending his free time painting, to build up his creativity skill for more promotions, and studying magic.

Specifically, I’m having him study the path of darkness, because only evil witches/warlocks have the ability to turn sims into zombies.

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He soon had enough money for the cheapest telescope, which meant that I temporarily had him abandon skilling to start looking for aliens.

I think the more expensive telescope has a better chance of being naturally abducted when stargazing, but I don’t think it matters if you use the perk that came with FT.

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I’m a big, dumb idiot when it comes to paying attention for important events while I play, and completely missed Victor getting abducted. Luckily, I was able to get a picture of his return home.

It only took him one night to get abducted, which is pretty good. My best record though was this one sim who got abducted two minutes after he started searching.

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Standing up to study magic and paint really takes a hit on the comfort bar, so I had to upgrade Victor’s tent to a bed, and buy a comfy couch to help.

I’d complain about how annoying it is when your sim stops doing something because they’ve been standing too long, but to be honest I’m a lazy shit and I can confirm standing at an easel for 3+ hours sucks.

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Now that Victor doesn’t need to flirt with the high with, Kendra’s been coming over for mini dates. She seems really into the alien baby.

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Victor went into labour during one of those dates, which surprisingly did not cause their score to tank. I’ve had date scores drop after pregnant sims threw up from morning sickness; you’d think giving birth would be an equally gross thing to do on a date.

Maybe Kendra’s just really into pregnant guys.

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The baby, who will be the black sheep for this challenge, is a girl named Elphaba. My naming scheme for the children in this family is misunderstood characters/villains. I’m so creative with names.

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Kendra moved in with 15k shortly after Elphaba was born, and she was dumped on the ground and forgotten about until they finished their date.

Right now, she’s about as equally loved by her parent(s) as her namesake. How fitting.

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Kendra’s 15k is enough to build a decent sized home, and give her a new look. I sold most of Victor’s old possessions and replaced them with better versions, with the exception of his fridge, in order to follow the allotment chic mini challenge.

Kendra is also halfway through the slacker career, so she’s brining in decent money on top of the amount she moved in with.

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Of course, I’m an idiot, as I’ve already mentioned once, and they got paid a visit from the Repo Man almost immediately because I forgot to have them pay their bills.

Between missing the abduction, and missing the bill deadline, I’m off to a great start.

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Not much happens between Kendra moving in, and Elphaba’s birthday.

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She’s pretty cute as a toddler, but that’s to be expected if you replace the default PT with a set of more conventionally attractive ones. Sorry, but I’m all about aesthetics, and I just don’t buy into the “every sim is beautiful!” attitude. Giant bug eyes and impossibly sharp features are just not aesthetically pleasing, okay.

Also, you can’t see them from this angle, but she’s inherited Victor’s elf ears.

Her personality is 10/10/10/4/1. I considered having her become a good witch for variety, but with a personality like that she’s definitely going to be atrociously evil.

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The leader of the wolf pack showed up, and they’ve got cool mismatched eyes! Unfortunately, she took off before Victor managed to haul his ass outside to greet her.

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Victor and Kendra still hadn’t gotten engaged at this point, so I finally had the two of them tie the knot. They need to have at least one kid together, and I want to be sure that kid has Victor’s last name.

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The family’s house is slowly coming along. Normally I’m terrible at building houses from scratch in challenge families, because I like to be able to plan out the entire house before I start decorating, but this one doesn’t look too bad from the outside.

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Victor is now an atrociously evil warlock, but still has a little ways to go before he maxes out the family skill. I think he already has the ability to turn another sim into a witch, he just needs to learn how to resurrect sims as zombies.

Also, I replaced the usual green witch skin with a transparent overlay that has some hand runes. I’m hoping those will actually show up on my black sheep after she’s achieved all the other life states.

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Elphaba’s birthday is here again. This is a pretty terrible picture, but at least you can see her elf ears here.

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She still looks a lot like a female version of Victor as a kid. Also, I really need to put some better lighting in the house.

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Victor was not having any luck meeting a grand vampire whenever I sent him downtown, so I sent Kendra out instead, and she met Contessa Brenda at the first lot she tried.

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There wasn’t enough time for her to turn Kendra into a vampire before the sun came up, so I had Kendra invite her back home. There, I discovered Elphaba had the option to influence Brenda to bite Kendra’s neck.

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I’m not sure how high a friendship they need if they’re influenced to bite someone’s neck, instead of letting it happen autonomously, but it worked.

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My vampire default replacement only adds paler skin (and some veins to the forehead), so Kendra won’t be getting red eyes. However, that means Elphaba will get to keep her alien eyes when she is turned into a vampire, which will look pretty cool.

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I read that adding a shit ton of trees and bushes to the lot increases the chances of wolves appearing, so I used up all their funds to try it out, and it seemed to work.

The leader of the pack was the first wolf to appear, and this time she hung around long enough for Victor to go out and greet her.

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Once again, I miss a crucial event, and only catch the end of Victor’s werewolf transformation. I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen my sims get bitten by a wolf; I usually just find them wandering around the lot in werewolf form a few sim hours later.

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With the warlock, vampire, and werewolf lifestates out of the way, I figured it’s time to work on getting an alien spare for the family. I’ve yet to try a dance sphere abduction, so I’m going to go for it and see if I get lucky.

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Victor took his sweet time getting back, but I caught his return. Ivy Copur kept jumping in the dance sphere while Victor was abducted, and I was beginning to get concerned that she might have glitched the abduction and victor wouldn’t be able to return.

Thankfully, she fell out of it, and it was just long enough for him to reappear.

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Victor rolled up a want to get Elphaba into private school, so I complied, since I don’t think the Headmaster counts as a service sim.

She was accepted, and instead of shaking Victor’s hand, the Headmaster tried waiting for Kendra to get out of her coffin, so that he could shake hers instead. He left after a few minutes. What an idiot.

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Kendra is also pregnant, since you need three kids to achieve the family mini challenge, and I don’t feel like trying to get another alien pregnancy.

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Elphaba celebrates another birthday, by herself this time. Birthdays happen so much quicker when there isn’t a crowd of sims shuffling around the kitchen in an attempt to watch.

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Elphaba rolled fortune as her primary aspiration, with the LTW of becoming a space pirate. Like Victor, that’s not going to happen. She’s going to get the first, highest-paying job available in the paper, because they need money for the two babies on the way.

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Now that she’s a teen, Victor can turn her into a witch. Unfortunately, she’ll have to wait until adulthood to become a werewolf, because adults can not savage teenagers to turn them.

I think you can turn teenagers into vampires, but I’m not sure if I want to do that while she still has to go out during the day for school & work.

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Victor goes into labour again with baby number 2.

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It’s a boy named Severus. He has a different PT as a mother than Elphaba, so hopefully they’ll look different from one another as children/teens.

I think his name sake, like Elphaba’s, is pretty obvious.

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Kendra went into labour the same night, at a slightly later time. Since both babies were born after 6pm they’ll age up together, making them pseudo twins.

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Kendra’s baby is a girl named Bela. She’s named after Bela Talbot from Supernatural (I’m trash, I know), who isn’t necessarily misunderstood in the same sense as Elphaba or Severus’ characters, but apparently she was not well received by a lot of the show’s audience?

I personally liked her character, so I think of her as misunderstood in that sense.

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Now that Kendra’s no longer pregnant, she’ll be working to obtain a gold badge in robotics, so that she can build a servo. It’s going to take a long ass time, but hopefully vampire motives staying static (for the most part) during the night will help.

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Elphaba has reached atrociously evil, so she’s been spending her freetime stargazing, in hopes of attracting an alien spaceship the ~natural~ way. She won’t be able to get pregnant, but I’d like her achieve an abduction as a sort of bonus goal.

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The pseudo twins are the next to celebrate a birthday.

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They’re also adorable, and they both have elf ears!

Severus’ personality is 10/5/3/7/10, and Bela’s personality is 9/2/9/3/5.

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I’ve decided to give in, and let Kendra turn Elphaba into a vampire, because I wanted to get that taken care of before she rolled up a fear of being turned into one.

Kendra and Victor are both knowledge sims, so they roll up a lot of wants to have someone turned/be turned into something, but Elphaba’s a fortune sim, so her panel is full of wants to cure her parents, and a fear of being turned into a werewolf.

I wish she had also been knowledge.

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I’ve discovered that vampire’s motives do not drop during the day if they are sitting in the throne of darkness, which I had Victor brew. Since it’s an active mood boosting item instead of a passive, I think this is allowed?

You have to reach full magic skill to brew it, so I think it should be allowed. I did help make/approve the rules, so… ;)

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Elphaba has a job as in the medical career, so after she gets home from school she sits on her throne for an hour, then smokes as she makes her way to her carpool.

I should have put the throne on the first floor instead of the second, but there’s not enough room.

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It’s time for the pseudo twins to celebrate a birthday again. Victor’s now the only one in the house who can be out during the day, so he gets the honour of helping both Bela & Severus celebrate.

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This picture isn’t really necessary, but I barely took pictures of them as toddlers, so I’m throwing it in here anyways.

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Severus definitely inherited more of his PT mother’s genetics than Victors, but it looks like Bela inherited most of hers from Victor. Which is a shame, because right now she kind of just looks like a human version of Elphaba.

They’re still very cute, though. I’m looking forward to seeing them as teens/adults. They’ll probably wind up as townies in my legacy hood at some point.

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Success! That makes a total of three alien abductions for this challenge: one with the FT perk, one dance sphere, and one the ‘natural’ way. ;)

I’m proud of myself for actually getting a picture of the abduction this time.

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Awww, matching jammies. That’s cute. Too bad they’re not the nicest colour, lol.

Like my legacy twins, these two maxed out their daily/lifetime relationship bars as toddlers. All of the twins (actual or pseudo) in my game are either super close, or they totally ignore each other. It’s kind of weird.

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Victor rolled up wants for both of the kids to get into private school, so gain, I complied.

I can’t remember the names of the headmasters (I think this one is Korey?), but he’s much smarter than the last one they had. He actually shook Victor’s hand, instead of trying to wake up the vampires.

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It took some time, but the family now has a servo! I am uncreative, and named her ‘Servette’. If I wanted to keep up with my naming scheme I probably should have named her after one of the androids from Bladerunner.

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Regular servos are too boring, so I had Victor turn her into a werewolf. It’s super hard to see in this picture, but the larger white highlight in her eye is actually a moon. :)

Plus, she gets cute little vampire fangs, apparently. I should give more of my werewolf sims fangs…

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With a servo down, I’m just missing a zombie, plantsim, and bigfoot for the playable lifestates. I’m not sure if teens can become zombies, and I know for sure they can’t become plantsims, so I decided to skip to obtaining a bigfoot.

Victor dug up a map to the Hidden Burrow back in his days of lawn living, so I set him off by himself to bring back a furry friend.

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It took a few visits to the Burrow, but Victor was able to convince Phoenix Bigfoot to move in.

I’d just like to say Phoenix Bigfoot is easily the dumbest bigfoot name I’ve had generate in my game so far. I mean, I know Phoenix is an actual name, and probably an actual last name, but just can’t take it seriously in this game.

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Phoenix Bigfoot’s aspiration is popularity, and his LTW is to top the education career. The family doesn’t really need the extra money at the moment, though, so I’ll just be abusing his gold badge in gardening to keep their plants alive.

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Victor’s birthday has arrived, and as you can see, his sparkles have mysteriously disappeared.

After he finished aging I deleted him, then exited the lot to restore his sparkles. Unfortunately, this glitched him, and kept his lifebar in adulthood while giving him the elder bodytype. Luckily, I was able to fix the issue by aging him again through the sim blender.

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It didn’t seem to have any negative effects, other than him getting a double birthday memory, but I can live with that.

The important thing is that he has sparkles. At all times.

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To thank me for my troubles, he immediately set fire to the kitchen when I directed him to cook a meal. He burned their stove and a counter to ashes, but at least he didn’t ruin their fridge. I need the original for that mini challenge.

Also, I’m like 90% sure my legacy family is the only challenge family I have that has not started a kitchen fire yet. They’re my favourite family for a reason.

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Bela and Severus have a birthday to celebrate next, and hopefully this one won’t end with an aging glitch or a fire.

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Holy shit, Bela is gorgeous as a teen. I think she shares most of Elphaba’s facial features, but they look really nice on her in particular.

She rolled knowledge as her aspiration (yay!), and her LTW, like Elphaba’s, is to become a space pirate.

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Severus is also pretty good looking, although his eyebrows kind of make him look like he’s permanently sad. Poor Severus.

His aspiration is pleasure (I was really hoping for another knowledge sim, because non-knowledge sims roll the most annoying wants/fears in a challenge like this), and his LTW is to become an education minister. My sims are super unoriginal with their LTWs in this family.

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Elphaba is getting close to adulthood, so I increased the number of plants growing in their yard, to give her a better chance of turning into a plantsim. More plants = more bugs = more pesticide. Yay, pesticide!

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I had Victor turn Bela into a witch, and she will study neutral magic, to become this family’s true neutral witch.

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Severus became a vampire, because why not? I kind of dig the vampire/alien combo, and Elphaba won’t really show it once she’s turned into a zombie.

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Having the most nice points, Severus is also going to be studying the path of light, to become this family infallibly good warlock.

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Elphaba’s birthday is here, and that means she can finally complete the last 3 playable lifestates I have left: werewolf, zombie, and plantsim, in that order.

I’m kind of hoping that in the time it takes her to achieve those three, they’ll get the genie lamp dropped off, for even more supernatural goodness, but the chances of that happening don’t look too high at this point.

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Like I said, she shares a lot of her facial features with Bela. They both turned out pretty gorgeous. I think my family of monsters might be a little too conventionally attractive, haha.

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Now that Elphaba is an adult, Victor can finally savage her (that sounds awful out of context), and turn her into a werewolf. Elphaba has a fear of being turned into a werewolf, but she hit permaplat before celebrating her birthday, so I could care less.

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I’m kind of sad that the werewolf state replaces her alien eyes with gold ones. I like this default, though, so I’ll just have to live with it.

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Killing Elphaba to resurrect her as a zombie is pretty easy; she just needed to stand out in the garden, and let the sunlight do the work.

This would have been a lot harder if she’d turned herself into a plantsim before I needed to kill her.

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I brewed the ingredients needed for the spell in advance, so all Victor has to do now is cast the spell.

Phoenix Bigfoot briefly mourned her death, before going back to talking the plants into better health. I didn’t notice weeds growing around them during the winter, and now they’re all sick. I hope that doesn’t fuck with my plans to make Elphaba a plantsim next.

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She’s alive! Also, confession: at first I couldn’t tell if Elphaba’s skin had changed (the colours on my laptop monitor are shit, okay), and I was mad that I’d done all this work, and wouldn’t even get any zombie features out of this.

Then I took a closer look and realized she was grey, not green. The green tint from the sparkles threw me off. :P

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Her motives were suuuuper low when she returned to life, so she spent the rest of the day sitting on the magic throne so that she wouldn’t die again. I don’t know if you can resurrect sims as zombies a second time. I should test that.

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I sent her out at night to spray a couple of plants, got surprisingly luck! Not only did it take less than 10 plants to turn her into a plantsim; I actually managed to catch a picture of the beginning of her transformation.

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My plantsim default replaces the green skin with a vine overlay (which is actually visible, if you look super closely!), and leaves the hair alone (something I needed for one of my legacy sims), so Elphaba gets a tiny hint of plantsim genes, while still showing off all her other supernatural genes.

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And here she is, as a full black sheep! Alien eyes, zombie skin, witchy black runes and green sparkles, vampire fangs, and spores of happiness since the plantsim vines are super faint on her.

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Plus, a bonus shot of her in werewolf form, complete with a gaping zombie mouth, and her fangs again.

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One more bonus; here’s Severus, Bela, and Victor as the three witch/warlock alignments. I think only Victor (and Elphaba) topped the magic skill completely, but both Severus and Bela are at the peak of their alignments.

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…and here’s Elphaba’s collection of before and after portraits! From left to right, top to bottom: Alien, witch, vampire, werewolf, zombie, plantsim.

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Thanks for reading my monster mash challenge! I had a blast playing this, and I’m really hoping everyone else on Boolprop will, too! Here’s the final point tally:

+20 for finishing in 2 generations+60 points for Elphaba being each of the 6 lifestates, and +20 for going for all the lifestates +30 for having 6 other supernatural creatures in the family, +20 for a bigfoot & servo, +30 for having a witch/warlock of each of the 3 alignments, and +20 for a dance sphere abduction+20 points for 2 siblings, +10 for having a spare, +25 for giving Victor a family +5 for Elphaba learning 1 toddler skill+5 for Kendra topping her career+20 for the family being worth 50,000 simoleons +30 for a portrait of each of Elphaba’s 6 lifestates+15 for growing their own produce

Altogether, if my math is correct, that makes 330 points! I’m sure somebody will beat my total, but hey, at least I had the honour of being the first to complete the challenge! ;)