Contact Proof Analysis Shoot 2 Vintage shop

Contact proof analysis shoot 2

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Contact Proof Analysis Shoot 2

Vintage shop

Page 2: Contact proof analysis shoot 2

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For this shoot, I went inside a vintage shop with my model and we browsed through the wide selection of clothing, shoes and accessories that thy had to offer. I took several different shots featuring my model and also the shop items to give an overall sense of the atmosphere inside the shop. I did this so that my audience would get a feel for what the vintage shop is really like.

On the contact sheet, I have put crosses and ticks to indicate which photographs work well, and which aren’t that successful. I will talk about the successful ones in more detail and how they will be adapted into my magazine.

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I will use the 1st and 3rd image because I feel that they really give a positive look into the vintage shop, as they are displaying the clothing nice and neatly, ensuring a pleasant shopping experience. The 2nd image gives a different perspective to the shop as I am capturing the mirror with my model’s reflection in, which is adding another point of view into my work.

I think that the image of the fur coats is also quite successful because I like the texture being portrayed throughout, as it adds a realistic effect to the image, as you can almost get a sense of what the coats feel like. This would possibly tempt people who are interested in vintage fashion and faux fur coats to make them come into this shop.

The last 3 images look strange, therefore I will not be including them in my work. I think that they look too staged, and not very natural. Also, the model’s expression is very bored and it looks as though she is concentrating too hard on what she is looking at.

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The second image is successful because it portrays the diverse range of items in the shop which is available to purchase. It is a different style of shot, as I am looming over the item taking the photo from above. The third image works well because it is showing a wall, filled with belts and scarves which could be shown as a collection. I think that this would be useful to include in my article because I could talk about the different types of accessories found in vintage boutiques and the advantages of them.

The fourth image is interesting because I have taken the shot of my model, but with a random shopper in the background having a look in the mirror. I feel that this gives a more realistic effect as there are more people in the shop who are interested in vintage.

I think that the 6th image is of a completely different angle, not focusing on the clothes so much at all, but the contrast in colours that you are most easily able to find in these places. I feel that this would be a good background image for either my article or website, just to add a more creative approach to my project.

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I think the 4th image shows a vintage feeling throughout, as you have the rustic mannequin model which is dressed up showing off the clothes.

The 5th image shows my model putting a garment up against her body, looking happy. I feel that this gives a positive vibe about the shop and that people are willing to spend time to look around. I feel that the composition is good in this shot because it shows that she is interacting with the clothes, showing an interest in the exciting clothes on offer. This would communicate to the audience that the whole shopping experience is something completely different to what you come across in high street stores, and that it is a rather unique way of life.

I think the 8th image is successful because it shows my model looking away from the camera, facing towards a clothes rack. This is effective because it suggests that it is easy to get lost inside one of these wonderful shops because there is so much to find and uncover. I could use this image as a feature on my magazine because I feel that it is linking both the person and the garments so that they are related closely together.

I feel like the last two images have no context and they are totally out of place out of the rest of the photographs. I thought that they would look interesting as a contrast but they didn't come out that successfully, so I will not be including them in my magazine.

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Evaluation of shoot

Overall, I think that this shoot was successful. I feel that I got some good quality images that I will be able to make use of for my magazine and website pages, that will relate to my choice of theme, vintage clothing and lifestyle. I feel that the images work well together and there is a continuous link between them all, as they are connecting the viewer, model and objects together.

I think that these images have a good theme running throughout, and that they display the shop in the most honest way possible. I would only edit these photographs a tiny amount because I don’t feel that they need a lot of editing doing to them at all as they are well lit, showing the subject in the frames quite clearly.

I feel that if I were to do this shoot again, I would bring a few more people to browse around the shop and pose for me, just to add more people in my shots to make it look like it is busy.