Digital Graphic Narrative Development Natalie Lynch

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Digital Graphic Narrative


Natalie Lynch

Shape Task

Shape Task

EvaluationWhat did you like about your images?I like the effect that my images create and how they look like what they’re supposed to. I used just regular shapes and then the warp tool in order to create the exact shape I wanted for each animal. What would you improve if you did it again?If I did it again I would make sure to add more detail. This could be things as angles, shadows and small features on whatever I’m making in order to make it more realistic.


EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?I like that my image captures the basic details and features of the face and follows the same angles as the photo.What would you improve if you did it again?I would add more shadowing to enhance the features of the face and maybe create a background image as well to make it interesting. I’d also add different colours to the hair to give more of a realistic effect.

Film Quotes


What did you like about your image?I like that the image is basic to look at but also involves different textures which help towards making it more detailed. The text also includes two different fonts which contract with each other. What would you improve if you did it again?If I was to do this again, I would definitely change the photo rather than copying an image that already exists. Eg. I would clip the main focus of the image and put it on a background that is just a block colour. This will make the image as well as the writing stand out even more.

Text Based

Text Based


What did you like about your image?On the first example (image clipping mask), I like how the letters are all connected so therefore you’re able to see the image more clearly. On the second example I like the one with the gradient overlay and how the letters are spaced out as it’s still readable but the gradient brings the letters all together.What would you improve if you did it again?If I was to do it again I would maybe experiment with leading and tracking more especially on the text with an image clipping mask to see how well it would work and how clear the overall effect is.

Comic Book

Comic Book


What did you like about your image?The first image I like the most as it’s very bold and highlights the key features of the face. I also like how most of the person is surrounded by a thin white outline but the hair shows slight detail and blends in to the background. The second I like because the colours of the background contrast highly with the person so that the attention is drawn to him.What would you improve if you did it again?I would improve the accuracy of cutting round the main focus and maybe play with the contrast to highlight more or less features of the face.

Photo Story


What did you like about your image?I like how I have set the images out – making the more important ones larger and less important smaller. As well as this I like how the numbers make the story to follow.What would you improve if you did it again?If I was going to do this again I would maybe think about changing the way my images were taken such as trying different angles or shots to focus on things more.



What did you like about your image?I like how my drawing looks like the character that it was meant to and how it features the key details.What would you improve if you did it again?If I had to draw it again, I would maybe begin to draw the body and rest of the hair. As well as this, I would try to draw my own original character rather than copying an already existing one in order to be able to recreate it exactly but digitally.

Narrative Environment


What did you like about your image?I like how it is a clear representation of a particular place. It shows texture and has a few small details to make it more realistic.What would you improve if you did it again?If I was to do this again, I would definitely add more details to make it more exciting. For example, this could be adding a character or just more things to look at in the image but not too overwhelming.

Initial Ideas

Idea Generation

The Story of The Three Bears: When they go out they realise that their things begin to go missing and then one day a girl is in their house. The story is set in their home and there’s only 4 characters all together.

Rapunzel: A story about a lonely and poor couple who want a child. They make a deal when they get caught stealing a plant from the neighbour’s garden, who is an evil witch. She locks their child away on her 12th birthday but then is saved by a prince who climbs up her hair and into the tower. The story only involves 5 characters.

Little Red Riding Hood: This is about a young girl who is ordered by her mother to go and visit her grandma because she isn’t well. On her way, she meets a wolf in the forest. When she gets to the cottage, she finds the door slightly open and when she shouts, doesn’t get a response from her grandma.

Mood BoardFo





r Ho


Mood Board


10 pages (square – 22 x 22cm)

Story Overview

A couple who are having a baby were one day caught stealing from their neighbour’s garden, who was an evil witch. As a punishment the witch said that as soon as their baby is born that she will have it and take care of it as if it was her own. Terrified, the poor husband agrees. The couple gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and as the witch said, she came and took the baby away only to lock her up in a tower. The girl grew to become very beautiful and have very long hair. The only person she would see was the evil witch, who would bring her food every day and use her hair to climb up to the tower. One day, a prince was riding past and heard Rapunzel sing. He fell in love with the sound of her voice and, as the witch had done previously, shouted Rapunzel to let her hair down in order to be able to climb up to the tower. Will the power of love save Rapunzel from the witch, or will she forever be locked in the tower?

Export Format

PDFAdvantages: They’re quick/easy to create, they are compact and you can compress in order to send large files through email.

Disadvantages: Difficult to edit, not as easy to work with text in a PDF document, there’s also different types of PDF files.


19th November 2016


The target audience for my Children’s book will be females aged 4-8. This is because it will be more detailed than a younger children’s book but will also contain pictures on each page which will clearly tell the story too if the child was in the younger half of my age range and can’t fully understand it on their own. I will also aim it at children from English speaking countries.

Production Methods

To create my characters, I’m going to mainly be using the rotoscope technique. This way I will be able to create a more detailed and exact character of what I want it to look like. I will also use the shape tool to create the backgrounds and settings. This is because they’re easier to create using simple shapes and the warp tool to give it more definition. In Photoshop, I can also use different effects such as the gradient tool and the clipping mask tool to create layers of texture or pattern.

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

The audience is known in great detail and the production techniques are well explained, the story is summed up well and knowledge on the advantages and disadvantages of PDF are clearly stated. Knowing the size and amount of your pages are good and knowing this will help others understand your book layout.

The layout and setup of pages, including text and image set up, is unknown and not stated in the proposal. Maybe explaining the production methods for rotoscope, such as what you plan on rotoscoping, will help to explain what else you plan on doing to get your characters aesthetic.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

In the idea generation there is shown a clear idea of what locations, characters and text will be like, there is a lot of detail included which shows that they know what these aspects are going to be like in the book. The locations and characters on the mood board show an idea using the adaptations that already exist, and the colour exploration shows thought about settings.

Different adaptations on the character to give a varied view of the characters aesthetic, there isn't any styles of the images and layout are not shown to have been explored or explained as to what you are going to do.

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

The proposal outlines the narrative of the book in detail and explains the audience very well. It also includes a detailed description of the production techniques that will be used in the production of the book.

The production could include what will be rotoscoped and what will be created using the shape tool, this would make the proposal much more coherent.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

The idea generation incudes ideas for colours, fonts, character and settings. The images all follow the same aesthetic which helps to visualise the book in its finished form. It also says how the story is going to be adapted for the book and the layout of the book.

There could be more images detailing different ideas for character and setting design and many more font ideas, even if they are not going to be chosen it shows that progress has been made throughout the idea generation process.

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

The product idea is clearly laid out and easy to imagine from the description of the story. The production method is well explained, including various tools that go alongside the rotoscoping technique.

Could include why you chose your target audience and why this audience would prefer this product. The story doesn’t have a clear resolution.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

The development of each idea is evident and the detail within each character and their individual settings is very good. The first few images on the mood board give a good indication of the tower setting and I like the individual colour schemes for each setting.

Could include why each idea is ideal for the target audience. It’s not clear what the personal design style is going to be and what your characters are going to look like.

Feedback SummarySum up your feedback.My feedback is mainly saying to add more detail and to explain why I have chosen to do certain things. It also says how the idea of my story is clear and that I have explored colours/themes to use within it.

Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?I agree that I should state more detail such as the things I am going to rotoscope or create with shapes. I also agree that my overview and audience choice are explained well in detail. I should also explain what layout I am going to use and why as this is an important part in making the book look good.

Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?

I disagree that I will need to show different adaptations of my character at this stage. I created a mood board with different images of what my character could look like and explored the different options by showing them on there.

Original Scripthttp://www.eastoftheweb.com/short-stories/UBooks/Rapu.shtml

Original Script

Story Breakdown

1. There’s a couple who are expecting a child.2. The woman stares out the window to look at

some plant in the neighbour’s garden and get’s husband to get it or she will die.

3. The husband climbs over the wall into the garden and stole some but got caught by the evil witch.

4. She made a deal to let him off if they gave her their daughter once she was born.

5. Rapunzel grew into a beautiful girl with long hair but when she was 12 the witch locked her in the tower.

6. The witch takes food to Rapunzel everyday by using her hair to climb up to the tower.

7. The prince rides past and hears her singing so climbs up like he had seen the witch do, but when he got up there he was faced with the witch.

8. She shouts and pushes him to the ground, leaving him with a few injuries.

9. He rides away and Rapunzel is told she will never see him again.

10. A few years later, the prince finds Rapunzel in the desert where she was left by the witch to live in great misery.

1. A couple have been wanting a child for a while.2. The wife sees some plants out the window which will

make her feel better while she’s ill.3. She gets her husband to get some for her or she will

die but he gets caught by the evil witch who’s garden the plants are in.

4. She and the husband agree that once their child is born she will take her and look after the child as her own.

5. They gave birth to a baby girl who the witch came and took.

6. The witch locks Rapunzel up in the tower on her 12th birthday and takes her food every day.

7. One day the King’s son rides past on his horse and hears Rapunzel sing.

8. He tries to climb up Rapunzel’s hair but gets caught.9. The witch cuts Rapunzel’s hair so the Prince ends up

falling. 10. He is forced to leave and never come back. The witch sets Rapunzel free but takes her to a desert to live the rest of her life with grief and misery.11. The Prince finds Rapunzel a few years later and they move away together to get married and live in great happiness.

Option 1; Option 2;

Draft Script 1

Page 1: There was once a couple who had been wanting a child for a very long time. They lived in a small house and had a neighbour, who was the evil witch.

Page 2:One day, the wife became ill and was staring out her bedroom window at some plants in the witches’ garden. They were the only thing that’ll make her feel better if she ate them. Page 3:She ordered her husband to go and take some of the plant or she would only become worse. Little did they know that the witch was about to catch him.

Page 4:The witch was very angry at the husband. She says she’ll let him take some of the plant but only on one exception: When the couple’s baby is born, she will take it and look after it as her own. The husband agrees to the deal, worried about what would’ve happened if he had said no.

Page 5:Some months later, the couple gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who’s hair grew to be very very long, and as the Witch said, she came and took her.

Draft Script 1

Page 6:The witch called the girl Rapunzel and on her 12th birthday, locked her up in a tower in the middle of the forest. Every day, the Witch would take Rapunzel food and would tell her let down her hair, so that she could use it to climb up to the tower.

Page 7:On a wonderfully sunny morning, the King’s son was riding through the forest. In the distance, he heard Rapunzel singing and instantly fell in love with the sound of it.

Page 8:He got closer to the tower and shouted Rapunzel to let down her hair, copying what he had seen the witch do before. As asked, Rapunzel let it down and the Prince began climbing only to see the Witch looking down on him once he got near to the top.

Page 9: The witch pulled out some scissors and cut off Rapunzel’s hair, causing the Prince to fall.

Page 10:The Prince was forced by the witch to leave and never come back. The witch set Rapunzel free but took her to the desert, where she would live a lonely life.

Page 11/12 (double page):A few years on, the Prince was riding through the desert on his horse when he saw Rapunzel in the distance. He remembered how he fell in love with her singing and asked her to marry him. She agreed and they moved away to live in great happiness for the rest of their lives.

Draft Script 2 (Alternate Ending)

Page 1: There was once a couple who had been wanting a child for a very long time. They lived in a small house and had a neighbour, who was the evil witch.

Page 2:One day, the wife became ill and was staring out her bedroom window at some plants in the witches’ garden. They were the only thing that’ll make her feel better if she ate them. Page 3:She ordered her husband to go and take some of the plant or she would only become worse. Little did they know that the witch was about to catch him.

Page 4:The witch was very angry at the husband. She says she’ll let him take some of the plant but only on one exception: When the couple’s baby is born, she will take it and look after it as her own. The husband agrees to the deal, worried about what would’ve happened if he had said no.

Page 5:Some months later, the couple gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who’s hair grew to be very very long, and as the Witch said, she came and took her.

Draft Script 2 (Alternate Ending)

Page 6:The witch called the girl Rapunzel and on her 12th birthday, locked her up in a tower in the middle of the forest. Every day, the Witch would take Rapunzel food and would tell her let down her hair, so that she could use it to climb up to the tower.

Page 7:On a wonderfully sunny morning, the King’s son was riding through the forest. In the distance, he heard Rapunzel singing and instantly fell in love with the sound of it.

Page 8:He got closer to the tower and shouted Rapunzel to let down her hair, copying what he had seen the witch do before. As asked, Rapunzel let it down and the Prince climbed to the top.

Page 9:Suddenly, they heard the witch climbing up the tower. The prince moved forward towards the tower entrance and when the witch reached the top, he pushed her to the ground in order to save Rapunzel.

Page 10:That was the last time the prince and Rapunzel saw the witch. They then climbed down from the tower and rode away on the prince’s horse. From then on, they got married and lived with everlasting happiness.

Final Script

Page 1: There was once a couple who had been wanting a child for a very long time. They lived in a small house and had a neighbour, who was the evil witch.

Page 2:One day, the wife became ill and was staring out her bedroom window at some plants in the witches’ garden. They were the only thing that would make her feel better if she ate them. Page 3:She ordered her husband to go and take some of the plant or she would only become worse. Little did they know that the witch was about to catch him.

Page 4:The witch was very angry at the husband. She says she’ll let him take some of the plant but only on one exception: When the couple’s baby is born, she will take it and look after it as her own. The husband agrees to the deal, worried about what would’ve happened if he had said no.

Page 5:Some months later, the couple gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who’s hair grew to be very very long, and as the Witch said, she came and took her.

Final Script

Page 6:The witch called the girl Rapunzel and on her 12th birthday, locked her up in a tower in the middle of the forest. Every day, the Witch would take Rapunzel food and would tell her let down her hair, so that she could use it to climb up to the tower.

Page 7:On a wonderfully sunny morning, the King’s son was riding through the forest. In the distance, he heard Rapunzel singing and instantly fell in love with the sound of it.

Page 8:He got closer to the tower and shouted Rapunzel to let down her hair, copying what he had seen the witch do before. As asked, Rapunzel let it down and the Prince climbed to the top.

Page 9:Suddenly, they heard the witch climbing up the tower. The prince moved forward towards the tower entrance and when the witch reached the top, he pushed her to the ground in order to save Rapunzel.

Page 10:That was the last time the prince and Rapunzel saw the witch. They then climbed down from the tower and rode away on the prince’s horse. From then on, they got married and lived with everlasting happiness.