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JusticeHooker Chemicals purchased a land for dumping chemical waste and also a major Employer. Investigation revealed Health issues from chemical waste. Relocated the residents, Presidential state of emergency,Government sued hooker. Occidental agreed to pay $120 million for containment facility.

TemperanceHooker did little to contain the waste and contamination.No fences were installed to keep the humans away from dangerous chemicals landfill.Very little was known to public about those harmful chemical wastes.Very few complaints were raised by the residents as their source of income was Hooker chemicals.Government removed some of the ceramic caps and sold the land for residential development and concrete walls were breached.Heavy Rains contaminated the canal.

Contrary to FortitudeCompany didn't disclosed the details of what and how much they dumped in the landfill.

PrudenceAfter the landfill was closed Hooker diligently contained the wastes by lining the canal with impenetrable concrete and placed a waterproof ceramic cap to prevent the rain water from entering.The Board of education demanded the land to build an elementary school and Hooker sold it in 1 dollar protested that land shouldn't be excavated.Inserted a clause into contract absolving the company of any further liability for land.

FortitudeScattered complaints from the residents about the chemical odor.Investigation on canal. Government sued hooker.