The Reflection of Hong Kong Society from Pop music Culture Lu Kai Yi (11130355) Tam Pui Ying (11072589) Kwok Chun Lap (1113602)

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The Reflection of Hong Kong Society from Pop music


Lu Kai Yi (11130355)Tam Pui Ying (11072589)

Kwok Chun Lap (1113602)

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Content1.Aims2.Features of Hong Kong Popular Music Culture 3.1970s 4.1980s 5.1990s 6. 2000 Society+ onwards 7.Conclusion 8.Reference

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•Know more about the relationship between Society and popular music culture•To show the evidence that there had had changes of the society since 1970s •Show how the society and culture affect the development of pop music culture in Hong Kong•Reveal the features of each selected period

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Features of Hong Kong Popular Music Culture

→ Symbol of the rise of popular culture → Canto-Pop→ Stakeholders including Singers, Composers, Arrangers, Record Companies, Entertainment Groups, Mass Media→ Cultural Industry in Hong Kong

→ Inspired by Western, Asian e.g Korean,Japanese

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1970s Society→ An important decade including important events and the development of society→ Inspiration for the content of many Canto-pop songs→ Start expansion of the usage of Cantonese→ Establishment for an international cosmopolitan city because of the colonial British Government → Increased industrialisation, commercialisation→ Mass Media

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1970s Famous Singer/Composer

Roman Tam Joseph Koo

Sam Hui

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The Features of 1970’s Pop Music

→ Canto-pop -->TVB: Theme Song→ Mixtures of Western Styles and Chinese music elements → Love Song→ Sam Hui, Joseph Koo

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→ 半斤八両 (1976) 我地呢班打工仔 通街走糴直頭係壞腸胃



出左半斤力 想話羅番足八兩 家陣惡搵食 邊有半斤八兩咁理想(吹漲)

我地呢班打工仔 一生一世為錢幣做奴隸個種辛苦折墮講出嚇鬼(死俾你睇)咪話冇乜所謂

The tighted working hours and busy lifeSome slangs revealed e.g. 通街走 , 壞腸胃 , 濕濟To suit the audience with common informal language

Workers being forced, feeling so tiredknow the difficulty of work No Pain No GainExpression of bad feeling Employers always treat the employees very bad

It shows that labours always work for income and always exploited by their boss and remind them to express their feelings bravely

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→獅子山下 (1979)

人生 中有歡喜 難免 亦常有淚

我地大家 在獅子山下 相遇上 總算 是歡笑 多於唏噓

放開 彼此心中 矛盾 理想 一起去追

同舟人 誓相隨 無畏 更無懼

同處 海角天邊 攜手 踏平崎嶇

我地大家 用艱辛努力 寫下那 不朽 香江 名句

Analysis: → Encourage Hongkongers to fight for their dream together and live optimistically → People live very hard because of the economy→ Workers feel very frustrated and hard→ Lots of social issues e.g. Lack of water, housing…. → Hong Kong Spirit

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Social Content of 1970s Popular Song

→ Deal with a range of social and economic issues such as exploitation of workers→ Represent the feeling from Hongkongers→ Become very popular until now→ Hongkongers need to work very hard to earn their wages

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Anita Mui Leslie Chueng

Alan Tam Denny Chan

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80s in Hong Kong:The manufacturing industry the services industry.Chances for Hong Kong people to succeed

The songs in 80s showed the hopes, pride and positive attitude people. e.g.《摘星》 It express the belief of HongKong people:

No matter how many times of failures, they also make their dreams come true.

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日出 光滿天路邊一間旅店



我要踏上路途我要為我自豪我要摘星 不作俘虜

不怕踏千山 亦無介意面容滿是塵土

步踏上路途 我


要摘星 不作俘虜星

遠望似高 卻未算高我


Song: 《摘星》陳百強( Denny Chan)




Finding dreams




Never stop in the road of life: Stop →no hope

Negative attitudeCheat by themselves “they are happy”

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四大天王 Sandy Lam

Faye Wong Hacken Lee

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1990s in Hong Kong1. The handover of Hong Kong (1997)Hong Kong people were worried a wave of emigration2. Asian Financial Crisis affected Hong Kong economy

The songs since 1990s showed the unity and encouragement of people.e.g.《同舟共濟》 It express the belief of HongKong people:

Hong Kong is our family so we need to overcome the crisis with Hong Kong.

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Song: 《同舟共濟》許冠傑( Sam Hui)

既決意留在這條船齊齊令它不遭破損困境挑戰 奮勇地面對令到這條船 永不翻轉

香港是我心 一顆不變心實在極不願 移民外國做二等公民必須抱著信心 把基礎打穩盡力地做我本份 定能突破戰勝黑暗

破鏡明日定會重圓時局定必得好懷著希冀 再創造時勢令到這條船 永久溫暖

香港是我家 怎捨得失去它實在極不願 移民外國做遞菜斟茶緊緊抱著結他 傾出這心裡話但願藉著這番話 齊齊共你發洩一下但願日後獅子山下人人團結 永不分化

Analysis Analysis

·The song express the aspiration of the people who decided stay in HK

·The song is for the people who decided to imagrate.

·persuade them stay at HK now/come back HK in the future.


·People should believe HK will be better

· never give up HK

·work hard

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2000’s Pop Music

TwinsJoey Yung Boyz

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2000’s Pop Music

2000’s Hong Kong1.Stable development in Hong Kong2.Y-generations grows up

Started to change the theme of songI ) YouthII ) LoveIII) School

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2000’s Pop Music

苦苦堅持 經已沒意思為何不可以

由我去決定誰 才應該在我心中擁有位置

當你下次 要玩伴時手機按到沒電時

情願你別來 找這失勢女子

我以前是冠軍 怎會慣 做後備愛人 曾經 也上到最高 逐漸滑落 谷底的暗

看見未來 雙腳已在震 因我說過愛是無撼 才會受教訓

Song: 容祖兒 - 16號愛人


only to tell how sad to break up with boyfriend/girlfriend

_______________________Reflecting the concert of love of some people

Look love as match,unwilling to be the loser.

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2000’s Pop Music


…啦啦啦啦 .

Song: Sun Boy'z - La La世界

Youth (Energetic)

The dream of the teenager nowadays→ Travel around the world

To maintain how powerful the teenager are

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2000’s Pop MusicSong: Twins - 女校男生

男生們是非 我細細聲講給你 我坐你隔離 像對孖公仔報喜


告訴我其實你 原來曾為了他 曾瞞著我離去 做過普查

你與我都怕 提及他 連喉嚨亦會 沙

偷偷的背著我 喝他的茶誰料你為了他可這樣不雅

Youth (Secondary school life)

Secret Crush

1.Many teenager wants to fall in love2.To memorize people’s what they dowhen they are young

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→Pop music is related to the society→Pop Music Culture is changed by the other countriese.g.music culture, social environment and people living style→ Local Pop music is inspired by American and British style, with some chinese musical features→ Hongkongers have required to work very hard together since 1970s →The songs showed the positive thought and the hopeful HongKong since 1980s→The pop music style is encourage since 1990s

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ReferenceChan Ming Hong(2007). 從《獅子山下》到「許冠傑金曲」到《始終有你》-「香港人的歌」與「香港人」有什麼關係? . Retrieved from


Wong Sze Ling(2012). —《半斤八兩》 a—詞人簡介、歌詞解讀Retrieved from http://cantonpopblog.blogspot.hk/2012/04/blog-post_1392.html Lau Man Chun(2003). A study of Hong Kong Popular Music Industry(1930-2000). Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong. Man Oi Kuen(1998). Cantonese Popular Song in Hong Kong in the 1970s: An Examination of Musical Content and Social Context Inselected Case Studies. Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong Wong Jum Sum(2003). The Rise and Decline of Cantopop. Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong Yiu Wai Chu and Eve Leung(2013). Remapping Hong Kong Popular Music: Covers, Localisation and the Waning Hybridity of Cantopop. Popular Music, 32, pp 65-78. London: Cambridge University Press. Matthew M. Chew(2011). Hybridity, Empowerment and Subversiveness in Cantopop Electronic Dance Music. London: Taylor &Francis Group