Image 1 At first I took this image. I like this image because it shows ‘students’ doing their work. Whilst two of them work, one looks at the camera. I think this is effective because it shows the different aspects of school life. I also like the way that they’re at different heights, because your eye is drawn to the main person, he is the focal point, so I will ensure that if I were to use this image his head would be in front of the masthead to show the importance of him being a student.


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Page 1: Images

Image 1

At first I took this image. I like this image because it shows ‘students’ doing their work. Whilst two of them work, one looks at the camera. I think this is effective because it shows the different aspects of school life. I also like the way that they’re at different heights, because your eye is drawn to the main person, he is the focal point, so I will ensure that if I were to use this image his head would be in front of the masthead to show the importance of him being a student.

Page 2: Images

Image 2

This image is just like the first, I used the same scene, and the same layout whereas the main person is also looking down continuing to work, as well as the other two. I do also like this image, although I think that it’s not as interactive as the first as you’re not drawn in by the main persons eyes and smile. As well as this the shadow seems to make the main person’s face darker than it Is drawing attention away from it.

Page 3: Images

Image 3

For this I have also used the same scene once again, although this time all three are looking at the camera. I chose to do this as I thought it would be more interactive and there would be more going on within the shot. I do like this image because they all look like hard working students and all seem interactive toward the camera although there isn’t really a focus point to which the viewers eye will be drawn.

Page 4: Images

Image 4

With this shot I thought of doing something different and changing where I took the shot. I took this image from behind as two people carried on doing work when the centre person turned to the camera. I didn’t really like this Idea as it seems the other two aren’t really interactive and seem like they’re not really in the shot. I don’t think I’ll use this image for my student magazine.

Page 5: Images

Image 5

When I took this shot, I decided to take it from a different place. I liked the idea of them eating in the canteen, but I don’t think it really worked as it’s not very interesting and it doesn’t appear to coincide with what would be in my magazine, about school work. I think there’s too much in the shot and there’s nothing that would catch the audiences eye, and that’s vital if I want them to pick up this magazine.

Page 6: Images

What I decided…

In the end I have decided to use this image. I chose it because I like the way it’s laid out and I think it’s really relevant to my magazine, as they’re doing school work. I like the way that the main focus point is the smiling face because it’s quite attention catching and makes a change rather than showing them just doing work. I thought it was also a good angle, because the foreground of the image is quite clear whereas the background isn’t as much, therefore the audience will be focusing more on the front of the image. This is also a good shot to place the masthead behind kieren’s head because then that makes him seem more important.