Question 2) How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Media question2

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Question 2) How does your media product represent particular

social groups?

Cover page

My magazine is representing the rock genre of music. Throughout the magazine there is the use of bold colour schemes such as black, red and white. The image of the rock artist Harper R holding an electric guitar also suggest that the magazine is a rock magazine. The main image of my artist I chose is presented in the stereotypical image of a rock star as he has the long hair, tattoos and a bandana. The idea of the artist holding a guitar was inspired by another magazine which is rock themed, this helped the magazine appear more rock as it can be compared to a well known magazine. My genre of music is mainly sex, drugs and rock and roll. However I have made the content less controversial as I do not want to put off readers.

Contents page

I have made my contents page to be more in your face just like the genre it is representing. The bright red background is an example of this as it catches the readers attention straight away. This page is representing rock music as it features rock artists in the text such as Royal blood, Paramore and Enter shikari. From most magazines I have borrowed the form of using graphical social media logos. I have represented my artist to be really serious as the way he is posed with the facial expression makes it look serious as there is eye contact. The clothes however would make the reader think it is less serious as he is dressed casual.


The content in the article about artist Harper Redman has been carefully considered as I wanted him to be represented to appear more down to earth and not like a typical rock star.

I chose the questions that would be used as I wanted to know more of his past ad how he achieved his status.

The quotes I have chosen to highlight I did so as the reader and I wouldn't’t expect the artist to say that.

Another way harper is represented is through his social group as he is a young male which relates to the majority of rock magazine readers.

I chose that specific font for the title as it represents playfulness and it cant be taken seriously.

The clothing that he is wearing for the article picture of a polaroid supports the text as harper practicing makes him appear to be hard working and casual as he is in his bedroom.