CONTENT ANALYSIS Analysis “NME” and “We Love Pop”

Nme + we love pop contents analysis

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CONTENT ANALYSIS Analysis “NME” and “We Love Pop”

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The first magazine I shall be analysing is the "We Love Pop" magazine. This magazines genre obviously pop. In the top right you have the logo "we love pop" which is very clear and quite large so you know what magazine is from. The house style is very clear and consistent through out the contents page and links the same as the front cover so it's evident what magazine this is. Furthermore the house style is very colourful, bright and clean which links to the pop theme as it should be very bubbly. The theme colours are green, blue, white and black which again follow the pop theme. The sub title "We Love This" is the biggest text and most central which is very consistent as each magazine has the same lay out where it is. The sub title draws in the audience as they want to find out more. The ellipsis implies there's more to find out which also intrigues the reader.

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This contents page has clearly three columns which allows for good structure and to clearly lay out your information, for example in the first column you have the editors letter. The editors letter is used to explain what's in the issue and why it's been written, it's a personal way to connect with the reader in a more conversational tone than informational. Also using the hand written font at the bottom which says "Emily x" makes it seem very personal and like it has been written personally from "Emily" to you as the reader. Also putting a kiss makes it seems very personal as you would only message kisses if you know the person which also makes it very personal. Within the second column you have the main image of the main artist in the magazine Olly Murs which is used because he's the main focus of this issue and is a article on him on page 30. These used of pull quotes underneath also gives an insight on the story which interests the reader, for example these pull quotes say "I'd give Rita Ora a nice cuddle...and maybe a snog". This use of gossip grabs the readers attention and then uses page numbers to tell you where it is within the magazine. In the third column you have images used to show page numbers and stories but also using images is a very clever way to give the reader an insight on the magazine but also really interest at the same time.

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Over the whole magazine there is a range of different fonts and the sizes but they seem to be very consistent as what they are used for and the sizes. For example the titles use a specific font to identify what's what to he reader. Also the fonts link to the genre if pop as they are every clean and sharp looking which appeal to a young audience (child -young adult). Also the contents page includes a "free" Calendar which is the "We love pop" Calendar for the year. This is used to make the reader want to have it and them every time they look at it it reminds them of the magazine because it has the logo everywhere. It also persuades you to buy the magazine again because they get a free product which the public loves.

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Another very important part of the magazine is having links to other places where you can subscribe to and find out more information such as the website. This is placed in the bottom right hand corner next to the page number which is also very important as it tells us what page we are on. Furthermore roughly in the centre to the left is the box with page numbers and interesting stories to inform the reader on what is the content and where it's located in the magazine. Moreover they have a section at the bottom which is labelled "hot posters" which is very smart as the pop audience traditionally love pop posters of there favourite artists. Especially teenage girls really like having there "teenage crushes" up on there walls such as One Direction. Finally this magazine carries a Christmas theme because it's a Christmas issue.

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The second magazines contents page I shall be analysing is NME also known as New Musical Express. I have chosen this to analyse because the house style and genre of rock contrasts with the "We Love Pop" magazine.

Firstly at the top of the page you have the title of the magazine followed by the lexis' "this week" implies it's the contents page as you are going to find out the content of the magazine. On the left which lasts the whole length of the page is the "band index" which is used very cleverly as in the theme of rock which this magazine focuses in there are a lot of rock bands and basically they have listed the bands and put page numbers by the bands to let you know what page they are on so it's easy and quickly to find your favourites. The clever use of different colours makes it clear what page it's on contrasting to the band names.

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In the centre of the page like the "We Love Pop" magazine is the main image of the main band or artist being talked about in this issue. But unlike the other magazine it has a bit of slight detail of the story underneath about what the article will be about. Above you have the headline in a large bold text so it's clear to the reader what the main story of the issue is, the headline is "The moment that...Everyone got on board Africa Exprez". Underneath is a subscribe box which is used in yellow completely different to all the other texts so it stands out to make you he drawn to it and subscribe. It also has a mini front cover on it to show exactly what you are subscribing to. The main texts about the subscription is very large and bold and then the small text at the bottom gives more information where to go and contacts details.

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Again like the "We Love Pop" magazine the contents page has 3 columns. In the first column is the band index, in the second you have the main story/image and subscription and then finally in the third column furthest to the right you have all the categories and information about where it is. The categories include "News, radar, reviews, features and Live!" There is also a little section at the bottom which says "plus". Then underneath you have the content which fits into that category and an arrow next to the content that was mentioned on the front cover incase that interested you.