Photo Essay Proposal Alex Pontet

Photo essay proposal

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Photo Essay Proposal

Alex Pontet


The digital age of smartphones and tablets has provided us with the ability to explore and enjoy the world as never before.

The digital age of smartphones and tablets has provided us with the ability to ignore and forego the world as never before.


FACT also...

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OINa46HeWg8



SAN FRANCISCO -- The man drew the gun several times on the crowded San Francisco commuter train last month, with surveillance video showing him pointing it across the aisle without anyone noticing and then putting it back against his side, according to authorities.

The other passengers were so absorbed in their phones and tablets they didn't notice the gunman until he randomly shot and killed a university student, authorities said.



Source: http://www.ctvnews.ca/sci-tech/passengers-distracted-by-smartphones-fail-to-notice-armed-man-before-fatal-shooting-police-1.1490181

Theme More particularly, while staring down at your phones screen, catching up on Facebook updates and tweeting about the latest fascinating website you have discovered, you may fail to look & notice at what and who is around you

Everyday life has become a re-hash of the same monotonous tasks and labours, day in and day out.

C o n c e n t r a t i n g o n t h e Smartphone phenomenon of the last decade, I want to capture the momen ts you m iss wh i l e distracted by it on your journey; t h e i n t r i c a c i e s , n u a n c e s , emotions, details, inspiration and fascinations with the world

My Representation Six photographs. In the foreground: a smartphone displaying the media on the screen. Out of focus. Lower-right/left third of the photograph.

In the background: the scenery, personal moment or memory passed by and unlived. In focus.

Action Plan Where: bench in a park | on a train | on the street | in the pub | at home | at work on lunch | … in Brighton. Who/What: people (friends) | scenery | funny moments | touching moments | candid moments | everyday wonders. How: two/three day shoot | with a Nikon D7000 | using ‘models’ | using the public (with signed waivers) | variety in weather.