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The reasons behind choosing our actors

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The reasons behind choosing our actors

Sammie Magee playing the part of Zoe

Sam Maddocks playing the part of Greg

The main reasons for choosing these two people to be our main characters in ‘The Meet’ (our film opening) was because of a few reasons… All of us from Pinhole Productions knew them already, so we wouldn’t have to waste time introducing ourselves and getting to know their strengths and weaknesses. Also they both have a history with acting. Sammie is currently studying drama A level and Sam got an A grade in his drama GCSE. Another advantage with these two is that they already know each other as well, so it wasn’t awkward for them to be holding hands. Lastly one of the main reasons why they were chosen was because, to an audience they would come across as typical teenagers and that’s exactly what we needed. As well as this both of their fashion senses are what we are looking for: casual but they both make an effort. So for us, all we had to do for their costumes was to tell them to wear something that they usually would wear to college. Without making too much of an effort. Finally as a group we are really pleased that both Sam and Sammie, were happy to be a part of our film opening. And we look forward to working with them.