The Road poster analysis

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The main image shows the two Characters, we assume are the leading roles in the film. But the only Ionic part of the image, which directly relates to the genre,

Post Apocalyptic Thriller, is the background or the scenery. In this case we can clearly see that it is presented as dark and grey creating a dull, depressive

atmosphere. But mainly we see the dilapidated buildings and a dim skyline. These images are iconic as they directly relate to the genre of the film, as when

we aim to see an apocalyptic movie, we instantly identify it with the surroundings in which the story is set.

The Tag Line

The tag line in this poster is “When civilization Ends” “The Battle For Survival Begins” this immediately tells the view that civilization as we know it has ended

and so this film will be focused around how people have survived or… not survived without the everyday modern commodities we surround ourselves with. We are not given any indication the cause of the “Apocalypse” in the poster, just the after

effects. This builds the posters code of Enigma, starting to create questions surrounding the film, engaging the view and making them want to see it.

The rest of it just backs up our ideas of a survivalist thriller, with words like “Battle” and “Survival”

The layout/ composition

Much like the poster of I am Legend, I think it is trying to show how the two characters in the centre left of the image are alone amongst the wasteland and their insignificance as they are presented as very small on the poster. Apart from that it is just identifying the viewer to

the environment as this plays a large part in the poster.

The stars credits

For this poster it includes all of the key Characters and they are all shown in the same text, the same size with the same position on the page indicating that they are all of similar

importance to the narrative of the story although they may not all share similar screen time in the movie.

The Title Block

For this poster the title is placed just above the centre of the poster. This is due to the fact that no attention is wanting to be taken away from the main image of the dilapidated environment. The text itself is in two different size, the word “Road” being the most

significant is the larger of the two. The font is that of a messy, painted look. With dots surrounding and imperfections, which directly relates to the genre and the destruction

shown in the movie.

Key Art/ Central Image

I think the most key or important aspect of this image as a whole is the father and son to the centre left. This is because in this we can see that they are holding hands, showing a

tight bond between them and which tells the view that the story will be following a father and his sons journey throughout, so we can expect to see certain scenarios that will play

out and see how each character grows throughout the movie.

Also to note is in the sky filled with dark grey clouds there is one patch of sky that is not covered and lets a little light through. This can be seen as symbolism, that there is a positive to the story, weather it be their destination or that they are traveling to find

something that will make their lives better. The patch of light above the two characters can be taken as a symbol of hope in the narrative.