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Image selection


• The use of my image for my front cover is the image circled in blue. I have chosen this image because I like the facial expression my model is giving and the direct mode of address she is giving. If I used a direct mode of address it will entice my audience. I also like how you are able to see all of my model body including the props she has used to create this image.

• The images I will use for my content page are the images circled in red. I have chosen these images as I find they are most fun, this will promote my magazine to be more interesting. I also like the use of different photography I have used e.g. colour gel, high key and projection.

• The image circled in green is the image I will use as my dominate image for my double page spread. I have chosen this image because it is giving a direct mode of address and I like the facial expression my model is holding on this image.