Los Angeles, CA Keynote Address Presented by Sean V. Bradley Pages: 13, 14

Internet Sales 20 Group Keynote

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Los  Angeles,  CA  Keynote  Address  

Presented  by  Sean  V.  Bradley  Pages:  13,  14  

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The  EvoluAon  &  Natural  SelecAon  of  the  AutomoAve  Industry  

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Based  on  the  recent    arAcle  in  On  The  Move:  The  EvoluAon  &  Natural  SelecAon  of  AutomoAve  Sales  

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NADA  is  predicAng  the    AutomoAve  Industry  will  have    sold  15  million  units  in  2013!  

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This  conference  personifies  the  highest  state  of:    


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All  of  You    –  every  person  right  here  in  this  room  –    

personifies  the  evolved  dealership.  

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Maturity  ConAnuum  

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The  most  successful  dealerships  are  those  

who  pracAce  interdependence.  

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Zig  Ziglar  once  said:  

“There’s  only  one  thing  worse  than  training  your  staff  and  having  them  leave,  and  that’s  not  training  

them  and  having  them  stay.”  

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   Because  of  evoluAon,  dealerships  need  to  provide  their  sales  teams  with  new  strategies  and  tacAcs.  

You  can’t  just  rely  on  the  “Road  to  the  Sale”  

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   To  be  evolved,  you  have  to  change.  

Jim  Ziegler  

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   So  how  do  you  evolve?  

By  changing  how  you  operate.  

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   TradiAonal  Methods  Are  No  Longer  EffecAve.    

Radio,  Print,  Basic  MarkeAng  Materials  aren’t  enough  anymore.  

We  live  in  a  digital  world  and  you  have  to  change  your  strategy  to  reflect  that.  

Incorporate  social  media,  videos,  opAmize  your  website,  put  yourself  out  where  your  prospects  are!  

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What  makes  a  modern  Dealership  Or  Sales  Consultant?  

Modern  stores  &  consultants  are  immersed  in  Internet  Sales,  BDC  and  Digital  MarkeAng  

Modern  stores  &  consultants  are  buying  and  generaAng  leads  proacAvely,  instead  of  reacAvely    

Modern  stores  &  consultants    seek  to  find  prospects  where  they  are  –  online!  

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ProacAve  ProspecAng  Capture  prospects  at  the  

Point  of  Interest  

Instead  of  at  their  

Point  of  Sale  

If  you  can  reach  your  prospects  before  they  enter  the  Sales  Pipeline,  you’ll  have  the  ability  to  influence  them  more  directly.  

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Google  ZMOT  Video  

ZMOT:  Zero  Moment  of  Truth  

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   Powerful  &  Important  Internet  StaAsAcs  

92-­‐99%  of  Americans  go  online  before  stepping  foot  inside  a  


Car  buyers  typically  spend  over  11  hours  searching  online  

Car  buyers  on  average  research  5-­‐8  different  dealerships  and  car  brands  before  making  a  decision  

The  average  buying  cycle  is  45-­‐90  days  –  much  longer  than  the  72  

hours  of  15  years  ago  

According  to  NADA,  tradiAonal  adverAsing  costs  $640/car;  But  internet  adverAsing  costs  $200/


Digital  MarkeAng  makes  it  easy  to  track  ROI;  tradiAonal  adverAsing  is  

very  difficult  to  track.  

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Sales  Professionals  of  the  Future  Are  Here  Now!  

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   How  Can  You  PosiAon  Yourself,  as  a  Sales  Person,  for  Modern  Times?  

Post  Videos  (tesAmonials,  walk-­‐arounds,  how-­‐tos)    

Create  Your  own  website  

Be  AcAve  on  Social  Media  Networks  

Manage  Your  Online  ReputaAon  

Engage  in  Cross  PromoAonal  MarkeAng  

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   TesAmonial  Videos  

•   New  car  sale  •   Used  car  sale  •   Service  customer  •   Female  shopper  •   VPP  •   How-­‐to  Videos  

1.  Film  Videos  

•   Geo  target  the  Atle  and  descripAon  •   Use  powerful  key  words  2.  OpAmize  Videos  

•   Post  to  all  social  media  pages  •   Email  to  your  customers  

3.  Deploy  Videos  

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Service  TesAmonial  Cherry  Hill  Porsche  

Purchase  TesAmonial  2014  Honda  Odyssey  

TesAmonial  Videos  

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   Powerful  &  Important    Social  Media  StaAsAcs  

84%  of  US  Vehicle  Shoppers  use  Facebook  

41%  said  they  saw  a  post  that  caused  them  to  add  or  remove  a  brand  from  their  list  of  choices  

38%  said  they  saw  a  post  that  caused  them  to  add  or  remove  a  dealership  from  their  list  of  choices  

45%  of  users  asked  their  friends/family  for  recommendaAons  

25%  of  users  said  that  social  media  significantly  influenced  their  purchase  decision  

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   Social  Media  

Engage  your  customers  and  prospects  and  encourage  them  to  engage  with  you.  The  more  back  and  forth  you  have  between  your  customers  the  more  relevancy  and  

credibility  you  have  online.  

Sales  Consultants:  Don’t  expect  your  dealership  to  take  on  this  role  alone!    Be  proacAve  by  posAng  comments  and  feedback  to  your  social  media  pages  and  share  some  of  the  dealership’s  

news  and  events  with  fans.    

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   Social  Media  







Review  Blog  




Must  Haves:  


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   Facebook  Examples  

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   Online  ReputaAon  

•  Rate  Experience  –  1-­‐5  •  What  did  you  like  best,  why?  •  Would  you  recommend  us?  •  Would  you  allow  us  to  use  your  review  in  the  future?  

At  Delivery  Survey  

•  Send  them  this  survey  •  Ask  for  feedback  periodically  •  Encourage  your  customers  to  leave  feedback  on  review  sites  

Email  Your  Contacts  

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   The  Importance  of  Videos  

The  average  buyer  spends  11  hours  researching  –  three  hours  of  it  watching  videos  and  two  hours  using  search  engines  

More  than  three  billion  Google  searches  are  completed  daily  

Videos  show  up  in  50  percent  of  Google  searches  

Video  is  53  Ames  more  likely  to  be  clicked  over  a  staAc-­‐text  link  

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   The  Internet  &  Video

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   The  Next  EvoluAon  of  the  

AutomoAve  Sales  Consultant!  

Robert  Wiesman  VSEO/Product  Review  

Elise  Kephart  Video  Responses  

Joe  Argento  Salesman  Video/Branding  

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Evolved  Sales  Techniques  

for  the  Modern  AutomoAve  Sales  Consultant  

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   Start  with  a  Plan:  

Methodical  Road  Map  •  Create  a  Business  Plan  with  a  clear  end  goal  in  mind  

•  Plan  and  prepare  accordingly  to  make  sure  you  meet  those  goals  


END  GOAL            



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   Start  with  a  Plan:  

Diversify  how  you  sell  cars  •   There  are  8  ways  to  meet  prospects  •  Make  sure  you  do  not  rely  on  only  one  area  •   Create  a  plan  that  reaches  out  to  prospects  in  all  8  of  these  categories  

•   Be  aware  of  closing  raAos  when  calculaAng  your  goals  


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   Start  with  a  Plan:  

Diversify  how  you  sell  cars  2  

Be-­‐Backs  (50%)   Walk-­‐Ins  (20%)   Phone-­‐Ups  (50%)  

Internet-­‐ups  (50%)  

Service  Customers  (10%)  

Previous  Customers  (65%)  

Referrals  (50%)   ProspecAng  (50%)   (Closing  RaAos  in    


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Videos  Index  higher  than  staAc  websites  

Use  Geo-­‐targeAng  to  make  your  info  relevant  

Update  your  informaAon  regularly  to  keep  it  current  

Encourage  customers  to  add  their  

own  content  to  your  social  media  pages  

   Start  with  a  Plan:  

Internet  Is  Key  •  In  order  to  maximize  the  other  areas,  you  need  to  focus  more  online  

•  With  posiAve,  relevant  and  content  filled  pages,  you  will  auract  more  prospects  from  online  sources  


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   Start  with  a  Plan:  

Emulate  Successful  Strategies  •  Dealerships  should  emulate  the  OEM  strategies  with  regards  to  social  media  and  online  acAviAes  

•  Sales  Consultants  should  emulate  the  dealership  strategies  with  regards  to  social  media  and  online  acAviAes  


SEO/SEM   VSEO/Video  ProducAon   Social  Media   RetargeAng  

Online  ReputaAon  

Website  Development  

Focus  Sites/Micro  Sites   Blogs  

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   Start  with  a  Plan:  

PracAce  a  ProacAve  Mindset  •   You  can  not  afford  to  wait  for  magic  to  happen  •   Be  creaAve  about  where  you  find  your  prospects  

•   The  way  you  view  the  sales  process  will  determine  your  behavior  which  will  determine  your  results  


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   Start  with  a  Plan:  

Methodical  Follow  Up  •   Become  an  expert  in  inbound  and  outbound  phone  process  (including  voicemails)  

•   Become  an  expert  on  inbound  and  outbound  email  process  

•   Become  an  expert  in  Social  Media  CommunicaAon  and  ReputaAon  Management  

•   Become  an  expert  in  Video  Messaging  –  uAlizing  Skype,  Face  Time,  Go  To  MeeAng,  etc.    


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   Start  with  a  Plan:  

Time  Management  Skills  

•   Determine  how  you’re  going  to  look  for  prospects  •   How  many  of  them  are  in  dealership?  •   How  many  of  them  do  you  need  to  call?  •   How  many  of  them  do  you  need  to  email?  


Tip:  Be  careful  of  distracAons  disguised  as  opportuniAes!  

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Accountability  •   Track  and  test  your  progress  throughout  the  month  

•   The  right  number  of  conversaAons  will  result  in  the  right  number  of  dealership  visits  which  will  result  in  the  right  number  of  units  sold.  

60  Calls  a  day  

X  .14  

8.3  ConnecAons  Daily  

14%  ConnecAon  


Start  with  a  Plan:  8  

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   Start  with  a  Plan:  

Master  Your  Crax  •  Master  the  “Road  to  the  Sale”  •  Master  your  Product  Knowledge  •  Master  the  art  of  passionately  explaining  the  features  and  benefits  of  your  brand  over  your  compeAtors  

•  Master  your  arAculaAon  of  why  your  dealership’s  VPP  is  beuer  than  any  other  

•  Become  a  master  at  qualifying  a  prospect  and  determining  their  wants,  needs  and  expectaAons  

•  Master  an  arsenal  of  5-­‐7  rebuuals  for  each  one  of  the  top  10  objecAons  


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The  Dealership  of  the  Future  Is  Here  Now!  

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   How  Can  You  PosiAon  Yourself,  as  a  Dealership,  for  Modern  Times?  

Focus  on  the  Four  P’s  

Create  Internet  Department  or  BDC  

Create  a  Comprehensive  Digital  MarkeAng  Strategy  

Manage  Your  Online  ReputaAon  

Invest  in  your  greatest  asset  –  by  training  your  people  

Get  Connected  –  AIS/AutoSuccess/IS20G  

P P  P P  

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“I  am  sick  and  Ared  of  listening  to  you  talk  about  how  we  can  get  bigger.  If  we  get  BETTER,  our  

customers  will  demand  we  get  BIGGER.”      

     –  Trueu  Cathy  Founder  and  Chairman,  Chick-­‐fil-­‐A  

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   Working  each  individual  profit  center  is  not  the  best  way  to  succeed  anymore.    

 None  of  the  profit  centers  will  thrive  if  they’re  not  working  together.    

ABC  Motors  


Internet  Dept.  

Service  Center  


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   Maximize  Your  4  P’s  

You’re  only  as  strong  as  your  weakest  link.  

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   People   Products  

Process   PromoAons  

4  P’s  

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   Typical  Dealership  Structure  

GM/GSM   F&I  Manger  

Sales  Manager  

Sales  Manager  

Sales  Person  

Sales  Person  

Sales  Person  

Sales  Person  

Sales  Person  

Sales  Person  

Sales  Person  

Sales  Person  

Sales  Person  

Sales  Person  

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   On  average,  a  typical  dealership  sells  96  units  per  month.  

96  units  per  month  10  Sales  People    9.6  units  per  person  

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   Evolved  dealerships  that  are  running  their  Internet  Department  properly  can  sell  

119  units  a  month  with  half  as  many  people!  

Here’s  How………  

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All  these  people  have  succeeded  using  this  method!  

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Digital  MarkeAng  

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Digital  MarkeAng  

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Online  ReputaAon  

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Invest  in  your  Assets  

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Gezng  Connected  

AutoSuccess  Online!   AutomoAveInternetSales.com!  

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   There  isn’t  just  a  

Showroom  anymore.  

There  isn’t  just  an  Internet  

Department  anymore.  

There  is  a  dealership.    

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   A  modern,  successful  dealership  realizes  the  impact  the  internet  has  on  all  of  their  profit  centers.    

A  modern  dealership  knocks  down  the  silos.    

A  modern  dealership  is  a  cohesive  blend  of  all  the  profit  centers.  

The  future  is  full  immersion  of  the  internet  and  showroom  enAAes.  

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   The  only  way  to  be  successful  in  the  automoAve  industry  today  is  to:  •  Acknowledge  that  the  internet  is  powerful  

•  OpAmize  the  internet’s  capabiliAes    •  PracAce  interdependence    •   Fully  immerse  all  profit  centers  so  they  work  cohesively  

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 “If  you  are  not  in  a  state  of  constant  evoluAon,  you  are  in  a  perpetual  state  of  transgression.”  

-­‐  Sean  V.  Bradley  

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   For  More  Resources:  www.AutomoAveInternetSales.com