Meet the Most Powerful Generation of Car Buyers The Millennials

Meet The Most Powerful Generation :: The Millennials

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Meet the Most Powerful

Generation of Car Buyers

The Millennials

The millennials are a force to be reckoned with.


1.8billion globally

There are a lot of them…


they have huge spending power…


78% own smart phones

they are technologically advanced…

40% of potential car buying

pop.Source: www.dealermarketing.com/marketing/advertising-menu/marketing-solutions/3291-the-car-buying-decision-new-or-used-for-millennials

and they are influential in the automotive industry.

Source: Forbes. www.forbes.com/sites/mattmiller/2012/07/03/why-you-should-be-hiring-millennials-infographic/

They have influence, and

Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012

74%of millennials say they influence purchase

decisions of other generations

Source: Jumpstart Automotive Group. The Millennial Auto Shopper: A Look At How They’re Buying and Leasing Vehicles Today . July 2013

they are looking for cars.

So it’s time to pay attention.

But how do these millennials behave?

Behavior 1 | They shop across devices

Source: Comscore 2012They are using more devices to shop.

Source: 2013 J.D. Power New Auto Shopper Study. www.jdpower.com/content/press-release/DxowqaR/-2013-new-autoshopper-study.htm

They use smartphones while they

shop for cars.

Source: Jumpstart Automotive Group. The Millennial Auto Shopper: A Look At How They’re Buying and Leasing Vehicles Today . July 2013

They rely on the ability to research on-the-go.

Behavior 2 | Millennials prefer text-based communication

2013 Nielsen Mobile Consumer Report



Text Messages

Phone Calls

On average, people across generations

send many more texts than phone calls.

Source: 2012 Accenture Automotive Consumer Study

Most people want text-based options.

Source: 2013 Contact At Once! Dealer Survey

They prefer the option to chat over

filling out a lead form.

Behavior 3 | They expect immediate response

Jumpstart Automotive Group :: Looking Back. Looking Ahead


Automotive News :: Dealers Should Respond to Questions

Quickly or Internet Shoppers Will Leave



How do we adapt to reach

customers with these new


Source: Millward Brown Digital/Google Vehicle Shopper Path to Purchase Study, September 2013

Online Shoppers reference 24 research touch points on average

Be everywhere they are.

Be easily accessible on any device.

Source: 2013 Contact At Once! Dealer Survey

Adopt a text-based strategy.

• Establish some ground rules

• What’s expected from your team?

• Reinforce the importance of speedy response

• Empower your team with mobile

Implement a fast response strategy.

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