Road Cargo: The Current State and the Future of the Gigaliner Project

The Gigaliner/ EuroCombi - Current State and Future Prospectives

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Page 1: The Gigaliner/ EuroCombi - Current State and Future Prospectives

Road Cargo: The Current State and the

Future of the Gigaliner Project

Page 2: The Gigaliner/ EuroCombi - Current State and Future Prospectives


,,The Gigaliners are coming!“ (FAZ 22.12.2015)

Stop Gigaliners! (Allianz pro Schiene, Alliance „No Mega Trucks“)

Page 3: The Gigaliner/ EuroCombi - Current State and Future Prospectives






Cargo in Germany

The Current State of the Gigaliner Project

Arguments for and against the Gigaliner

Outlook & Conclusion

Page 4: The Gigaliner/ EuroCombi - Current State and Future Prospectives




2,7 Road




Source: Own representation based on: Statista (2016)

Proportion on the total freight traffic in billion tonne kilometres



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Top 3 Goods Mining products (ores, soils,stones etc.) Mineral products (cement, glas, gypsum etc.) Food products

Tendency Growth in total freight (Economic situation, globalization, consumer‘s needs)


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Motorways 12.845 km of highways one of the densiest in the world Growth 1950-2000: Growth of 796% (Track: Growth of 41%)

Distance Road Cargo mostly used for short distances averagely distance: 132 km Toll For Freight trucks since 2005 (min 12,5t) since 2015 (min 7,5 t)

Tendency Growth in road cargo (Rail strike, EU-enlargement,Gigaliners)


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1896 First truck constructed by W. Maybach, built in Daimler factory

Limitation of length and weight: 18,75m --

40t/44t (combined traffic)

2016 2,8 mio. authorised trucks

The biggest manufactures


5 1912

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Cargo in Germany

The Current State of the Gigaliner Project

Arguments for and against the Gigaliner

Outlook & Conclusion

Page 9: The Gigaliner/ EuroCombi - Current State and Future Prospectives

Name of the prototype by Fahrzeugwerk

Alternative terms: Eurocombi / Longliner/ LCV (Long Combination Vehicle) / Road Train(AUS) / Ecocombi (SCAN/NL)/Megatrucks

Maximum measures:25,25m 40/44t, 11.5 t max per axe

Especially transporting bulky goods


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Only in advance defined routes

(application and approval) Obligatory to stay on the right track Prohibition of overtaking on motorways

5 years of driving experience on truck No accidents No entry in traffic penalty register


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On the paper EU Directive (96/53/EG) of 25. July 1996 Allows national states to decide over the permission to use gigaliners maximum = 25,25 m and 60t transnational traffic = 4ot

since December 2o11 permisson to test Gigaliners since December 2012 offical field test (-12/16) since June 2015 complete road network usable for gigaliners


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In the field 2015 119 Gigaliners on the road 2016 in 13 federal states allowed (exl.Berlin, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland) 2016 72% of German people are against Gigaliners


73% higher risk of accidents 69% higher costs for tax payers through improvement work on street 65% higher environment damages through shifts from track to road

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In the field (12 European countries)

1970 Starting of field tests 1996 officially in use 2016 announcement to increase the maximum weight from 64 to 74 t Field tests with trucks up to 30m and 90t

1970 Starting of field tests 2013 maximum measures: 25m – 76t [Density: 15,4/km2 (3.) = 230/km2]


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In the field (12 European countries)

Field tests since 2001 Officaly use since 2011 25 m <50t 60t max. largest and heaviest used trucks in the world (up to 200t, majority 80-120t)


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Cargo in Germany

The Current State of the Gigaliner Project

Arguments for and against the Gigaliner

Outlook & Conclusion

Page 16: The Gigaliner/ EuroCombi - Current State and Future Prospectives

Two Gigaliners can carry the freight of three conventional trucks

Reduction of costs up to 30% (25% reduction of petrol)

Gigaliners have shorter brake path than usual trucks


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The greater length loads streets less than a

conventional truck (better distribution of weight)

Gigaliners are more environmentally friendly compared to conventional trucks


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Up to 15 times higher Co2 Emission than trains

Wear of streets (1 Truck equals 100.000 cars)

Dangerous to other street drivers (in every

5th fatal car accident, a truck is involved) 18

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Harms environment indirectly as freight will be shifted from track to street due to decreasing costs for road cargo

Parking, Overtaking, Roundabouts 19

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Cargo in Germany

The Current State of the Gigaliner Project

Arguments for and against the Gigaliner

Outlook & Conclusion

Page 21: The Gigaliner/ EuroCombi - Current State and Future Prospectives


8 Million ton kilometres will be shifted from rail to road Due to the reduction costs

for road cargo (TU Berlin, 2015)

Traffic on German streets

Transnational Traffic Draft law by European

Comission already in 2013

Results of 2016 ending field test

Positive tendency due to progress report

Prognosis: Like many debated innovations the gigaliner will be a self-evident member of the European street scene.

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Thank you very much for your



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Abele, Gerd (2003): Transportwirtschaft, 4.Auflage, München: Oldenbourg Bretzke,W; Barkawi,K. (2012): Nachhaltige Logistik – Antworten auf eine globale Herausforderung, 2.Auflage, Berlin: Springer Heidmann, Mark (2012): Der Gigaliner in Deutschland und Europa: Entwicklung, aktuelle Diskussion und Blick in die Zukunft, Hamburg: Diplomica Vahrenkamp, Richard (2011): Die logistische Revolution – Aufstieg zur Massenkonsumgesellschaft, Frankfurt: Campus


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Electronic Sources Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (2014): Feldversuch mit Lang-LKW in: http://www.bast.de/DE/Verkehrstechnik/Fachthemen/v1-lang-lkw/v1-zwischenbericht.pdf;jsessionid=A81AAF7897DDA4590B4DFE8AE9AB8BAB.live21303?__blob=publicationFile&v=6 (abgerufen am 11.11.2016) BMVT (2008): Faktenblatt- Gigaliner in: https://www.bmvit.gv.at/service/faktenblaetter/gigaliner.pdf (abgerufen am 11.11.2016) FAZ (2015): Die Gigaliner kommen in: http://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/neue-mobilitaet/ende-eines-feldversuchs-2016-die-gigaliner-kommen-13980716.html (abgerufen am 11.11.2016) Frankfurter Rundschau (2010): Die Skandinavier lieben es XXXL in: http://www.fr-online.de/wirtschaft/gigaliner-der-skandinavier-liebt-es-xxxl,1472780,4794768.html (abgerufen am 11.11.2016)


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Hütter, Andrea (2016): Güterverkehr in Deutschland 2014 in: https://www.destatis.de/DE/Publikationen/WirtschaftStatistik/2016/01/GueterverkehrDeutschland2014_012016.pdf?__blob=publicationFile (abgerufen am 11.11.2016) o.V. (2016): Marktanteile: Der Erfolgskurs der Güterbahnen in: https://www.allianz-pro-schiene.de/themen/gueterverkehr/marktanteile/ (abgerufen am 19.11.2016) o.V. (2016): Allianz pro Schiene sieht „Dammbruch bei Gigalinern“ in: https://www.allianz-pro-schiene.de/presse/pressemitteilungen/dammbruch-bei-gigaliner/ (abgerufen am 24.11.2016) Rat der EU (1996): Die EU-Richtline 96/53/EG des Rates in: http://www.euro-combi.de/dwl/EU-Richtlinie%2096-53.pdf in: (abgerufen am 11.11.2016)


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Statista (2016): Transportleistung im Güterverkehr in Deutschland im Jahr 2015 nach Verkehrszweigen in: https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/75784/umfrage/gueterverkehr-in-deutschland-nach-verkehrszweigen/ (abgerufen am 14.11.2016) Süddeutsche (2015): Groß, Größer, Gigaliner in: http://www.sueddeutsche.de/auto/riesen-lkw-gross-groesser-gigaliner-1.2578106 (abgerufen am 11.11.2016) Stuttgarter Zeitung (2017): XXL-Laster sollen die Straßen erobern in: http://www.stuttgarter-zeitung.de/inhalt.lang-lkw-xxl-laster-sollen-die-strassen-erobern.01563300-9240-4b1c-aef0-85ba6816ee35.html (abgerufen am 19.01.2017) Tagesschau (2017): Zoff um die Gigaliner in: http://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/gigaliner-streit-101.html (abgerufen am 18.01.2017) TZ (2015): Giga-Liner in Finnland, Schweden und Niederlande in: http://www.tz.de/auto/giga-liner-kommen-zr-1264491.html (abgerufen am 28.11.2016)