10 Elvis Presley Life Lessons

10 Life Lessons From King Of Rock & Roll - Elvis Presley

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Elvis Presley

Life Lessons

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“I’ve tried to lead a straight, clean life, not set any kind of a bad example.”

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On May 5th, the Associated Press reported that for the first time since 1955, Elvis was not one of the 1000 most popular names for newborns in the United States.  Apparently, the Social Security Administration keeps track of such things, and people have been naming babies Elvis in significant numbers in the United States for 55 years.  Think about it this way – that is 13 years longer than Elvis himself even lived!

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What could be learned about influence and persuasion from The King of Rock and Roll? Elvis could sing well (duh) – but his voice alone didn’t influence parents to use his name in large numbers for 55 years.  But reading this interesting fact got me thinking about Elvis and the lessons we as leaders, persuaders, and influencers can take from his life to help us learn more about influence.

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Lesson # 1 : Be yourself. By many expert accounts Elvis created rockabilly music. By bringing together his own musical tastes and backgrounds – gospel, the blues, country and more. Elvis created something new by being himself. If you want people to be attracted to you and your ideas, be willing to be yourself. Put your ideas and vision out in the world – allow your uniqueness to be a part of your influence.

“…I believe the key to happiness is: someone to love, something to do, and something to look forward to…”

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Lesson # 2 : Be passionate.Yes, Elvis sang with passion, but the lesson is bigger than that. Elvis was passionate about many things, including close friends and his family. He had a clear vision for many parts of his life and took action on that passion. When you think of people who inspire or influence you, are they operating solely in the logical reality, or do they bring their passion and emotion to the conversation? Where is your passion?

“I sure lost my musical direction inHollywood. My songs were the sameconveyor belt mass production, justlike most of my movies were.”

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Lesson # 3 : Live your values.

Elvis Presley loved gospel music. He recorded it throughout his life, and sang with many gospel groups on and off stage. Elvis lived those values. Remember that influence is in part about creating an attractive force towards you.  When you live your values you are attractive. When you connect your vision and your goals to your values, your ability to inspire and influence increases.

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Lesson # 4 : Take risks. Gospel was likely a risk. Going off the concert tour to do a movie very early in his career was a risk. Not performing concerts at all for several years, a risk. Going back on tour after so many years off, another risk. I could go on but my point is made. What risks are you willing to take? If you want to be a powerful influencer of others, you must be willing to take risks.

I learned how important it is to entertain people and give them a reason to come and watch you play.

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Lesson # 5 : Embrace those who embrace you.Do any reading about his life and you will find as many critics of his performances, music and movies as you will fans. To be influential doesn’t mean everyone will agree with you or see your vision. In fact if you are trying to do something new, bold or different, not everyone will like you or your ideas. Get over it. Focus on those who see your vision, and move forward confidently.

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Lesson # 6 : Set a Good Example.Despite his pelvic gyrations, I do think that Elvis wasn’t trying to sell sex to kids or represent the “bad boy” image. He was often quoted admitting that it’s just the way his body responded to music—he moved all over (Yes, including there). Here are a couple quotes from the man himself about setting an example.

“I don’t think I’m bad for people. If I did think I was bad for people, I would goback to driving a truck andI really mean this.”

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Lesson # 7 : Give Back.Elvis was a generous soul. Although he grew up relatively poor, he said he never felt like he was lacking anything. And through his success, he made a point to share his wealth with the needy. “Money is meant to be spread around, the more happiness it helps create, the more it’s worth.”

“I’m so lucky to be in the position to give. It’s really a gift to give.”

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Lesson # 8 : Stay Humble.Humility is usually a companion to generosity, and Elvis did his best to remain humble by remembering where he came from and sticking to his roots. “Just because I managed to do a little something, I don’t want anyone back home to think I got the big head.”

“I’m trying to keep a level head. You have to be careful out in the world. It’s so easy to get turned.”

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Lesson # 9 : Be True. This was perhaps the most tragic part of Elvis’s life—the fact that when he became a superstar, he was no longer in control. He played the part of Elvis the King of Rock-and-Roll but in doing so couldn’t stay true to Elvis the Man. Here are just a few of the many quotes where Elvis alludes to his longing to be true to himself and others:

“Truth is like the sun.You can shut it out fora time, but it ain’t goin’ away.”

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Lesson # 10 : Follow God.Now I’m not one who believes that Elvis still lives and breathes on this earth. In fact, I’m pretty sure that he’s entertaining the Lord right now with his rendition of “How Great Thou Art,” backed up by a choir of angels, of course. He lived his life the best he could, and I’m sure keeping Jesus at the center of it wasn’t easy given all he was exposed to.

“Whatever I will become will be what God has chosen for me.”

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Taking the 10 lessons into account makes this one more important. In Elvis’ too-short life there are likely as many cautionary lessons as positive ones. Take the time to consider these ideas. Hold yourself up to these standards. Then sing along to your favorite Elvis song and think about how you can use his lessons in your life and work.

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“I am not the King. Jesus Christ is the King. I’m just an entertainer.”

Thank You Very MuchSompong Yusoontorn