POINTS about innovations 10 lvbs.com.ua

10 point about innovations

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POINTS about innovations 10


Why is it harder to manage innovations in modern World ?

Why is it is easier to manage innovations in modern World?


“Research – transforming money into knowledge. Innovations – transforming knowledge into money. Innovation is about doing. A lot of people have an idea but expect somebody else to work on it. Maybe they are afraid of failure The person who has an idea has to have passion to implement it. In the area of innovations there are accidents but you have to see what happened, why did it happen? Fundamentally you have to be curious. Best innovators are curious. It is difficult. So you have to have courage ”

Dr. Geoff Nicholson, the “Father of Post-it Notes” on Innovations


Think Different!

One’s ability to generate innovative ideas is not merely a function of the mind, but also a function of behaviors… if we change our behavior, we can improve our creative impact

ДНК інноваторів Jeff Dyer, Hal Gregersen, Clayton Christensen

Дослідження 100 дослідників та засновників і CEO компаній які змінили правила гри


Acting like an Innovator [...after Leonardo Da Vinci’s 7 Principles: Gelb]

1.  Quest for continuous learning

2.  Be willing to learn from mistakes

3.  Ability to scan for opportunity

4.  Willingness to embrace ambiguity

5.  Balancing right and left brain viewpoints

6.  Cultivating a style to express your ideas

7.  Recognition of ‘system’ relationships


System thinking takes a problem and embeds it into a more complex problem before it is analysed as a combined whole. What is the purpose, what is it we’re trying to solve?



WHO? Who are the customers? Why should you address them? What is their “pain”? How do they express it currently? How are they solving their “pain” currently?

WHAT? How do you want to solve the customer pain/need? What problem are you solving? Does your solution offer the target market a clear and compelling benefit or, better yet, resolve their pain at a price they are willing to pay? What evidence do you have that customers will buy what you propose to offer?


HOW? What resources and capabilities are needed to capture this opportunity? – People, Processes, and Technologies

WHY? Why are we doing this? How will the opportunity realize revenues? How can the proposed solution be priced? What costs will be incurred in delivering this solution to the customer? What types of financial investments will be needed? How long will it take for these investments to pay back?

Nurturing innovation – Culture of trust and collaboration


Typical Success Rate of Good Ideas

1.  3,000 raw unwritten originated

2.  300 ideas submitted for consideration

3.  125 are translated into small projects

4.  9 become significant developments

5.  4 become major developments

6.  1.7(average) are ‘launched’

7.  1 becomes a successful new product


Before You Start Rewarding, Foster an Innovative Culture


When ideas are flowing, it's time to decide which ideas are worth rewarding.


Why Ukraine is lagging behind in innovations? Soft infrastructure:

1.  Trust and collaboration culture 2.  Ability to make a failure and produce

results at the same time. Failure is real failure only when you don’t learn from it.

3.  Success stories 4.  Thinking global vs internal market 5.  Skill of reinventing yourself 6.  Ability to hire strong smarter people 7.  Diversity



Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time.


«Розум, талант і походження – не найбільш важливі в житті. Звичайно, все це також грає свою роль, але виявляється безсенсу, якщо не засвоїти: нічого не можливо зробити одному.» Якщо ти допомагаєш іншим, то вони допоможуть тобі. Цей вічний принцип називається взаємовиручка. Я це розглядаю як турботу про ближнього. Ми всі турбуємось один про одного і намагаємось полегшити життя один одному»

Кейт Ферраці


З чого почати?

1.  Список всіх ключевих людей галузі (керівники, журналісти, спеціалісти)

2.  Список opinion leaders або агенти впливу 3.  Список потенційних клієнтів/партнерів

(людина) 4.  В першу чергу ті кого ви вже знаєте

“контакти майбутнього”


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