4 Things to Consider When Choosing a CPA http://tristateaccounting.c

4 Things to Consider When Choosing a CPA

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4 Things to Consider When Choosing a CPA


Page 2: 4 Things to Consider When Choosing a CPA

Tax season is officially upon us and everyone is preparing for the meeting with their accountant. However, most entrepreneurs and business owners want to get their taxes done as quickly as possible and don’t stop to ask, “Does my current accountant have my best interests in mind?” We all know that CPA firms are businesses but there are CPAs who truly want to help their clients and form long lasting business relationships versus just seeing their clients as transactions.


Page 3: 4 Things to Consider When Choosing a CPA

Consider these 4 things when choosing your accountant:

1. Trust your Instincts

Most CPAs have the same research tools and use the same software, however, their experience and dedication to their clients is what sets them apart. First impressions do matter. Talk to the potential accountant and get to know them and their experience. Most CPAs will take the time to speak with a potential customer. Remember building client relationships is what makes CPA firms last not just how many tax returns they do a year.


Page 4: 4 Things to Consider When Choosing a CPA

Consider these 4 things when choosing your accountant:

2. Advisor vs Form Filer

It is all too common that entrepreneurs/business owners only show up once a year and have their tax return filed. Their accountant makes no attempt to contact them throughout the year and is more of a “Form Filer” then an advisor. An advisor will take the time to sit down with their client and go through their questions. An advisor will make the effort to contact their clients at least twice a year to discuss tax planning and cash flow maintenance. So pick an advisor who will help grow your business.


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Consider these 4 things when choosing your accountant:

3. Rule of Three

Like any major service you purchase you should always get a second or third quote. With how much you are going to be paying for accounting services take the time to shop for a CPA. Entrepreneurs and business owners should find their options through three different sources: referral from a close friend or family member, referral through a mentor or colleague and your current CPA. This way you can truly find the best CPA. Too many times business owners say well he or she has always been my father’s accountant. Remember your father’s accountant may not be the best fit for you.


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Consider these 4 things when choosing your accountant:

4. Last but not Least Price

While price is definitely important when choosing an accountant remember the age old saying “you get what you pay for”. You need to find the best value for your money. Too many times business owners say well the CPA was the cheapest. This could end up costing you a lot of money in penalties and missed tax savings. Generally, the best CPA for you falls somewhere in the middle.


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If you’d like to a member of our CPA firm so you can get a feel for how we work, you can easily do so by contacting us and setting up a consultation.

Business Address:4735 CORNELL Road, Blue Ash, OH 45241, USA

Phone: (513) 791-6288

Website: http://tristateaccounting.com
