9 Leadership 9 Leadership Principles in Principles in Technology Technology Wayne W. Knepp ITEC 545

9 Leadership Principles

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Page 1: 9 Leadership Principles

9 Leadership Principles in 9 Leadership Principles in TechnologyTechnologyWayne W. KneppITEC 545

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VisionVisionLeadership must clearly state

how technology is going to be used to enhance teaching, learning, and management

Leaders must understand how educational technology affects each audience it is intended to reach and why it is important to them

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Vision in PracticeCenter for Applied Technology &

Career Exploration, Rocky Mount, VASchool officials had a set vision to

establish a technology “internship” program for eighth and ninth graders.

The result was that $16 million dollars was raised to start the program and students now participate in a problem-based technology program that helps them research potential career tracks.

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PlanningPlanningAny technology plan must be

fluid, ever-changing to meet future needs and developments. A static plan will stagnate and become outdated as time passes.

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Planning in PracticeDeer Park Elementary School,

Centreville, VADeer Park’s technology plan was

geared toward making a total technology school. Each goal of the plan is set to meet designated technology benchmarks and helps meet the Virginia Technology Standards of Learning.

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AccessAccessAccess to school technology must

be equitable, reliable, and convenient to both teachers and students. Technology does no good if no one can use it. Further, security must be taken into account as the level of access grows.

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Access in PracticeRoanoke City Public Schools,

Roanoke, VASchools open the computer labs

and offer technology courses to senior citizens and parents in the evening hours, using knowledgeable teachers as program instructors.

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IntegrationIntegrationTechnology should be an

important part of instruction. Using technology is useless if it is only treated as an add-on to instruction.

School leaders should show appropriate use of technology if they expect teachers to use it appropriately.

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Integration in PracticeWhitney Young Elementary

School, Louisville, KYThe technology coordinator

initiated a training program that used WebQuests and Online Projects that helped teachers and personnel gain confidence and produce their own purposeful internet lessons for their students.

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Assessment and Assessment and EvaluationEvaluationThe use of technology opens the

door for the use of new and exciting methods for student assessment and evaluation beyond the traditional exam methods.

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Assessment and Evaluation in PracticePoquoson City Schools, Poquoson,

VAUsed a needs assessment survey

to help develop training programs for teachers to meet VA Technology Standards of Learning. Teachers then had to create a portfolio (print or electronic) to demonstrate that they had met their goals.

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SupportSupportTeachers and staff need the

necessary technology and software to enhance curriculum.

However, they also need the proper training and support to use it effectively.

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Support in PracticeMaine School Administrative District

#11, Gardiner, METeachers are expected to use

technology regularly to enhance student learning. Some principals require weekly or monthly trips to the computer lab. Support for this technology infused curriculum comes from a wide variety of professional development opportunities.

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Professional DevelopmentProfessional DevelopmentTeachers and staff must be

adequately trained in order to be proficient with the different pieces of technology available.

An effective technology plan provides an adequate budget and time for teacher training.

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Professional Development in PracticeColumbia County Schools, Lake City, FLThe Tech TEAMS program helps

teachers become innovative technology users and helps make students responsible for their own learning. Professional development goes through 3 stages: acquiring basic technological competence, reforming classroom practices, and the sharing of knowledge between teachers.

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Community RelationshipsCommunity RelationshipsTeachers and administrators can

not foster school success on their own. Adequate support from outside sources such as businesses, parents, and other members of the community is necessary for successful education.

School leadership must also open and maintain adequate lines of communication with the community.

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Community RelationshipsCanfield Avenue School (Elementary),

Mine Hill, NJCommunity members served on a

technology advisory committee to help develop a multi-year technology plan and build community support. A community access center is now used on weekends and during the summer to provide access to and training to use technology.

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Ethical and Legal IssuesEthical and Legal IssuesTeachers and administrators

must help parents understand the ethical and legal issues that arise as technology changes.

They must also make sure that proper safety measures are undertaken to help protect everyone from some of the dangers that can exist.

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Ethical and Legal Issues in PracticeThe Nueva School (Elementary),

Hillsborough, CAThis school does not use any

textbooks. Instead they provide web-based resources and applications to students, teachers, and parents and expect them to follow an Acceptable Use Policy.