PRESENTED BY Content Telemetry The Brave New World of Engagement Scoring #B2BContentEvent Michael Kolowich CEO, KnowledgeVision [email protected] (978) 254-1221 @MichaelKolowich

Advanced Content Measurement: The Brave New World of Engagement Scoring

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Your prospect downloaded that white paper or eBook, but did she even read it? KnowledgeVision CEO Michael Kolowich introduces the new world of Engagement Scoring: content that measures and reports back how engaged each prospect is with your content. Lead scoring will never be the same again!

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Content Telemetry The Brave New World of Engagement Scoring


Michael Kolowich CEO, KnowledgeVision [email protected] (978) 254-1221 @MichaelKolowich

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#B2BContentEvent #B2BContentEvent


!   Telemetry: the highly automated communications process by which measurements are made at remote or inaccessible points and transmitted to receiving equipment for monitoring.


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#B2BContentEvent #B2BContentEvent

In other words…

!   What if our content could report back to us about individual readers and viewers?


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#B2BContentEvent #B2BContentEvent

What we’ll be talking about today…

!   Beyond lead scoring to engagement scoring

!   How to design content with engagement-scoring telemetry

!   Examples: Putting engagement scoring to work


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One of the most important sales & marketing trends of the decade…


77% 77% of B2B buyers don’t talk to a salesperson until after they have

conducted independent research. - DemandGen Report, 2011


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#B2BContentEvent #B2BContentEvent

…is leading to rapid adoption of marketing automation technology

-Adobe Quarterly Digital Intelligence Briefing, 2011

71% of U.S. companies are either using or plan to use

marketing automation.


Using Marketing Automation (38%)

Plan to Use (33%)


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#B2BContentEvent #B2BContentEvent

Marketing automation, in turn, drives an insatiable appetite for content

“If marketing automation is the rocket, then content is the fuel.”

Russell Sparkman FusionSpark Media


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#B2BContentEvent #B2BContentEvent

Content creators are under stress to create more content that engages

Source: MarketingProfs, Content Marketing Institute, 2012



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#B2BContentEvent #B2BContentEvent

What is engagement?

!   Moving visitors from passive to active consumption

!   Kinds of active consumption:

!   Traditional B2C social signals: LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT

!   B2B buyers:








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#B2BContentEvent #B2BContentEvent

Key question

!   How do you tell whether and how a prospect has engaged with your content?

- 10 - - 10 -

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Two levels of measurement

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!   Aggregate engagement !   Specific individual engagement

How’s my content doing in general? Is this particular prospect engaged?

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#B2BContentEvent #B2BContentEvent

The measurement challenge

!   With most content types, you can only measure whether someone downloaded it, clicked it, or started watching it.

!   You usually can’t tell whether an individual actually read, watched, or absorbed it

!   Therefore, it’s difficult to distinguish casual “tire kickers” from more highly engaged information-seekers…except across multiple interactions.

!   This can delay the identification of hot leads.

!   It also withholds vital information from your lead-scoring method


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#B2BContentEvent #B2BContentEvent

Example: which viewer of this video would you prioritize as a lead?

¨  Viewer #1: ¤  Watched all 54 minutes, without skipping

forward ¤  Reviewed a section of the video,

spending a total of over an hour with it ¤  Clicked through on 2 reference links ¤  Shared it with 2 other people

Case example: Jon Miller’s “Marketo on Marketing” talk at 2012 Marketo User Summit (54-minute video)

¨  Viewer #2: ¤  Watched less than one minute ¤  Didn’t click on any reference links ¤  Didn’t share it


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#B2BContentEvent #B2BContentEvent

Wiring content for engagement: the multimedia online presentation

Just-in-time footnotes and calls-to-action


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#B2BContentEvent #B2BContentEvent

Wiring content for engagement: the multimedia online presentation

Navigation devices


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#B2BContentEvent #B2BContentEvent

When content is wired for interactivity, clickstream can be captured…

!   Who watched

!   When they watched

!   How long they watched

!   How deep they got

!   What reference links they clicked

!   What handouts they downloaded

!   Where they’re from

Engagement Score 0-10


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#B2BContentEvent #B2BContentEvent

…and turned into insight…

“Marketo on Marketing” (runtime: 54 minutes)

“KnowledgeVision Demo” (runtime: 5 minutes)

@MichaelKolowich @MichaelKolowich

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#B2BContentEvent #B2BContentEvent

…tied to particular leads…


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#B2BContentEvent #B2BContentEvent

…and even worked into your lead-scoring schema…


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#B2BContentEvent #B2BContentEvent

…and into your sales automation system


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Setting up Action Triggers


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#B2BContentEvent #B2BContentEvent

IDG Enterprise: Engagement Measurement at Work

•  Editorially-generated presentation content

•  Distributed to IDG’s database

•  Monitor viewer behavior for engagement intensity and topics

•  Deliver hot leads to sponsor, based on engagement

•  Associate engagement specifics with leads


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An increased focus on individual engagement, telemetry to CRM/marketing automation

! Vidyard ! Brightcove


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#B2BContentEvent #B2BContentEvent

Something for us all to wish for…



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#B2BContentEvent #B2BContentEvent

Summary !   Self-educating B2B buyers are driving a trend toward

marketing automation adoption, augmented by content marketing programs that attempt to engage

!   Most current B2B content types don’t yet allow for measurement of engagement on an individual prospect level

! New content types are emerging that are well-suited to both encourage and measure engagement

!   Key: using them, connecting them to marketing automation, and measuring the correlation to conversion to “close the loop”


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Content Telemetry The Brave New World of Engagement Scoring


Michael Kolowich CEO, KnowledgeVision [email protected] (978) 254-1221 @MichaelKolowich