Marketing and corporate communication : antidepressants

Antidepressant présentation de communication marketing&corporate

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Travail de fin d'année sur les antidépresseurs: Marketing / Corporate / Lobbying

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Marketing and corporate communication : antidepressants

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I. Why

Frequency of consumption of most commonly psychotropic drugs reported and identified by users    

Product life cycle

Prozac, seroxat and effexor are the most used antidepressants.

We need to focus on the top of mind status, the brand attitude, the brand fidelity and the customer satisfaction 

 1. The product

Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

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 2. The market

Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20114,000,000








Volume growth

Three-quarter of the antidepressants growth market is due to the increased doses consumption per patient.

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 2. The market

Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

Distribution channels

• Pharmalogical circuit• Self-medical treatment: Internet

We must be highly present on the Internet to cope with self-medication


7.50 $ 12.50 $19.00 $

28.50 $37.50 $ 40.00 $

55.00 $65.00 $

75.00 $ 75.00 $

Compared to its main competitors, antidepressants are the cheapest solution

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 3. Communication

Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

• Pharmaceutical companies launch repetitive direct marketing campaigns. • 12% of the increase of drugs prescription between 1999 and 2000 can be attributed to the use of

direct marketing

Previous communication

• The radio is good to reach isolated people • The use of a website is appropriate.• The KPI from previous campaigns was only the number of suicides before and after. The issue of

antidepressants is never tackled• Doctors shouldn’t be targeted by the campaign

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 4. Consumer

Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

• Patients feel as if they are not being treated if no medication is prescribed • Other alternatives are considered as non-scientific or pseudo-science.

It is therefore recommended either to deconsecrate the efficiency of antidepressants either to give credence to alternative treatments.

• Depression = extremely private matter. • Only certain media should be used. • Any guilt giving speech should be avoided • The traditional “talk about it with your doctor” should be avoided • We need to intensify the campaign between mid-November and early September, especially during

daylight time change and take advantage of the sunnier periods, to save money

 The patient’s journey

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 4. Consumer

Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

Antidepressant users

the percentage of women who take the antidepressants is 17.2% and 9% for men in 2011.

• Women (10% for women and 6% for men)

41% of women and 33,3% for men

There are more women than men who are using antidepressants without being really on depression

Single moms, unemployed and disabled are not a target group because we are fighting against unneeded consumption of antidepressants and not against people who really need it. 


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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4




•Quick•Reimbursed and cheap•Tangible

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•Addiction•Side effects

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•Source of information always more abundant•Natural/Bio trend•Alternative influx

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•Society of happiness•Urgency more and more present in society: no space for weakness•Crisis

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  5. SWOT

Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4



• Quick• Reimbursed and cheap • Tangible

• Society of happiness• Urgency more and

more present in society : no space for weakness

• Crisis

· Sources of information always more abundant

. Natural/Bio trend

. Alternative influx

· Addiction· Side effectsW


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 6. Brand equity

Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

Imagery Feelings

• User image: someone faking

• Usage imagery: confined to their home, no other choice.

Performance Perceived quality

• Attributes/ Benefits: impression if being treated physically.

• Price: inexpensive

• Perceived quality/ Superiority: best felt efficiencyAwareness

• Deep awareness: top of mind

• Broad awareness: almost useless, but not useful


• Customary user

Other assets

• the fact that antidepressants are sold in pharmacies among the other drugs gives confidence to the consumer.

• Possible to buy it online without prescription

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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

1. Women (58%) are fewer that men (66%) to consume antidepressants when being depressed.

2. Wallonia clearly is a greater consumer of antidepressants. It will be necessary to focus our campaign on that area.

3. Single women or head of the family, unemployed persons and disabled persons aren't our target because we fight against unjustified consumption of antidepressants.

4. We will not target doctors because it didn’t work in 2009.

II. Who

To do

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 1. Segmentation

Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

Geographic segmentation

Wallonia: High consumer of antidepressants

Brussels: Moderate consumer of antidepressants

Flanders: Light consumer of antidepressants

 Gender segmentation Women: Women are almost twice more subject to use these kinds of

treatment than men. There are more women who take antidepressants while being really in depression.

Men: Are more likely to consume only one box. The feminine target is more selective than men if we are looking for a public who uses not antidepressants advisedly. However, the masculine target shouldn’t be completely ignored inasmuch as this class is the one that consumes more single boxes.


Economic segmentation

Because of the alternative costs and the natural tendency of unemployed to be in depression, this class should not be targeted. 

Who 2 Who 3

Who 1

Geographic segmentation

Wallonia: High consumer of antidepressants

Brussels: Moderate consumer of antidepressants

Flanders: Light consumer of antidepressants


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 1. Segmentation

Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

Demographic segmentation  0-18 years old: too young to consume antidepressants. Worse: it's dangerous for them. The

amount of consumers is negligible. 19-39 years old: it’s the age of the first antidepressant doses: they feel the sensation for the first

time and misunderstand what occurs. They don’t know that they are in depression and their doctors guide them. They represent 50% of the first depressions. The number of consumers is increasing.

40-60 years old: It's at least their second depression. They are used to use antidepressants. Their depression may be chronic or episodic. They are aware of the different stakes around the antidepressants. Increasing number of consumers of antidepressants.

61-70 years old: Retirement arrives with its inconveniences: stress, unemployment and others 70+ years old: Periods of mourning occur which weaken and raise depression. Add to this the

placements to retirement homes, which has a big impact on the consumption of antidepressants. 

  Main target: Walloon and inhabitant of Brussels female workers between 19 and 39

years old. Secondary target: Walloon and inhabitant of Brussels male workers between 19 and

39 years old.

It corresponds to 525,819 people for the main target and 539,090 people for the secondary target.

Demographic segmentation  0-18 years old: too young to consume antidepressants. Worse: it's dangerous for them. The

amount of consumers is negligible. 19-39 years old: it’s the age of the first antidepressant doses: they feel the sensation for the first

time and misunderstand what occurs. They don’t know that they are in depression and their doctors guide them. They represent 50% of the first depressions. The number of consumers is increasing.

40-60 years old: It's at least their second depression. They are used to ingest antidepressants. Their depression may be chronic or episodic. They are aware of the different stakes around the antidepressants. Increasing number of consumers of antidepressants.

61-70 years old: Retirement arrives with its inconveniences: stress, unemployment and others 70+ years old: Periods of mourning occur which weaken and raise depression. Add to this the

placements to retirement homes, which has a big impact on the consumption of antidepressants. 


Who 4

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  2. Model

Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

Fishbein Model

How 7

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  2. Model

Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

ELM Model

Unmotivated: the patient doesn't feel well and doesn't want to think rationally. He just wants to be cured whatever the solutions.

 Able: to treat the information: not all the information because some are too complicated for him. 

Opportunity: Opportunity to have the information: numerous links on the Internet point to these information.  

We either need to process the information peripherally either got the target motivated and able to process the information


How 8

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 3. Mapping

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Current positioning: antidepressants are moderately constraining medicines, which are effective against depression. Wanted positioning: antidepressants are constraining medicines which efficiency is relative.


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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

1. We must act on the top of mind status, the attitude in relation to the brand, the brand loyalty of the customer's satisfaction.

2. It will be necessary to either demystify the antidepressants effectiveness or make alternatives more reliable.

III. What

To do

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The main objective is brand knowledge Secondary objectives: awareness of alternatives, brand trial

and brand repurchase

Marketing objective: Reduce the number of consumers for whom antidepressants consumption is not necessary.

This would reduce 355 216 products ingested by the 19-39 years population.  

 1. Objectives

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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

• Target: 19 -39 years

• Status of top of mind• Change efficiency impression and brand knowledge• Decrease the brand trial 

• Target: 40 -60•Change the brand liking and the brand repurchase  


• Check up • Act on what hasn’t worked 



3 years objectives

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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

 Manner of expression

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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

 Graphic charter

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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

1. It's necessary to orient people on psychotherapy because it has the same relative efficiency than antidepressants.

2. It will be necessary to avoid ever-making guilty speech; otherwise people will avoid the message.

3. It will be necessary to create a complicity with the target

4. To avoid the « talk to your doctor » is necessary because doctors are one of the reasons why the antidepressants consumption increases..

IV. Stratégie créative

To do

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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

  1. Baseline

« Les antidépresseurs, ça n’est pas ton moteur »

Antidépresseurs : cela situe clairement de quoi l’on parle. En effet, il est fort possible qu’il y ait du bruit d’autres campagnes de prévention contre d’autres médicaments, comme nous avons pu le voir avec la campagne actuelle sur les somnifères et calmants.

Ca : Nous aurions pu choisir « cela », mais nous avons préféré un langage plus jeune et familier.

Ton : proximité que nous souhaitons avec la cible. Moteur : le mot moteur implique quelque chose qui tourne et qui fait

marcher un objet. Cela illustre bien la dynamique des antidépresseurs.

 Enfin, nous avons choisi une phrase qui rime pour que la capacité de mémorisation soit plus élevée.  


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  2. Concept


Domaine complexe

Message interpellant

Pas moralisateur

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How 4/5

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  2. Concept


Domaine complexe

Message interpellant

Pas moralisateur

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  2. Concept

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How 3/5

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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4


Efficace? Pourtant c’est ce que font plus de 10% des Belges en consommant des antidépresseurs chaque année alors que son efficacité est relative. En effet, selon des études, l’efficacité relative des antidépresseurs n’est que de 24% sur la dépression. Ajoutons à cela que près de 50% des Belges en utilisent sans être en dépression. Alors ne faîtes plus l’autruche et consultez notre application ainsi que notre site web http://www.happy.fgov.be pour avoir toutes les informations sur les antidépresseurs et découvrez que de nombreuses alternatives efficaces existent à portée de main !  

Reprise de la headline pour dire que nous allons donner notre propre réponse. On attire donc ici. Cela répond à notre soucis d’être interpellant

Explication du contexte et promesse Reason why Call to action 

How 4/5/6

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Hey hey dis, tu crois qu’on est

en sécurité maintenant?

J’en ai bien l’impression


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Qu’est ce qu’elles ont avalé celles-


Aucune idée mais en tout

cas, je sais ce que nous,

nous allons avaler!

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1 168 300 belges

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Les antidépresseurs, ca n’est pas ton moteur


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  Site web

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  Site web

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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

How1. It's necessary to orient people on psychotherapy because

it has the same relative efficiency than antidepressants.2. It will be necessary to provide information and advice

because it has a good relative efficiency (11%)3. It will be necessary to create a complicity with the target4. We have to act on these weaknesses (addiction and side

effects and focus on antidepressant treats (by providing sources of information always more abundant and by acting on the Natural/bio side)

Media planning5. It will be necessary to develop a presence on the Internet

in order to fight self-prescription.6. Recently radio proved to be powerful7. It will be necessary to favour either medias with high

target complicity or personal and individual media.

V. How

To do

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 Communication plan




sBrand attitude

TV Magazine BanneringAw










Stand Outdoor

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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

 1. Teasing

Description :

• A teasing effect• Liège, Charleroi, Brussels, Mons, Eupen and Namur. • The overflow effect • QR code • The solution would then be given to the press one day before the launch of

the display campaign.   

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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

 2. Display

Description : • Capacity to reach large audiences • Potential to reach active people. • The purpose of the display is to build the brand and baseline awareness. • We will only show our brand, our concept and our baseline: nothing else.

Format: • “Adshel gare” includes stations in Flanders.

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The concept: ostrich


Logo + Charter

Nothing else

PS: Only advertisment using antidepressant visual

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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

 2. Display

Description : • Capacity to reach large audiences • Potential to reach active people. • The purpose of the display is to build the brand and baseline awareness. • We will only show our brand, our concept and our baseline: nothing else.

Format: • “Adshel gare” includes stations in Flanders.

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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

 3. Stand

Description :

• We selected brand activation activities to show us close to the people, listening to them while feeding the brand and pushing alternatives.

• Every evening during the week of stress in Wallonia, • we propose activities around a heated stand and alternatives (massage, essential oils, etc.)

in the stations of Wallonia • People waiting for their train will have the opportunity to have a relaxing time and to

participate in contests: One is collective. It is a collective success to unlock

The goal of this event is brand awareness and to build the Happy brand attitude with conviviality, smile and complicity

The other is individual: for each photography taken, each person receives a pill with a smiley on it. This will increase traffic on our website while providing us key performance indicators (Number of code introduced / number of pills dispensed)

This event will be declined in Brussels during the month of November with a radio support. This concept will also be resumed the following year at various events to establish the brand as a major actor in the health sector.

How 6

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 4. TV

Description : We chose television for its wide audiences and its capacity to develop fully a message. 

Format: 30 “ spotRTL, RTBF, PLUG RTL, AB4.    

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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

 5. Periodical press

MP 3

Description : • Selectivity, • Complicity • The quality of graphic prints   Format: • A two-page format in “Flair” and “Elle”    

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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

 6. Radio

Description : Radio is a very important medium for us. The reasons are easy to understand:  A moment of complicity Good cost/GRP perfect to target active people at strategic times It is a medium that has proven its strength over previous campaigns It is a medium that perfectly complements with Internet.

We will use the radio to support the tv campaign and the brand activation while mentioning every time the Happy website.  Format: We choose 30 seconds spots because we have a message to convey. We choose Radio Contact and PureFm because they correspond with our target    

How 4

MP 2/3

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 7. Internet

Description : We consider Internet as the main pillar of our campaign. Indeed, Internet is a medium that allows communication with the target when they are alone, which make it possible to establish a link. It is also the main medium of medical research: when someone has symptoms, he decides to check on the Internet at the possible diseases based on them. We must thus be present to counter offers to buy antidepressants online without prescription. This is why we will provide a significant investment on the Internet. We classify media on the Internet into 3 categories: paid, owned and earned.   

How 4

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Google Ad Words: Google is the entrance platform for medical research. It is therefore very important to control those gateways in order to promote our content. We selected a number of keywords to control.     

Community platform:

• Highly selective • enable us a complicity with the target and a coherence with our message, it

is a relaxing time for them, an opportunity to reveal their concerns, share their desires, to confide their problems.  



Website.Smartphone application: • allowing to make a diagnosis. • reference inviting to consult his doctor or psychiatrist must be affixed

everywhere• The application would also allow to localize alternative shops and

psychologists / psychiatrists in the nearest area.      

How 1/2/6

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We chose to not select Facebook and Twitter among our media.   We give priority to human contacts rather than contact via computer. Social networks are long-term investment media and our campaign is a 3

years campaign. Facebook has introduced a few years ago the edgerank. Small messages from Twitter do not allow us to convey our message. Twitter could ultimately be used to communicate our events but it would be

necessary to recruit followers whereas a newsletter could achieve the same goal.

 All these factors explain why an investment on Facebook and Twitter would be a strategic error       

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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

1. To intensify the campaign, between mid-September and early November, especially during the daylight time change and to take advantage of good weather to save some budget

VI. Media planning

To do

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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

 1 M € budget

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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

 1 M € Budget





205 205

Total GRP/ week






10% TV





Below the line

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 600,000€ budget


21% Radio


Below the line

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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

VII. How effective?

Before the campaign: • Last figures from the Onkelinx Strategic Cell about: the number of antidepressants sold, the

number of conditioning per patient as well as the comparison of this with the prevalence of depression.

• We will conduct a quantitative survey about the awareness of antidepressants and alternative, and a Likert scale about the feeling of effectiveness and the feeling of constraining of alternatives and antidepressants.

• We selected a number of Key performance indicators that you can check in our files    After the campaign: • We will conduct the same survey while adding questions on awareness of used media (Where have

you heard of Happy recently?). • We want to achieve a qualitative study about the Happy brand to see if we meet the qualifiers:

« nice, solution oriented, competent and complicity »• We will see if our goals are achieved according to the Onkelinks Strategic Cell.   

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VIII. Press kit

• Beginning: antidepressants small typos, complex• Happy: bigger typos, Happy= solution

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Communication marketing : antidepressants . Group n° 4

IX. Public Relations I. Introduction


ExpertiseOriented solution

Public Relations: antidepressants . Group n° 4

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 II. Key Stakeholder’s analysis

1. The public: we already target them in the marketing campaign, which left us few room to maneuver. Considering the budget allowed, it is impossible to directly target them. We will do it through opinion leaders and journalists.

  Main target: 1,064,909 people Others: 9,943,091 people  Number: Finance Need: Room for maneuver:

2. Prescribers: they may be under the influence of the pharmaceutical lobby by direct marketing, ignorant or sensible about to the prescription of antidepressants. We must educate them while providing solutions to offer to their patients. The room for maneuver is average since we do not have the same budget as pharmaceutical companies which are able to pay 50,000 € for only 40 doctors

• General practitioner: 14,547 people (2011, INAMI) Psychiatrist: 2249 people (2011, INAMI) Number: Finance Need: Room for maneuver:

Public Relations: antidepressants . Group n° 4

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 II. Key Stakeholder’s analysis

3. Journalists: they are waiting for information but they have to deal with a huge amount of it. So, it is necessary to motivate them to give us a bit of their time and to publish articles on this subject because a high coverage of a subject is more likely to attract politicians attention in order to be placed on the political agenda.

  Specialized press: used to reach an already sensitized public. General press: used to inform the public about the dangers of side effects. Number: Finance Need: Room for maneuver: 

Public Relations: antidepressants . Group n° 4

4. Alternatives: we are struggling with antidepressants and they could take advantage of the current situation to come strengthen our efforts.

  Homeopathy Phytotherapy Griffonia , St. John's Wort, Common hawthorn, Passiflora, Bach Flower. Nutrithérapy Phototherapy Acupuncture Shiatsu Osteopathy Psychotherapy Number: Finance Need: Room for maneuver: 

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 II. Key Stakeholder’s analysis

Public Relations: antidepressants . Group n° 4

5. Pharmaceutical companies: they have a bigger budget than us and have a powerful lobby: they will do anything to stop us in our efforts.

  Lundbeck:Redomex GSK : Wellbutrin, Seroxat Eli Lilly : Cymbalta, Fontex/ Prozac Wyeth : Efexor Lundbeck : Cipramil, Sipralexa Pfizer : Serlain  

 III. Objectives


Our objectives are the same than the marketing campaign ones. : brand knowledge ( side effects , risks, etc.) , alternatives awareness ,brand trial and brand repurchase.

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 Communication plan

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 IV. Events

Public Relations: antidepressants . Group n° 4

1.Business Meeting with alternatives Aim: gather them to tell about our campaign. Date: We must give them time to raise funds and to prepare their creative strategies. This is the reason why this is our first action. We will meet them in March and July 2014 Content: we will invite them in a meeting room with lunch provided on site. We need to persuade them to give off some budget to support us by running their own campaign in the same time than ours. For that, we will expose them our media planning and opportunities to fit in it. We also hope that they will help us for our PR campaign by providing materials to get the attention of journalists by massage, essential oils and other relaxing moments before our press conference. We will organize a final meeting to prepare the campaign.  

Guests We will not invite psychiatrists because we are afraid of their links with pharmaceutical companies. We can’t afford the risk of having pharmaceutical companies knowing our media planning and that we are about to run a campaign against them.  

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 IV. Events

Public Relations: antidepressants . Group n° 4

2. The sending of flyers and a letter to GPs Aim: educate prescribers to rational behavior of prescription. We want to show them that there are other alternatives and inform on antidepressant risks. Date: October 12, 2014. The goal is to support the marketing campaign by sending flyers to doctors. Content: We want to convey the message that by their prescription, they do not make their patients happy, but they play the game of pharmaceutical companies. Thus, we will send a letter coupled with a flyer. The Flyer will invite them to visit the website of Happy in order to discover alternatives while the letter resumes studies that have demonstrated that antidepressants are dangerous and quite ineffective.We want flyers to be the first hammer blow of the marketing campaign

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 IV. Events

Public Relations: antidepressants . Group n° 4

3. Press conference Aim: to convey fear and anxiety about the antidepressant usages to the public through the press.Date: October 10, 2014 or October 17 depending on the marketing budget. Invitations: Press is deluged by press releases; personalized mailings are also more and more used. We want to differentiate ourselves by using a part of our marketing campaign. In addition to ostriches disposed in key areas of major cities, we will pose ostriches 4 days before the press conference in front of mainstream media buildings:    We will send them, in the same time than some carefully selected bloggers, a token representing an antidepressant smiley with writing "Key to Hapiness" on it. We will also send with it a letter that invites them to discover why all these ostriches are located in the city.

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 IV. Events

Public Relations: antidepressants . Group n° 4

3. Press conference We will place 2 ostriches at the entrance of the building with their head out of the ground. To enjoy some privileged access, people will have to use their token at the reception. The press conference will take place as follow: 10 AM: Journalists welcoming. massage, essentials oils and other relaxation pleasures11.30 AM: Beginning of the press conference: presentation of the Happy brand, missions and the campaign.11.45 AM: The Happy and fun part ends: presentation of strategic cell results, 20 years simulation according to actual figures, annual sales of pharmaceutical companies selling antidepressants.12 AM: speech of Prof. Dr. M. De Meyere, Gent university about recent study on young’s suicide because of antidepressants and their side effects.12.30 AM: Q&A1 PM: lunch: journalists will have the opportunity to speak privately with dr. De Meyere as well as the strategic cell members During the entire press conference, a hashtag “#AntidepressantDay” will be used and shown. We will resume important figures and facts so that journalists just have to retweet it.

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 V. Key performance indicators

Public Relations: antidepressants . Group n° 4

We established a certain number of KPI that is available in our file. The most important is the fact that we must pay close attention to articles that combine Happy brand with fear or anxiety. If the number is too substantial, we will need to consider a new public relations strategy dissociating Happy from PR actions.  

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Public Relations: antidepressants . Group n° 4

 VI. Budget

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Public Affairs: antidepressants . Group n° 4

Public Affairs

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Public Affairs: antidepressants . Group n° 4

Growing bad feelings about the State insurances:

The Facebook generation:

Weak signals Weak signals

Society of Happiness 

IssuesDrivers TRENDS

Creation of new diseases Depression Suicide in europe

Trivialization and denigration of

alternativesThe overprescription Growth of

antidepressants sales

Overmedicalization of society 

Increase in Health care

Launch of false new drugs


Wild cards: 

Antidepressants proved to be dangerous for adolescents

Report on FR2 about pharmaceutical companies practices


Presence of this phenomenon in the art field: Music: “I could be the one” by Avicii vs

Nicky Romero , 2013 Film: Side effects, recently released on 10th

April 2013 Books: “Bad Pharma: How drug companies

mislead doctors and harm patients » by Ben Goldacre, 2012

Weak signals

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Public Affairs: antidepressants . Group n° 4


1. Emergence of our issue : Creation of new diseases.

2. Interest groups : to gather allies3. Legislation : the ICD could bypass

the DSM-5.4. Administrative implementation :

make countries implementing the ICD in their governement’s policy

5. Judicial enforcement 2





II. Life cycle

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Public Affairs: antidepressants . Group n° 4



Concentrated Diffuse

Benefits from Public Policy


s fr

om P




Interest Group Politics

Client Politics Majoritarian Politics

Entrepreneurial Politics

Lowi-Wilson Matrix

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Public Affairs: antidepressants . Group n° 4

III. Supporting interests analysis

Our Analysis  We leave the large amount of alternative stakeholders and our lack of information about them.

And when we got information about their budget, it's pretty low: for European Council for Classical Homeopathy.

The support of the “Prescrire” NGO would have been interesting. We do not trust Psychotherapist association.

The cost to involve our partners in the game is too high.

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Public Affairs: antidepressants . Group n° 4

IV. Opposing interests analysis

Our Analysis • Pharmaceutical companies have large financial and human resources. • They are highly isolated. • They will have to spend a lot of time to be organized and gathered. • We must then be extremely fast. • We have to isolate them in order to marginalize them playing on stereotypes (“They only want our

money.” “They do not fight for our wellness anymore”, etc.

We seriously believe that the issue is not about supporting or opposing interests but about neutral interests. If we want to win this, we have to gather neutral interests.

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Public Affairs: antidepressants . Group n° 4

V. Frame of the issue

Frame of the issue  Citizens: Not aware of this issue despite the fact that it concerns them. Information about it is

extremely complex: The marketing of pharmaceutical companies does not target them. Doctors: there are those who are aware, those who are naive, ignorant and those who are under the

influence. Journalists need deep and complete information to offer to their readers. Press conferences with one

expert speaker must be avoided. Politicians have to act for the good of citizens, but sometimes they have to deal with extremely

complex matters where they are easily influenced by the pharmaceutical lobby. They need to feel the pressure of citizens to act in our direction.

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Public Affairs: antidepressants . Group n° 4

VII. Information and communications campaign

Pharmaceutical companies




How we are going to communicate

How pharmaceutical companies communicate

Journalists Citizens





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Public Affairs: antidepressants . Group n° 4

VII. Information and communications campaign


 1. We need to gather alternatives.2. Make the bad practices of pharmaceutical companies public3. Prepare for the introduction of ICD. 

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Public Affairs: antidepressants . Group n° 4

VII. Information and communications campaign

1.Business Meeting with alternatives   Date: January 2014 and February 2014, before the real lobbying campaign.  First, we will invite them individually in a meeting room.We need to persuade them to ally together in one federation in order to compete with pharmaceutical companies.  We will expose them:  Our views of the alliance its benefits. Other federations that we would like to invite 

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Public Affairs: antidepressants . Group n° 4

VII. Information and communications campaign

1.Business Meeting with alternatives  We will ask them individually:  What they could bring financially in this alliance. Their personal opinion about of this alliance. Goals that they would like to achieve against pharmaceutical companies. After receiving each alternative, we will try to gather every wishes and views into a consensus project.We will then expose them this consensus project during business meeting and try to reach an agreement.  Finally, we are going to hold a third business meeting to organize the lobbying campaign in order to promote alternatives and to cope with « the Trivialization and denigration of alternatives » issue.

Objective: Distract pharmaceutical companies while we are dealing with the real issue

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Public Affairs: antidepressants . Group n° 4

VII. Information and communications campaign

2. Participatory democracy Date: April 2014 • We believe that the best communication strategy to pressure politicians is the political advertising activity.• We will gather 754 students • If it were not possible to organize it in the European Parliament, we will rent a conference room for this amount of people. • We will also try to get Erasmus students in order to represent every European nationalities.  Introduction:   We will give them a briefing explaining what is the DCM V and issues at stake. They will be gathered in groups and we will ask them to make their own DCM according to what seems relevant to them. We will also ask them to tell us what are the most hilarious diseases

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Public Affairs: antidepressants . Group n° 4

VII. Information and communications campaign

2. Participatory democracy Workshop: • For each group of 30, a scientist and a psychiatrist will help them in their task to understand every aspect. • Some selected journalists and bloggers will be invited to cover the event. • Filmed and watchable on a live Youtube channel. • It will be also possible for surfers to vote for their most hilarious diseases and to participate in the DCM-V’ from the Web. Results:

• We will grant our top 3 awards of the most hilarious diseases and compare the DCM-V’ from the students and from the Web with the real DCM V.  

• It will also be a signal to politicians: “ watch what people without any interest think of this “.

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Public Affairs: antidepressants . Group n° 4

VII. Information and communications campaign

3. Press conference Date: April 2014 A press conference at the European Commission to present the results. We will provide to each journalist a press kit gathering every information: • The comparison between DCM-V ‘ and DCM V• The diseases awarded.• The “A Comparison of DSM-IV and DSM-5 Panel Members' Financial Associations with Industry: A Pernicious Problem

Persists“ study• Some abstract of the book “Bad Pharma: How drug companies mislead doctors and harm patients »• Some information about the ICD that is going to be released in 2015 Specialized media will talk about the comparison between our DCM-VThe real one and that general media will talk about the awards. We are going to broadcast the press conference on Internet and it will be possible to ask questions by videoconference. 

Objective:  1. Make the bad practices of pharmaceutical companies public in order to monopolize citizens

2. Prepare for the introduction of ICD

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Public Affairs: antidepressants . Group n° 4

VIII. Budget

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Group 4 : Kim Assaker, Mireille Donzeu Nguetsop, Charlotte Scutnaire, Nicolas Vanderbiest 
