Are you a Toxic Employee?

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Toxic employees can poison the environment and destroy office dynamics.

Knowing these behaviors can help you identify “energy-vampires” and restore order in your workplace.

Toxic Worker 1The Slacker

The Slacker is a major drain on coworkers.

This person rarely completes tasks but seems to have plenty of time to chat, text, Tweet, and generally disrupt others.

The slacker will try to get away with as much as possible and relies on others to cover for, or assist in, his shenanigans.

Toxic Worker 2The Complainer

The Complainer infects co-workers with a bad attitude.

This person always finds something to complain about. The complainer looks for support within the office and is persuasive enough to start an internal riot, given the chance.

This is the first person to point out how long the meeting was, how unfair company policies are, or how no one else cleans up after themselves.

Toxic Worker 3The Saboteur

The Saboteur destroys morale and creates paranoia.

This person thrives on chaos. He likes to stir things up and then offer the boss some sort of "constructive" solution that will make him look good at the expense of others.

This guy wants credit and will steal it if necessary. He’s also a skilled “manipulator” and is quick to align himself with the higher-ups.

Toxic Worker 4The Super Ego

The Super Ego disturbs the flow of work and demotivates others.

This person is arrogant and controlling. They constantly teach others how to do things “the right way” and interfere with their “opinions” on how a project should be handled.

They are often short-tempered and usually dismissive of other opinions, talents, and efforts.

Toxic Worker 5The Dependent

The Dependent interrupts focus and steals energy.

This person always needs something and has no reservations about interrupting someone to get it. They will lose almost anything and can’t (or won’t) try to find it themselves.

No matter how many times you instruct this person, he just can’t seem to do anything on his own.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Behavior Correction:

DO: Approach situations with empathy and assume the culprit is unaware of his/her behavior.

DON’T: Assume you’re perfect. If you exhibit any toxic behaviors, work on yourself.

DO: Set clear expectations for others. Be specific about what is and isn’t acceptable and hold people accountable.

DON’T: Procrastinate. Address issues as soon as they occur. If you don't immediately acknowledge inappropriate behavior, you are condoning it.

Now that you can recognize toxic behavior, how do you eliminate it?

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