1 A Project Report On Advertising Of AVTAR ENTERPRISE PVT.LTD. Prepared By : Ranpariya Hardik B. Seat No : Year : 2012-13 Class : T.Y. B.B.A. Sem.6 College : Geetanjali College of Computer Science & Commerce (B.B.A) Submitted To : Saurashtra University Rajkot. Guided By : Prof. Heenal Morjaria

Avtar enterpise pvt. ltd

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Project Report On Advertising



Prepared By :

Ranpariya Hardik B.

Seat No :

Year :


Class :

T.Y. B.B.A. Sem.6

College :

Geetanjali College of Computer Science &

Commerce (B.B.A)

Submitted To :

Saurashtra University – Rajkot.

Guided By :

Prof. Heenal Morjaria


Company Certificates


College Certificate



I undersigned Mr. RanpariyaHardik B. a student of

T.Y.B.B.A. Sem.6 hereby declare that the project work

presented in this report in my own work and has been carried

out under the supervision of Prof. HeenalMorjaria of

GeetanjaliComputer of Science & Commerce.

This report has been submitted previously to any other

university for examination or correction. The report is prepared

by our units I had visited to AVTAR ENTERPRISE PVT. LTD. I

understanding this reports and this report is submitted to


Date :

Place : Rajkot


(RanpariyaHardik B.)



Indian Management scenario seemed to be mix at the

commencement of nineties. In the present era of big industries

and global competition the condition and position of small scale

industries is not in the best of its form. So there is a great need

to change the style of management. In the syllabus of

T.Y.B.B.A. university has introduced the subject of

entrepreneurship and management of small business. The

main use of this subject is to teach, to solve problems and to

take decisions in the management of small business. Another

aim is to develop entrepreneurial ability among the students.

As per the rules and regulation of Saurashtra University, I

have under taken the preparation of the product project report

on PVC Pipes, as it is of great demand in today’s dynamic

business era.



I, at the moment, am very pleased to put this report before

you. Firstly, I would like to thank Saurashtra University to

encourage us towards practical aspect of business. I am very

thankful to Prof. HeenalMorjaria for a radical support in

preparing the report.

I, along with my professor, would like to thank all my

friends, who have helped me in preparing this report as a

subject of entrepreneurship and management of small


Above all, I am lovingly thankful to one and only supreme

soul, the Almighty.

Finally, I am very glad to put this report before you.

Date :

Place : Rajkot

Yours Faithfully,


( RanpariyaHardik B. )


No. Particular

1. General Information

2. Marketing Department

3. Advertising

4. Future Plan

5. Mile Stone

6. SWOT Analysis

7. My Observation

8. Suggestion

9. Conclusion

10. Bibliography




No. General Information

A. Introduction

B. History

C. Covered Area

D. Preference of company for customer

E. Overview

F. Brand name & Team

G. Vision & Mission

H. History and development program of company

I. Parent / Subsidiary company

J. Types & size of Organization


Introduction The success of any country’s economy largely depends

upon the factors that make up the economy. Industries being

the integral and important part of the country’s economy play a

great role in molding the future of the economy. Industries can

be classified into two categories:

The industries whose investment in their fixed assets is

more than but does not exceed, is termed as small scale

industries. Small scale sector or industries is the backbone of

the industrial environment in developing country.

The development of small scale industry is very important

for any country, because it provides employment too many

people also small scale industry is the base for large scale

industry as parts or components used by large scale industry is

provided by SSI. Anyone with adequate capital and skills can

set up their own SSI, which would ultimately play a great role in

shaping the country’s economy.

This product project report is one such report of small

scale industries engaged in the production of rigid pvc pipes.


This project report gives a brief introduction about the different

phases involved in the production of pvc pipes.


AVTAR ENTERPRISE PVT. LTD. Has a golden period since 1984

to 2007. This Industry was established as a Pvt. Ltd. Company by the

name of “AVTAR ENTERPRISE PVT. LTD” Their-promoters are Mr.

V.R. Patel and Mr. J.K. Patel. They have started the company with the

initial invested end of Rs.1 Lakh in 1984.

This company started its production of PVC Pipes in since 1984.

Now for are capable to produce the different size of PVC pipes within in

house laboratory facility. They have also obtained ISO 9001 certificate.

This PVC pipes are mainly used by the farmers of Saurashtra and

kutch for the purpose of to increase the production or crop in agriculture.

Because of best policy and quality. Today the company is

continually exscinding their business. Right now they are producing the

different size of PVC Pipes.


Covered Area

Marketing of the production is quite essential factor is modern time

the national international marketing. Are more importance in the


The AVTAR ENTERPRISE PVT.LTD.Have covered international

marketing in a PVC Pipe.Avtar enterprise is more than 25%pvc pipe in a











Presence of the Company for Customer

Customer is kings of any business enterprise it can be

provide satisfaction of business.

Avtar Enterprise Pvt. Ltd. Presence of the company for

customer is more gatesin following points.

They are cover in a national level and international

covered area is the actual area under the roof. Carpet area is

the area calculated from wall to wall inside the house, this

would include steps if any, inside the house.

As a general rule built up area is around more than carpet

area. Super built up area is unique money making concept

by builders in apartment complexes. This is built up area

number of apt. Rule of thumb - super built up is around more

than carpet area. However in some cases it can be up to


World largest innovation techniques of blocking coating.

Suitable of any time of soft and hard water pipe.

Compacts and economics models for stability for small


Universal take for a glass type and copper collection.

The hot & cold pipe to be use for the day’s consumer.



Name of the unit : AVTAR ENTERPRISE PVT. LTD.

Unit Location :

Avtar Enterprise Pvt. Ltd.

GIDC Metoda Gate No. 3

Street No. 8

Registered Office :

Avtar Enterprise Pvt. Ltd.

Bhaktinagar Station Plot,

Street No.4 Rajkot.

Form of Unit :

Private Sector

Size of unit :

Small Scale Industry

Bankers :






Working Day :

Six Day Per Week

Working Hours :

8 Hours

Website :



Brand Name and Team

In Simple is a brand Name or a brand its products name

for true symbols, sigh, brand image and reputation for his

product brand appropriate brand.

Market can created loyalty of brand, brand image and

reputation for his product by appropriate brand, which product

difference for the other product and consumer can identified.


Designation Name

Chairmen& CEO Mr. H. B. Patel

Executive Director Mr. C. B. Apani

Managing Director Mr. J. K. Singh

Marketing Manager Mr. K. B. Sultan

R & D Manager Mr. G. B. Shah

Purchase Manager Mr. P. K. Modi


Vision and Mission


We firmly believe that our successes depend on our

customers. Our strength lies in working closely with them to

create value and trust, together with superior products,

prompt service and competitive pricing. The company has a

clear vision to provide innovative solutions for any industrial

product requirement.

We also owe our success to our people. The ones who

work with us towards a common vision. Trust respect and a

healthy relationship with our staff has resulted in superior

performance over the years and strive hard to have latest

and the latest production technology at the least of the prices

to cater to the growth of Avtar Enterprise.

At AvtarEnterpeise we focus in ensuring complete

customer satisfaction, while realizing the prospects brought

forth by globalization. It’s where your ideas transform into

endless possibilities.



Even person and fulfill customer needs and wants also

some mission to wear which Avtar enterprise have also vision

and mission which are as follows.

Manufacturer & Supplier of Submersible Pipes fittings,

HDPE Pipe , Column Pipe , Plumbing Pipe , S.S. Step Nipple,

S.S. G.I. Step Nipple, S.S. Re. Step Nipple, G.I. Re. Step

Nipple, G.I. Hose Nipple, C.I. Hose Nipple Connector, Hex

Nipple, Radiuses Barrel Nipple, Bright Check Adjustable Flinch,

ISS FlinchDuvall, Air Valve Flinch, Sprinkler Irrigation System

Mini-Sprinkler Part & Full Circle.

Our mission is to understand the customer requirement,

offer timely deliveries of quality proven products at best

competitive price. Our constant emphasis on product quality

and client satisfaction has enabled us to mark a difference for

our products like

Error free service delivery.

Innovative product and service.

Cost efficiency.

Unified measuring solution.



History and development program ofcompany

AVTAR ENTERPRISE PVT. LTD. Has a golden period

since 1984 to 2013. This Industry was established as a Pvt.

Ltd. Company by the name of “AVTAR ENTERPRISE PVT.

LTD.” Their-promoters are Mr. Rajesh Patel and Mr. Paresh

Patel. They have started the company with the initial invested

end of Rs. 1 Lake in 1984.

This company Started its production of PVC Pipes in since

1984. Now for are capable to produce the different size of PVC

pipes within in house laboratory facility. They have also

obtained ISO 9001 certificate.

This PVC pipes are mainly used by the farmers of

Saurashtra and Kutch for the purpose of to increase the

production or crop in agriculture.

They are selling a product in national level in our countries

are there, they have also fill full is need and wants to do some

one as under the constructing in a products of pvc pipes.

The development Organizations don’t have choice

whether to train its employees or not the only choice is that of


the methods of the training the are going to implement.. There

is continuous environmental pressure for increasing the

efficient and if the organization does not respond to this

pressure, it may in itself losing whatever share of market it has.

Training imparts skill and knowledge to employees in order with

which they contribute to the organization efficiency and be able

to cope up with the pressures of the changing environment.


Parent / Subsidiary company

A parent company is a company that owns enough voting

stock in another firm to control management and operations by

influencing or electing its board of directors; the second

company being deemed as a subsidiary of the parent company.

The definition of a parent company differs by jurisdiction, with

the definition normally being defined by way of laws dealing

with companies in that jurisdiction.

Many large companies actually own all or part of other

companies. The owning company is called the "parent" and the

company that it owns is called the "subsidiary." If the parent

owns the subsidiary completely, the financial information about

the subsidiary will probably not be available in any detail.

Instead, the financial information for all the subsidiaries will be

combined into the "consolidated" financial statements of the

parent company. Sometimes the parent only owns a fraction of

the subsidiary; in those cases, the subsidiary may release its

own financial statements.

No other subsidiary company are in avtar enterprise are

one of the biggest company are in a Rajkot market in a

situation about this company are also fine in a market condition.


Types and size of organization

Organizations may fall into one of three categories,

namely static, adaptive and dynamic and changes may relate to

their practices and size. The static type of organization is not

likely to change and will remain the same for a long time while

the dynamic they will change in size from time to time even

though the principles remain unchanged. The adaptive

organization will vary practices and size depending on the

current situation. You can find more information.

1. Small Scale Industry :

If the capital investment by the company is less than 1 corer

in a factory are including are in a money can it is known as a

small scale industry.

2. Medium Scale Industry :

If capital invest by the company is between Rs. 3 & 5

corers it is known as medium scale industry.

3. Large Scale Industry :

If capital invest by the company is more than 5 corers it is

known as the company as large scale industry.


The Avtar enterprise invested by the company is because

as large scale industry by is more than 5 corers.



No. Marketing Department 1. Introduction

2. Importance of department in organization

3. Organization Chart

4. Marketing of past & present

5. Advertising

6. Market Share

7. Competitors



In common parlance, Marketing is process of selling

something at shop or market place, but according to modern

marketing concepts selling is not an important part of marketing

but it is only a tip at marketing iceberg. The aim of the

marketing for any of the company is to make their sales


“Marketing is process of planning executive the conception,

pricing and distribution of ideas, goods, services to create

exchanges that satisfy individuals and organizational goals”.


Marketing occupies an important position in any

organization. Traditional viewpoint was that the customer would

accept whatever product the seller presented to him. However,

Marketing deals with identifying and meeting consumer needs.

One of the shortest definitions of marketing is “Meeting Needs

Profitability” producer does not produce what they like but

produce what the consumer wants.

The company should have a very efficient and excellent

marketing department, which truest to provide maximum

satisfaction to customer while having reasonable profits.


Importance of Department inOrganization

Marketing is the focus point of all business activities

because the objectives of all business enterprise are to satisfy

the needs and wants of the customers. Production and

purchase has no meaning unless a firm is able to market the

goods and services. Nothing happens unless somebody sells

something. Marketing is the distinguishing feature of business.

A business is essential part from all other human organization

by the fact that it markets the product or services. Marketing is

the basic operative function of all business firms. It serves on

the basis of business planning and generates revenue for the

firm. Efficient marketing management is essential for the

survival and growth of every enterprise.

Marketing is a system of integrated business activities

designed to develop marketing plans and programs leading to

the satisfaction of customer wants.

Marketing department represents an important functional

area of business management efforts for the flow of goods and

services from the producer to the consumers.

Marketing department of the kinetic is a crucial part of its

organization. The company can achieve its subsidiary


objectives along with the primary objectives with the help of

marketing department. It not only helps the company to achieve

the goals that are directly related to marketing department but

also helps in achieving the goals that are related to other

departments of the organization.

With the help of the marketing department kinetic as a

company has not only been successful in gaining the sales

volume but also earned goodwill for itself. As a result of the

efforts made by the marketing department, Kinetic is enjoying a

prestigious position in the automobile industry.




Managing Directors

Marketing Manager

Assistant Marketing Manager

Sales Officer




Traditional experts view on marketing in a very narrow

sense. According to them “Marketing is a performance of

business activity what directs the flow of goods and services

from producers to consumer”. Hence, traditional concept is

product oriented and it neglects the importance of social

responsibility and after sales service.

But in today’s world marketing mix “The process of

discovery and translating consumer needs and wants into

product specifications, creation demand and services, and then

in turn expanding the demand.” In short it includes all those

activities which are under taken to fulfill the consumer needs

and wants.

In today’s world business unit follow societal marketing

concept which calls upon marketer’s to built social ethical

consideration into their marketing factors they balance between

profit, consumer wants, satisfaction and public interest.



It is paid communication because the advertising has to

pay for the space or time in which his advertisement appears.

The sponsor wants to persuade and induce the readers,

viewers or listeners to take some action. Advertising appears in

any recognized media as newspapers, magazines, radio,

cinema, television, etc.

“Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation

and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified

sponsor.” - Philip Kotler

Advertising department is managed by the

advertising manager of the company. Company has to recruit

the advertising manager and has to pay fixed salary to the staff

of advertising department, advertising agency, employees

specialists who generally can perform advertising tasks better

than a company own staff.


News Paper


Metal Boards




Avatar enterprise Pvt. Ltd. is listed in BSE but not listed in NSE.

The current market share of Avatar open price is 20-20 and

previous close price is 11.65 and volume is about 11735. The

book value of share Rs 14.6 and market capital 16.31 Cr on

January 16,2012.

Up to its margin and gain market share in the premium cookies

category, product marketer of brand such as PVC-M and PVC-

O is very high price. Avatar has over taken PVC-U in PVC

pipes market which is Rs 11000 plus in terms of revenue.

Avatar has 45% share of pvc pipe while pvc-m has 38%

shares. Avatar also manage push it share Rs 3312 Cr Pvc

pipes segments.

With 40% of share of total market of pvc pipes and 50% share

of total confectionary market in India. Avatar has grown to

become multi-million dollar company today. Its aim to garners

20% market share by 2013-14.



There is always risk of competition from existing

and potential units will be there but to avoided this cost

creation maximization utilization of reasonable use of

good question of growth and efficient etc. will be helpful

The list of competitors is as under.

1. Finolex Polymers

2. Ganga Plastics

3. Sarovar Polymers

4. Puravi Plastics

5. Sintexpoyplast



No. Advertising 1. Meaning of Market Promotion

2. Elements of Market Promotion

3. Role of Advertising.

4. Advertising Objectives of company

5. Organization of Advertising Department

6. Advertising Message & Advertising Copy

7. Advertising Media

8. Media Scheduling

9. Advertising Budget

10. Advertising Agencies

11. Manages View on Advertising Efforts

12. Measuring Advertising Effectiveness


Social Aspect of Advertising


14. Any Special Issues Related to advertising

Meaning of Market Promotion Communication needs the sources message and a

receivable. The effective communication takes place only

sends a message and a receivable responsible manner to

satisfaction the sender.

“Promotion compasses all the tools in the marketing

mix whose major role is persuasive communication.”

- Philip Kotler

Promotion has three specific purposes. It

communicates marketing information to consumers, users and

reseller. It is not enough to communicate ideas. Promotion

persuades and convinces the buyer and influences his/her

behavior to take the desired action. Promotional efforts act as

powerful tools of competition providing the cutting edge of its

entire marketing program.


Persona Selling

Sales Promotion

Publicity & Public relation


Elements of Market Promotion

These are four basic elements of market promotion mix.

1. Advertising :

Advertising is one of the effective’s media for communication

message regarding product and service to prospective


2. Persona Selling :

Personal selling is a critical element of the promotion mix

personal selling establishes direct communication like

between market and consumer.

3. Sales Promotion :

Sales promotion is an important instrument in marketing to

lubricate the marketing efforts. It is referred to promotional

activities other than personal selling, advertising and


publicity, which stimulate the consumer purchasing & dealer


4. Publicity & Public relation :

Public relation is believed indirect marketing tool that means

smooth public relation can create a good image in the

market. Here public relation means not only relation with

customers, suppliers, shareholders, dealers but relation with

employee legislation, community leaders, should be

maintained the public relation department perform the

function like press relations. Product publicity corporate

communication counseling etc. it can be helpful in launching

a new developing the firm’s reputation.

Element of Advertising :

Advertising is non personal foam of communication by

un-identification sponsor.

Advertising is a promotion of ideal goods and services.

Advertising can do by various media like television,



Role of Advertising

Advertising is a paid form of non-personal presentation of

ideas, goods, and services by manufacturer or any of the

channel members.

- Richard Buskee

Advertising is one of the very important tools. It is nothing but

a paid form of non-personal presentation or promotion of ideas

or goods or services by an identify sponsor. It communicates

about the product and the services provided to the customer

and also about the firm, which manufactures the product.

Advertisement has well defined differently by different experts.

Few of them of are follows.

In India, advertising is a recognize mean of sales promotion but

it was accepted very latterly in Indian business world. The delay

was obvious because of late industrialization in the country. But

today India has also emerged into an industrial country, which

is quite evident from the nature.


Advertising Objectives of company


Advertisement may be used to introduce a new product in he

market. The new product needs introduction to the mass in

the initial stage. So advertisement creates awareness about

the new product among the customers.


Another main objective of advertisement is to create a

favorable climate for maintaining or improving sales mainly in

the growth and maturity stage of product life cycle.

Customers are to be commonly remained about the product

and the brand name.



Another objective of the advertisement is to face the

competition. In other words advertising in modern days has

undertaken not only to remain but also to maintain the

position of product and brand in the competitive market.

Advertisement helps to build up the brand image and brand

loyalty among customers.


The advertisements are mainly made for informing the

customers. A part from a new product and remaining of old

product, advertisement also gives The information about the

changes made in the old product. Such changes may be

price, size, quality, weight, packing, special offers etc.



From the advertisement point of view a strong image

through long advertising helps to keep new entrances away

from the market. They believe that advertisement built up a

certain monopoly for the product, which becomes barrier for

the competitors mew products.


Sales man deals directly with customers and advertising

renders great help me to them. When customers come to know

of the characteristic, quality, uses and various brands of a

product through advertisement, they ask for it from the

salesman, without much inquiry about it. To that extent, much

time & energy of the salesman arte saved, “advertising helps

salesman in securing increase in sales buy acquainting more

people in a short length of time with the merits of a product.”


The objects of advertising are not only to create demand

for a product, but also to maintain it at the current level. If

efforts are not made to maintain it, it is possible that it will

decline in face of competition from the rivals. It is for this reason

that established companies continue advertising their product in

spite of very high level of their demand.


Organization of Advertising Department

Marketing is the focus point of all business activities

because the objectives of all business enterprise are to satisfy

the needs and wants of the customers. Production and

purchase has no meaning unless a firm is able to market the

goods and services. Nothing happens unless somebody sells

something. Marketing is the distinguishing feature of business.

A business is essential part from all other human organization

by the fact that it markets the product or services. Marketing is

the basic operative function of all business firms. It serves on

the basis of business planning and generates revenue for the

firm. Efficient marketing management is essential for the

survival and growth of every enterprise.

Marketing is a system of integrated business activities

designed to develop marketing plans and programs leading to

the satisfaction of customer wants.


Marketing department represents an important functional area

of business management efforts for the flow of goods and

services from the producer to the consumers.

Advertising Message & Advertising Copy


Message is referred as the theme or appeal the theme it the basic idea regarding products while the appeal is the systematical way to express the theme the message is something that advertiser wants to convey the market Advertising message or appeal must touch needs emotions and attributes of customers mostly the message express major benefits of product. Message must be fulfill certain condition :

a) It must be attractive

b) It must be suggestive

c) It must be appealing or motivating

d) It must be fulfill legal and social condition

e) It must be convincing

f) It must be memorable

g) It must be indicate major benefit of product



It is known as advertising copy ad copy is of advertising it is known as adv. Document it involves key information to advertising. It contains written, spoken, printed, recorded, or picture matters materials related to advertising product. Ad copy consist of main body headlines, subheads, picture, characters, cartoons, slogans, words, brand names name of advertiser logo of company etc. Copy should be drafted carefully a scientifically drafted ad copy must satisfy following conditions. - It must be attractive to draw attention - It must be believable - It must be stimulate interest - It must be have memory value - It must be convince or persuade the reader - It must be initiate action etc.


Advertising Media

Advertising is said to be a system of information and the

various means through which information is passed on from

producer to consumers are termed as advertising media. In a

competitive market, a producer or manufacturer of goods and

services has to inform the consumers and persuade them to

buy his products. To serve this purpose, the service of outside

agencies is called for. Obviously “advertising is a tripartite

relationship” between the producers, consumers and the

advertising agencies.

The most brilliant and original advertising ideas will be

wasted if they are not presented through the right media. It is

important for achieving the objectives of marketing. “An

advertising media is means or vehicle of delivering a

definite message”. It is a means through which an advertising

message or information is passed on to the prospective

customers, readers, viewers, listeners, or passerby. Example of

media is newspapers, magazines, radio, television, direct mails,

posters, films, catalogues etc.


Type of advertising :

News paper



Electrical Display

Neon Sign board

Station poster


Sky advertising


Media Scheduling

Media Scheduling is one of the importance decisions in

advertising Programmer Companyshould be carefully decision

on media timing maximum market responsible media

scheduling is a simple is time table showing.

Types of Scheduling :

1. Macro Scheduling :

The macro Scheduling involving allocation expenditure

and features in relation to season or breading picture of

business of business cycle.

2. Micro Scheduling :

The micro Scheduling indolent problem concerned

with allocation advertising expectation and the maximum

reasons or impact.



After determine objectives, the company can proceed to

establish its advertising budget for each product. The company

has to spend the necessary amount required to achieve the

sales goal. But how does a company know if it is spending the

right amount? If the company spends,

“An advertisement budget or appropriation is referred to as

an organized plan made out for expenditure of money an


A planned cost analysis of different media of

advertisement and its effectiveness should be considered while

preparing the advertisement budget.

From the above all these, the AVTAR ENTERPRISE PVT.

LTD.use Availability of Funds / Affordable method for

advertising budget. Advertisement through is an advertising


agency AVTAR ENTERPRISE PVT. LTD advertisement is such

it informs guides protect buyers and helps in increasing the

stander of living.

Advertising Agencies

An adverting agencies can be perform many ideas of a

particular Place about the value of a controlling at that types

should also may also take a participant.

Many time questions arise that why would a producer

delegate some of the selling job to the intermediaries? The

delegation means relinquishing some control over how and to

whom the products are sold. The producers appear to be

placing the firms dissolving in the hands of intermediaries. But

producers do get several advantages by intermediaries.

AVTAR ENTERPRISE uses intermediaries to increase

their efficiency in the marketing goods widely available &

accessible to target market through their contacts, experience,

specification & sale of operation. Intermediaries usually offer

the firm more than what it can achieve on its own.


Manages View on Advertising Efforts

To manage a product by a management advertising in a also

about value scale a sometime of

Promotion has three specific purposes. It communicates

marketing information to consumers, users and reseller. It is not

enough to communicate ideas. Promotion persuades and

convinces the buyer and influences his/her behavior to take the

desired action. Promotional efforts act as powerful tools of

competition providing the cutting edge of its entire marketing


Broadly speaking promotion means to push forward

or to advance an idea in such a way as gain as its acceptance

and approve. Promotion is any communicative, activity whose

main objective is to move forward a product, service or idea in

any channel of distribution. It is an effort by a marketer to

inform and persuade buyers to accept, recommended or use


the article, service or communication with an additional element

of persuasion

Measuring Advertising Effectiveness

In today’s economy there are many kinds of middlemen

like wholesaler, retailer, dealer, facilitators, agents, brokers,

sales force etc. Thus channel members right from the producer

up to the customer are interrelated and thus it becomes a total

distribution system. Channel should be managed efficiently &

efficiently & effectively.

Physical distribution looks after physical handling of the

goods assuring maximum customer’s service. It aims at

providing delivery of right goods at the right time and at the

right place to the right consumers. These activities cover order

processing, handling of goods, packaging, warehousing,

transportation, inventory control & customer service, Old

middlemen performs these functions and they assure putting

the product within an arms length of customer’s desire &




Social Aspect of Advertising

Advertising is very powerful institution and has been also

consideration criticism regarding its social economic impacts.

The critical and methods as well as its effects of also on social

value tasted life style and behaviors.

Criticism argue the advertising is deceptive and harmful of

that is often offensive irradiations or in poor tasted and that is

exploitation creation groups such as a children an also may

have conclusion information only that and advice pressure.

What social should be changed for a product is a crucial

question. Several factors-economic social, political and other

factors influence the pricing decisions. Moreover marketing

conditions or company product in the market or competitive

situation affected the pricing decisions.


Any Special Issues Related to advertising

The a dent of social media including hugely population

micro blogging service network such a twitter and online social

networking likewise Facebook and other social media the

impact of the wild consumer presentation stake about the social


The avtar enterprise is also selected in other media is

selected like a Facebook and twitter are also use are all related

information are given is other social media. Avatar Enterprise

Pvt. Ltd. has adopted sealed bid pricing method for the fixation

of prices of biscuits and confectionary. There no government

regulation in fixation of price of products PPL government only

advices on the quality of the products. The products are not

sold on credit basis and there is only such cash system

prevailing in PPL.




The progressive management of Avtar Enterprise Pvt. Ltd. is

planning to setup a new manufacturing unit at the same site to raise their

production capacity to 250 Metric Tons in next one year. They have

enough of space, expertise, and sources for procuring machineries.

Their bankersState Bank of Saurashtra and other allied financial

institutions have already agreed for providing required financial amount.

As every company have their future expectation AVTAR

ENTERPRISE future plans to have get contract with DGS & D-

Directorate general of supplies and disposals. Central Gov. Purchase

department and made rate- contract for supplies their products through

art India in central state Government Department BSNL, Railways and

many agencies and Boards. Also participated tender published by

central Govt. and state Govt. for their own product.



Mile Stole

We are extremely delighted to announce that we have

been Ranked 7th in the Brand Equity's Most Trusted Brand


Avatar’s Product has been shining with the Gold and

Silvers consistently at the monde selection ever since they

were first entered in1971. Monde selection is an international

institute for assessing the quality of foods and is currently the

oldest and most and representatives organization in the world


The Decades of Progress :

1929: The first year of operation. Our only assets were hard

work and hope.

1939: Ten years of determined effort brought results. Things

began to take shape and we tried even harder.

1949: The formative years were over. We had come of age.

1974: Here was the first evidence of Pvc as it is

PVC has been awarded at the Monde

selection International institute for quality selection 2003 and

other awards likes.



SWOT Analysis


1. Low price as compared to competitors

2. Sizeable market share in the country.

3. Offers variety of products under its brand.

4. Different sizes of packets are available.

5. An experienced team of sales and marketing executives.

6. Deep and effective coverage

7. Largest distribution system.


1. Breakage of PVC Pipe while delivering to retailers

2. No proper replacement for broken PVC Pipes to retailer.

3. Improper and irregular supply.

4. Less share Premium PVC market.

5. Poor packaging in family pack of glucose biscuits.

6. Lack of schemes for retailers and distributors.



1. Rising demand for packaging in packaged foods.

2. Retaining loyal retailers or wholesalers.

3. Improving supply system for established brands.

4. Huge scope for some Parle products in medical shops.

5. Information revolution brought about by the television.


1. Highly advertised brands such as PVC.

2. Increasing competition multinationals and local company.

3. Increase in sale of cheap local bakery products.

4. Margin war among the major Brands



7. My Observation

A. Atmosphere

My industrial visit on the AVTAR ENTERPRISE PVT. LTD. Was so

good it was my great enterprise. The directors and staff member co-

operation me and give me all information related to my project report. I

have got many things to team from company and also from their people.

B.Personal Approach

Retailer inspired on consisted a stable & Sustaining pricing policy

as they were retailer fore cast with the consist an changing price in the

market the costing production.

C.Pricing Structure

Retailer always went the executive coming to their place & making

Schemes and them understanding about the new schemes and plan

which are going to enter marketing.

D. Salesman Service

Salesman service are not provided to our company are there in

private sectors about the value of a firms about this stage from a

collection about this information.




Avtar Enterprise Pvt. Ltd.company was showing a growth

trends at the initial stage and i.e. from starting and since 1984

they are providing better service to the customers and main

customer of this company is farmers and government agro. The

main aim the company is “Maintain the quality at any cost.” And

companies want to maintain it for the late time period of


I hope that it will get more progress in its field & get to bet

achievement its desire goal.




It can be concluded that the “AVTAR ENTERPRISE

PVT.LTD.”is a small scale unit and also successful

organization. Have a bright future. This unit is a profit making

unit and production is increasing gradually thus progress and

standing of this unit in the field of PVC Pipes is quiet

satisfactory. The employees of this unit are already satisfied

with the management moreover this company has played a

great role to the economy by its contribution to the state.




1. Marketing Management - PilipKotler

2. Marketing Management - S.A. Sherlekar

3. Marketing Management - R.B Rudani