Technique to Sabre the Champagne with the Unique Champagne Sabre and Sword

Champagne Sabering Techniques with the Authentic Champagne Sabre and Champagne Sword

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Page 1: Champagne Sabering Techniques with the Authentic Champagne Sabre and Champagne Sword

Technique to Sabre the Champagne with the Unique Champagne Sabre and Sword

Page 2: Champagne Sabering Techniques with the Authentic Champagne Sabre and Champagne Sword

Steps to Saber the Champagne• I t ' s pr obably way easier t han you t hink

t o saber champagne. Sabr age doesn' t r equir e much skill or pr act ice - it ' s ver y st r aight f or war d. Follow t hese simple st eps and soon you' ll be saber ing champagne like a pr o and be t he lif e of t he par t y!

1. Make sur e t he champagne bot t le is well-chilled! This is t he most impor t ant st ep in a successf ul sabr age as a lukewar m bot t le is a r ecipe f or f ailur e, shat t er ed glass and wast ed champagne.

Page 3: Champagne Sabering Techniques with the Authentic Champagne Sabre and Champagne Sword
Page 4: Champagne Sabering Techniques with the Authentic Champagne Sabre and Champagne Sword

• 2. Remove t he f oil/ paper label f r om t he bot t le neck f or your saber ing advent ur e, but leave t he cage ar ound t he cor k f or now, you don' t want t o be popping bef or e r ocking out your champagne sabr e!3. Locat e t he seam. A champagne bot t le has t wo seams t hat r uns f r om t op t o bot t om. Examine t he bot t le and locat e on of t hese, our st r ike will be made along it .

Page 5: Champagne Sabering Techniques with the Authentic Champagne Sabre and Champagne Sword

• 4. Hold t he champagne bot t le in one hand and your sabr e in t he ot her . Hold t he bot t om of t he champagne bot t le point ing upwar d in a 45 degr ee angle. Car ef ully slide t he blunt side of t he sabr e along t he seam up t he bot t le neck up t o t he cor k back and f or t h t o pr act ice. The act ual bot t le killing st r ike will be made in t he same mot ion, sliding t he blunt side of t he sabr e along t he bot t le neck, hit t ing t he cor k seam, only f ast er and mor e decisive.

Page 6: Champagne Sabering Techniques with the Authentic Champagne Sabre and Champagne Sword

• 5. Remove t he cage ar ound t he cor k and be r eady wit h your sabr e! St r ike t he bot t le, along t he seam, accor ding t o t he inst r uct ions in t he pr evious st ep, decisively but not violent ly. The st r ike should be st r aight hit , do not st r ike in a "cur ve". Depending on t he bot t le and your exper ience, you may need a f ew st r ikes bef or e your sabr age is successf ul. Af t er each unsuccessf ul at t empt , slide t he sabr e back and f or t h along t he bot t le neck t o calibr at e f or t he next blow.

Page 7: Champagne Sabering Techniques with the Authentic Champagne Sabre and Champagne Sword

• 6. Success - t he t op has lef t t he bot t le! Be r eady wit h t he champagne glasses! The clean cut of t he saber ed bot t le is shar p, don' t t ouch or t r y dr inking st r aight f r om t he bot t le!

Page 8: Champagne Sabering Techniques with the Authentic Champagne Sabre and Champagne Sword

• Not e: Be car ef ul wher e you' r e point ing t he bot t le. The t op may f ly as f ar as 16-33 f t . I f you saber inside, consider at t aching a st r ing bet ween t he saber and t he t op of t he bot t le so it doesn' t cause any damage.

Page 9: Champagne Sabering Techniques with the Authentic Champagne Sabre and Champagne Sword
Page 10: Champagne Sabering Techniques with the Authentic Champagne Sabre and Champagne Sword

• To get mor e inf or mat ion about t he Champagne Sabr e and Champagne Swor d please visit our websit e.

• ht t p:/ / www.champagnesabr es.co.uk/