Change management

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Change management in organizational behaviour

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2. MEANING A state of open, often prolonged fighting; a battle or war. Change management is an approach totransitioning individuals, teams and organizations to a desired future state. 3. UNDERSTANDING CONFLICT Conflict is all around us. It is not something that we can chooseto have or not have. It just is. It may center on something as seemingly trivial as who leaves their dirty cups in the sink, where to go eat lunch, or whether or not to buy that new piece of stereo equipment. It may be more complex, such as whether we should invest in stock or bonds, or what college your child should attend to get the best education. 4. TYPES OF CONFLICT Intrapersonal Interpersonal Intragroup Interorganizational 5. CAUSES OF CONFLICT Communicational Aspect of Conflict Behavioural Aspect of Conflict Structural Aspect of Conflict 6. MANAGING CONFLICT 1.2.Share perspectives3.Build understanding4.Agree on solutions5.6Make the approachPlan next steps 7. STEP 1. MAKE THE APPROACH Reflect before you begin Invite the other party to aconversation Be clear about yourintentions State your goal - a positiveresolution 7 8. STEP 2. SHARE PERSPECTIVES Ask for the other personsperspective Paraphrase what you hear Acknowledge yourcontribution Describe your perspective8 9. STEP 3. BUILD UNDERSTANDING Discuss one issue at atime Clarify assumptions Explore interests andfeelings9 Ibid. 10. STEP 4. SOLUTIONS Reality test doable?Is this Durability test Is thisdurable? Interest test Does thismeet all parties interests?10 11. STEP 5. PLAN NEXT STEPS Jointly create action plan What needs to happen? Who needs to do what? Bywhen? How will interaction takeplace if problems occur?11 12. CHANGE MANAGEMENT 13. DEFINITION The coordination of a structured period of transition from situation A to situation B in order to achieve lasting change within an organization. 14. CHANGE MANAGEMENT PROCESS Urgency Creation Build a team Create a vision Communication of vision Removing obstacles Go for quick wins Let the change mature Integrate the change 15. CHANGE AGENT A change agent is an event, organisation, material thing or, more usually, a person that acts as a catalyst for change. In business terms, a change agent is a person chosen to bring about organisational change. 16. MANAGING ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND CHANGE 17. ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE A system of shared values, assumptions, beliefs, andnorms that unite the members of an organization. Reflects employees views about the way things aredone around here. The culture specific to each firm affects how employeesfeel and act and the type of employee hired and retained by the company. 18. LEVELS OF CORPORATE CULTUREVisible Culture Expressed ValuesCore Values 19. CREATING AND SUSTAINING ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Cultural SymbolsCompany Rituals and CeremoniesCompany HeroesStoriesOrganizational Policies and Decision MakingLanguage Leadership 20. MANAGING ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE Organization culture can facilitate or inhibit change in anorganization. A firm attempts to change organizational culture because the current culture hinders the attainment of corporate goals. Environmental and internal forces can stimulate the need for organization change. 21. FORCES FOR CHANGE: ENVIRONMENTAL FORCES Put pressure on how a firm conducts its business and itsrelationships with customers, suppliers, and employees. Environmental forces include: Technology Market forces Political and regulatory forces Social trends 22. FORCES FOR CHANGE: INTERNAL FORCES Come from decisions made within the company. May originate with top executives and managers and travel in atop-down direction. May originate with front-line employees or labor unions and travel in a bottom-up direction. 23. RESISTANCE TO CHANGE Self-Interest Cultures that Value Tradition Different Perspectives and GoalsLack of Trust and Understanding Uncertainty 24. Models of Organizational Change Lewins three-step modelUnfreezingChangeRefreezing 25. CHANGE AGENTS SHOULD TAKE THE FOLLOWING STEPS TO OBTAIN A SUCCESSFUL CHANGE OUTCOME: Establish a sense of urgency. Form a powerful coalition of supporters of change. Create a vision of change. Communicate the vision of change. Empower others to act on the vision. Plan and create short-term wins. Consolidate improvements and produce still morechange. Institutionalize new approaches. 26. TACTICS FOR INTRODUCING CHANGE Communication and EducationEmployee InvolvementNegotiationCoercion Top-Management Support 27. APPLICATIONS OF MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES:FOR THE MANAGER Certain types of changes routinely provoke strong employeeresistance: Changes that affect skill requirements. Changes that represent economic or status loss. Changes that involve disruption of social relationships. By being aware of the sources of resistance, managers canbetter apply tactics to make the changes more palatable for employees. 28. APPLICATIONS OF MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES:FOR MANAGING TEAMS Teams can help test the waters for a proposed change. Various employee teams can serve as focus groups inorder to find ways to make a change in policy more acceptable to employees.