Client Services and CRM System Progression Over Time

Client development

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Page 1: Client development

Client Services andCRM System Progression

Over Time

Page 2: Client development


• This slideshow will explain the development and evolution of the services we have been able to provide to our client, and the of the CRM system we have used alongside them.

• We have worked with our client to help deliver as many services as possible, as well as help improve their CRM system so that we can use it more effectively, while getting the most information as possible.

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• Our first script for calling was almost 12 pages long, and didn’t work well at all, so we worked alongside our client to shrink the script down to a more manageable 5 minute pitch.

• The script involved sharing some of the clients new services, and trying to get an interest for them. We needed to get their details so the client could send them the necessary information.

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• The first iteration of the systems we used involved simple Excel spreadsheets, with names, contact details and other related information on them.

• Our tasks were mainly to flesh out the spreadsheet, adding as much additional information on the customers as we could

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• After a few weeks of using the spreadsheets, it was decided that the conversion our client needed to do on their end was both too awkward to complete and too time consuming.

• In response, we were given access to their internal CRM system that used Sales Force.

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• The initial SalesForce screen had much of the same information we were collecting for the client on the spreadsheets.

• This included names, contact details like phone numbers and email addresses.

• We also had a notes field where we could add notes about the call.

• Once saved, the records could be accessed by anyone with permissions within the clients company.

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• After some time, it became clear that it wasn’t effective to just add notes about things like parcels and deliveries and such.

• In response, we had a number of new fields added that related directly to the amount of parcels the customer would ship.

• This included the amount of parcels the customer would send on a yearly basis.

• It also added a list of carriers the customer may be using, so we could compare what rates and services they are getting compared to the clients.

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• The clients campaign revolved around customer dispatching a certain number of parcels to receive special promotions.

• To help recognise those who qualified, a simple checkbox was added in stating that the client met the conditions.

• Once the record was saved, if the box was checked, the client would receive an email that would have all the record information and details, letting them know that there was a new customer that qualified for the promotions.

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• As well as the parcel information, we suggested adding a few boxes relating to the status of the call.

• We wanted to be able to tell the new prospects apart from the older ones, or ones that needed a call back.

• The result was a box with options like revisit for a call back, or if it was an open or closed prospect. There was also a second box with a reason, so if the prospect was closed, you could say if the customer was not interested in the clients service, or if the record was a duplicate, or had unreachable contact details.

• There was also dates added like the last time the record was accessed and the last time it was saved.

• A calendar, and task reminder system was also set up, so we could mark records to be called back at specific dates and times, and then receive a reminder to call them at that time. There was also a box stating who acquired an appointment is one was made.

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SalesForce “Companies” Screen Final (Current) Layout

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• After a few months of using this layout, a shift in affairs in the clients company meant that we were to be given more work, which would have meant we needed more access to the same kinds of systems the client used.

• This resulted in the creation of an entirely new set of records, known as the “Prospects Screen”.

• These records had far more detail included, and were more fully integrated in to the clients systems on their side.

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• The new records had a number of new sections, with their own information on it.

• For the most part, they were expansions of information we had previously listed. For example, there were details about the B2B and B2C split the customer would have with their deliveries.

• It also added things like what tariff the customer would receive, their expected volumes, what types of goods they send out etc.

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• The new records were more fully integrated into the clients side of the system.

• This meant that if we had any issues, the client could access the records and see and edit them from their side.

• We also had the ability to push the records to other people, so that the sales representatives could take over the records, and add on the extra information only our client had access to for security reasons.

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• Over time, small things have been added to make the prospects screen somewhat more ergonomic and easier to use.

• We have added things like more reasons for the open, closed or pending prospect status, more address fields for separate shipping, head office, despatching and invoicing addresses, more information relating to the specific goods a customer would send, more contact details like mobile and landline, alternative contact etc.

• We have also added prospect sources, so we know where the lead was generated from, and things like what type of contact the person is within the company.

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SalesForce “Prospects” Screen Final (Current) Layout

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SalesForce “Prospects” Screen Final (Current) Layout (cont.)

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• After a few months of working with the system, we were given a new method for passing on records. This involved fully converting the prospect records we had, to an “Opportunity”, which uses the same layout the sales representatives use on their side of the system.

• This meant that instead of converting a record on their end, it would arrive already converted, and cut down on the time it takes for them to contact the customer.

• Over time, the automated conversion process has become more powerful, so the converted records take less time to edit, and can be sent to the client faster.

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SalesForce “Opportunities” Screen Final (Current) Layout

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SalesForce “Opportunities”Screen Final (Current) Layout (cont.)

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SalesForce “Opportunities”Screen Final (Current) Layout (cont.)

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• Over time, we have also been given information on the maximum weights, sizes and types of goods the client can ship, allowing us to directly inform if the customer can use the clients services.

• The client has also recently introduced international shipping, so we can discuss those options with interested customers.

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• Through our strengthening relationship with the client, we have been able to start liaising with sales representatives directly, resolving any problems far more quickly.

• We also have a direct contact within the clients company, who can answer any questions we may have, and also holds regular conference calls to keep up updated with any changes, and contact with their superior in case of any major problem or disputes, or issues our first point of contact can not resolve.

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• Another thing that has come from our relationship is we have had an influence on the rates the client offers. We have gathered information on what rates the customers are getting from competitors, allowing them to compare the rates and become more competitive.

• This in turn has also helped us bring up internal reviews for the services the client offers to it’s customers, developing them into a more well rounded and competitive company.

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Main Campaigns

• Over our time with the client, we have done a number of distinctly different tasks.

• The following slides will list the different campaigns we have done on behalf of, or for our client.

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• The most common task for us to do is a telemarketing task, involving cold calls to new prospects, and seeing if they would in interested in the services the client offers.

• This is the campaign we have been doing for the longest time, and was the first campaign we started with.

• Initially, the script we had for the campaign (and for the original special offer) was almost 14 pages in length. Over time, through both a combination of becoming comfortable with the campaign and systems, and with needing to shorten statements down to more manageable chunks for the customers to understand, we have created a script that is perhaps one page long, with the same amount of information, that is far simpler to pitch to the customers.

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• After a few months, the original promotion was dropped for more standard rates.

• Instead of the initial pitch, the script developed into a simple “We are calling to see if you would be interested in our services” script.

• If they would like to hear about the clients services, then we move on to ask about the customers parcel volumes, and other information relating to the parcel price.

• Once we have all the information we need, we can share the clients rates.

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• If the customer is interested in the rates, and then wanted more information, the original process was to mark the record as complete, and leave it for the client to pull off at the end of the week.

• The client would send across an information pack with more details on it, and we would then give the customer a call back a few days later. If they would like to go ahead and use the clients services, we would fill out any additional information, and then inform the client or a sales representative via email of the customers interest.

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• With the new prospects screen, we were given a newer, more in depth task.

• Instead of just cold calling, we were also given a new task that would have us directly contacting customer already showing an interesting in the clients services.

• Instead of going through the clients customer service department, any web enquiry forms that are filled out are forwarded through the system to us, so we would be the ones contacting them.

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• These new warm calls worked similarly to the older cold calls, but instead of asking if they would be interested in the services, we just double check they did indeed fill out the online enquiry form, and reconfirm the information they input.

• The client had a system where we could offer rates up to a certain amount of parcels, and if they exceeded those, we would invite them to have a sales representative meet them to discuss more bespoke rates.

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• When the customer is interested in the rates, or would like an appointment, further information etc, then this is where the conversion to the opportunities would come in.

• This allows the record to be passed on to the sales representative, so they can view it as their own, with no difference in the formatting that they would see if they created their own record on their side of the system.

• This speeds up the entire process, so the sales representatives can see the interested customers we call as soon as possible, and act upon them accordingly within hours of the initial call, rather than days, like it was at the start of our campaign with the client.

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• Another service, and the most recent addition to our system, is access to an email account that we can use to liaise directly with customers with.

• This meant that any customers that wanted information via email can be sent something, and we can directly reply to any queries they may have. It saves time on the clients end with receiving details, sending information, then forwarding the company record back and sending the replies back and forth.

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Other Campaigns• Other campaigns we have done for the client include

things like working through a database of previous clients, and finding out why they left the company, what they feel could be done to improve the services, and general fact finding to help improve the services of the company.

• We also have been given other databases from older, incompatible versions of the system, with the task to call the customers, find out if they are interested, then create records on the new system for them.

• We also have been given tasks where the system has glitches, and not logged certain online enquires, so we have to convert and create records from the XML files the enquires create.

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• Further small campaigns have included;• Cleansing glitches or wrongly converted data.• Calling through leads delivery drivers have

collected.• Converting old “Company” records to newer

“Prospect” records.• Calling companies that have contacted.• Calling through various spreadsheets, then

converting the interested customers to SalesForce records.