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Conception of legalization of using marijuana

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Worldwide, millions of people still use marijuana regularly (scientific name: Cannabis) for the purpose of entertainment or medical. Although in any form, in essence, marijuana is still stimulant. That is the cause of heated debate about the legality of it in medicine for centuries.

The purpose of using marijuana in medical

Marijuana was first known in 2700 BC in China, in a book written about the medicines. After China, the Greeks and the ancient Egyptians also used it to treat a number of diseases before becoming popular across Europe.

In medicine, cannabis has several effects such as pain relief, prevent vomiting, stimulation of hunger, bronchodilators (in asthma), antispasmodic (Parkinson's disease and cirrhosis in the array), vasodilatations (in patients glaucoma). THC in marijuana may be made into drugs dronabinol (Proprietary: deltanyne, Marisol ...) cause hallucinations, antiemetic. The researcher from Harvard discovered THC in marijuana, not only has the ability to inhibit the growth of tumors but also prevent metastasis.

Mainly marijuana uses for pain relief only for patients but also used extremely limited by the side effects of this species. It contains chemicals that act on the nervous system is THC (or tetrahydrocannabinol), the active ingredient in more than 60 marijuana (called cannabinoids).

THC linked with Receptor Cannabinoids largely concentrated in the brain, interfering with concentration, thinking, memory, cognitive abilities of time and can inhibit the immune system, damage health. Also, THC when taken into the body too much will cause smokers facing with rapid heartbeat condition, fear, anxiety, depression, paranoia, suicidal thoughts… This substance also affects directly to the reproductive tract, namely reduced ovulation in women, weakened sperm in men. Because of the negative effects so that marijuana is banned in most countries around the world.

Conception of legalization of using marijuana.

On November 2012, the two states are Colorado and Washington have voted to legalize, tax and sanction of marijuana. This legislation also led to the supports and unsupport group.

In California and some other states, marijuana is used in medicinal purposes. Group’s supports have long advocated the need to use has been lobbying to legalize it, arguing that it would reduce the status of the illegal drug trade. They said that the state government may also have additional income from the taxation of the purchase and sale of marijuana. Moreover, they also said that, the harmful effect of using marijuana for relaxation purposes has been exaggerated. Marijuana is safer than alcohol, and almost impossible to overdose. It's not enough to put on the drugs, which are among only worthy precursor drugs only. Although potentially addictive but scientists have confirmed that the rate in those who smoke marijuana are relatively low, less than 10%. Meanwhile, the percentage of Americans addicted to alcohol is 15%, 23% heroin and 32% are cigarette smokers. Marijuana contains many carcinogens and other toxic ingredients and with similar levels in cigarettes, but marijuana consumption is always lower than cigarettes many times.

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