Creativity Training With Innovation Styles ® Innovation Styles ® is a web-based assessment, feedback and coaching system designed to boost innovation for individuals, teams and organizations Take the creativity test after viewing this presentation © 2007 Global Creativity Corporation (IS content) © 2007 Creative Advantage Inc (IT content) Innovation Styles is a registered trademark of the Global Creativity Corp

Creativity Training

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How Innovation Styles can kickstart a comprehensive creativity and innovation training program for yourself and your organization.

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Creativity Training With Innovation Styles®

Innovation Styles® is a web-based assessment, feedback and coaching system designed to boost innovation for individuals, teams and organizations

Take the creativity test after viewing this presentation

© 2007 Global Creativity Corporation (IS content)© 2007 Creative Advantage Inc (IT content)Innovation Styles is a registered trademark of the Global Creativity Corp

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© 2007 Global Creativity Corporation (IS content)© 2007 Creative Advantage Inc (IT content)Innovation Styles is a registered trademark of the Global Creativity Corp For More Information Contact: Sandy Cormack

Page 3: Creativity Training

© 2007 Global Creativity Corporation (IS content)© 2007 Creative Advantage Inc (IT content)Innovation Styles is a registered trademark of the Global Creativity Corp For More Information Contact: Sandy Cormack

Have you ever been part of…Have you ever been part of…

Marketing an innovative idea or product that was not well received?

Rolling out a strategy that didn’t get full buy-in and participation?

Attempting to improve productivity but failing to focus on here-and-now practical solutions?

Putting together a team that didn’t have the right mix of people to produce the innovation you wanted?

While these are common innovation challenges, every person in your organization has the potential for being innovative. Bringing out that potential and focusing it on what really matters – with integrity – is the challenge we all face.

Page 4: Creativity Training

© 2007 Global Creativity Corporation (IS content)© 2007 Creative Advantage Inc (IT content)Innovation Styles is a registered trademark of the Global Creativity Corp For More Information Contact: Sandy Cormack

Diversity Plus VersatilityDiversity Plus Versatility

Our 20+ years of research and practice in the field of innovation and change has shown that people approach innovation and change with a mixture of four distinct thinking strategies: Visioning, Modifying, Exploring, and Experimenting.

To nurture a healthy workplace environment for innovation, each approach must be recognized, valued, and put to its best use, while practicing flexibility among all of the approaches.

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© 2007 Global Creativity Corporation (IS content)© 2007 Creative Advantage Inc (IT content)Innovation Styles is a registered trademark of the Global Creativity Corp For More Information Contact: Sandy Cormack

The Four Innovation StylesThe Four Innovation Styles

Each of us has different habits, talents, knowledge, values, interests, and ways of expressing ourselves. And while we all have the capacity to be innovative, we approach innovation and change in different ways – with our own unique expression of four Innovation Styles:

Visioning: to envision the ideal futureModifying: to refine and optimize what

has come beforeExploring: to discover new and novel

possibilitiesExperimenting: to combine and test

different factors

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© 2007 Global Creativity Corporation (IS content)© 2007 Creative Advantage Inc (IT content)Innovation Styles is a registered trademark of the Global Creativity Corp For More Information Contact: Sandy Cormack

The Innovation Styles ModelThe Innovation Styles Model

There are two dimensions that form the four Innovation Styles: What stimulates your

innovative thinking? Facts, details, analysis - or - Intuition and insights

How do you approach the innovation process? Focused, well-planned, outcome-oriented - or - Broad, perceptive, learning-oriented


















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© 2007 Global Creativity Corporation (IS content)© 2007 Creative Advantage Inc (IT content)Innovation Styles is a registered trademark of the Global Creativity Corp For More Information Contact: Sandy Cormack

The starting point…The starting point…

1. Each person has the capacity to be innovative, so the main issue is not “Am I innovative?” but “HOW am I innovative?”

2. We may have equal potential for being innovative, yet take different approaches to innovative thinking

3. We use a mixture of four different approaches (styles)

4. Each style represents a different strategy for innovating – a different way of thinking – not a type of person

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© 2007 Global Creativity Corporation (IS content)© 2007 Creative Advantage Inc (IT content)Innovation Styles is a registered trademark of the Global Creativity Corp For More Information Contact: Sandy Cormack

What the survey measures…What the survey measures…

The questions in the Innovation Styles self-assessment were asked with a specific context in mind:

“How do you handle challenges best at work?”

The survey measures your inclination, tendency, and preference for using each style of innovation – as you CURRENTLY express them AT WORK.

It does not measure your level of innovativeness, nor your skill at practicing each style.

You might have a different profile for personal life, or for other time periods or conditions at work.

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© 2007 Global Creativity Corporation (IS content)© 2007 Creative Advantage Inc (IT content)Innovation Styles is a registered trademark of the Global Creativity Corp For More Information Contact: Sandy Cormack

TheThe Visioning Visioning StyleStyle

Some people like to focus on the end-result. They have a vision of what they want to create and are comfortable letting their goals be their guide. They emphasize the Visioning style. People who favor this style are persistent, determined, hard working and visionary as they provide a group with direction, inspiration, and momentum. They trust their instincts, like to make decisions, and seek solutions that focus on maximizing future potential.

“Let's develop a clear sense of purpose and vision to meet this challenge.”

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© 2007 Global Creativity Corporation (IS content)© 2007 Creative Advantage Inc (IT content)Innovation Styles is a registered trademark of the Global Creativity Corp For More Information Contact: Sandy Cormack

TheThe Modifying Modifying StyleStyle

Some people like to move forward one step at a time. They like to solve problems by building on what they already know. They emphasize the Modifying style. People who prefer this style tend to be precise and disciplined as they ensure that the full potential of an idea gets developed. They provide a group with the stability and thoroughness it needs to do a quality job.

“Let's build on what we already have and make improvements where necessary.”

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© 2007 Global Creativity Corporation (IS content)© 2007 Creative Advantage Inc (IT content)Innovation Styles is a registered trademark of the Global Creativity Corp For More Information Contact: Sandy Cormack

TheThe Exploring Exploring StyleStyle

Some people prefer to explore uncharted territory. They thrive on the unknown, dislike routine, and love to come up with totally new and novel ideas. They emphasize the Exploring style. People who favor this style often try to reopen the idea-generation process even when others might be trying to come to a decision. They tend to add a sense of adventure to any project and open up the potential for dramatic breakthroughs.

“Let's explore in new directions and see what’s possible.”

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© 2007 Global Creativity Corporation (IS content)© 2007 Creative Advantage Inc (IT content)Innovation Styles is a registered trademark of the Global Creativity Corp For More Information Contact: Sandy Cormack

TheThe Experimenting Experimenting StyleStyle

Some people prefer to experiment. Once they have a trustworthy process for understanding a situation, they can troubleshoot anything. They emphasize the Experimenting style. People who prefer this style are curious, practical, and good at combining the best ideas of everyone concerned. They contribute to a group by adding careful testing while building a consensus for a solution.

“Let's take existing elements and combine them in new ways.”

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© 2007 Global Creativity Corporation (IS content)© 2007 Creative Advantage Inc (IT content)Innovation Styles is a registered trademark of the Global Creativity Corp For More Information Contact: Sandy Cormack

– VISIONING: What can we imagine as the ideal long-term solution?

– MODIFYING: What can we do to

build on what we’ve done?

– EXPLORING: What can we create

that is radically new and novel?

– EXPERIMENTING: What can we

combine to form a new solution?


















Each Innovation Style asks a different question to stimulate innovative thinking:

The “Compass”The “Compass”

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© 2007 Global Creativity Corporation (IS content)© 2007 Creative Advantage Inc (IT content)Innovation Styles is a registered trademark of the Global Creativity Corp For More Information Contact: Sandy Cormack

Practical ApplicationsPractical Applications

Proven and practical, the Innovation Styles model provides its greatest benefit when you use it to address your day-to-day challenges. Innovation Styles boosts any process aimed at increasing innovation, in applications such as:

Marketing and sales New products and services Team building Organization culture Productivity improvement Strategic thinking Organization change Career Development

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© 2007 Global Creativity Corporation (IS content)© 2007 Creative Advantage Inc (IT content)Innovation Styles is a registered trademark of the Global Creativity Corp For More Information Contact: Sandy Cormack

Based on your answers to the Innovation Styles questionnaire, you will receive a score, two graphs and an Individual Advisor based on your specific Profile.

Your Innovation Styles Profile is based upon three premises:

1. Each of us has the ability to be innovative. Therefore, the main issue is not “Am I innovative?” but rather “How am I innovative?”

2. As individual, we may have equal potential for being innovative, yet have different approaches to the process of innovation.

3. We do not use a single approach, but a mixture of four different styles.

Individual AdvisorIndividual Advisor

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© 2007 Global Creativity Corporation (IS content)© 2007 Creative Advantage Inc (IT content)Innovation Styles is a registered trademark of the Global Creativity Corp For More Information Contact: Sandy Cormack

Two Kinds of Feedback GraphsTwo Kinds of Feedback Graphs


From the Innovation Styles questionnaire, you will receive two kinds of graphs. The “Kite’” graph shows the degree to which you prefer each of the four

Innovation Styles. The “Point” graph shows the average point for all your scores – the “center

of gravity” for your “kite” profile

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© 2007 Global Creativity Corporation (IS content)© 2007 Creative Advantage Inc (IT content)Innovation Styles is a registered trademark of the Global Creativity Corp For More Information Contact: Sandy Cormack

The Team Advisor is based on the results of the Innovation Styles Profiles of the team members. It provides a graph of the team member scores, plus customized feedback and coaching that will help your team to:

Team AdvisorTeam Advisor

Understand the relationship among team members, based on their Profiles

Incorporate more diversity in how they address innovation challenges

Develop greater versatility in working with each other

Help team leaders to bring out the innovative best from a specific workgroup

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© 2007 Global Creativity Corporation (IS content)© 2007 Creative Advantage Inc (IT content)Innovation Styles is a registered trademark of the Global Creativity Corp For More Information Contact: Sandy Cormack

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