Cultural Implications of the Fast Food Industry in the United Arab Emirates – Zambrero’s By: Jessica Brereton

Cultural implications of the fast food industry in the United Arab Emirates

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Cultural Implications of the Fast Food Industry in the United Arab Emirates Zambreros

By: Jessica Brereton

Country Profile snapshot of UAEHealthy economy with an optimal GDP growth rate of three percentPopulation of 9.3 millionPopulation density of 110/sqkm Free trade zonesExpanding tourism

(WorldBank, 2016)


Seven Emirates with their own governmentsHigh GDP growth rateLow unemployment rateMixture of culturesReligion has a strong presence Technologically advanced

(Bush, 2016)

Cultural Elements of UAEFoodLanguageSocialClothing Gender rolesFamilyEtiquetteReligion

Food & LanguageHalal approved meat onlyNo porkAlcohol is forbidden according to religion for nationalsOfficial language is Arabic English is the language of commerce(Government, 2016)

Social & ClothingSocial classes are evident and separate the communityMales wear white robesWomen wear long dresses with a head cover and black cloak(Government, 2015)

Gender Roles & FamilyHigh value on female rolesWomen get equal opportunities, however normally opt for marriage and childrenMost women are employedEqual rightsMarriages are normally arrangedYoung men who are nationals will receive a large payment for marrying another national(Government, 2015)

Etiquette & ReligionDue to there being a mixed ethnic presence, other social customs are toleratedMan to woman contact is normally reservedMost matters are affected by Sharia LawOther religions are toleratedMuslim religion involves praying five times per day(Government, 2015)

Culture Contexts

(Wilson, 2013), (Riel, 2012)

Hofstede Australia vs. UAE

(Hofstede, 2016)

Corporate Attractiveness and RamificationsInternational travel stop over for Australians travelling to EuropeWealthy and large populationOpen cultureEvidence of strong trade &Cultural diversity Product appropriatenessLaws


Positives far outweigh negativesOther fast food franchises have expanded successfully, especially Australian companies Based on the PESTEL analysis, there is room for strong economic growthFree trade agreement with AustraliaAccepting of foreign cultures, making business easy

An option for market expansion?

ConclusionsZambrero have a primary marketing strategy that involves charity that could be marketed further to create positive relationships Product lines could be expanded to compensate for the less popular productsAdapting uniform will also create a more socially and culturally acceptable imageMultilingual menu for tourists and locals

Thank you, and I hope you have enjoyed this information session!

ReferencesBush, T. (2016, June 10). A PESTEL Analysis of the UAE. Retrieved from Pestel Analysis: http://pestleanalysis.com/pestle-analysis-of-uae/

Government, A. (2015). United Arab Emirates Country Brief. Retrieved from Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: http://dfat.gov.au/geo/united-arab-emirates/pages/united-arab-emirates-country-brief.aspxHofstede, G. (2016). Cultural Dimensions. Retrieved from Geert Hofstede: https://www.geert-hofstede.com/australia.html

Riel, B. (2012). The Cultural Context - The United Arab Emirates. Eaton Consulting Group, 4. Retrieved from Bob Riel: http://www.bobriel.com/pdf%20files/cultural%20context%20-%20uae.pdf

Wilson, B. (2013). High Context and Low Context Styles. Retrieved from College of Marin: http://www.marin.edu/buscom/index_files/Page605.htm

WorldBank. (2016). Population density (people per sq. km of land area). Retrieved from The World Bank: http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EN.POP.DNST

Zambrero. (2016). Story. Retrieved from Zambrero: http://www.zambrero.com/zambrero-au/story