Customer experience mangment ppt

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Goal For the Business

• To keep highly satisfied customers

• Providing high level customer services

Because your customers don’t care what you know until they know that you care.

Customer Experience Dilemma

Customer experience experienced by


The customer experience is created

by businesses




Experiencing the Customer Experience

To increase revenue

To increase customer satisfaction

To increase brand loyalty


• In business world three thins are most important:

Customer Experience

Brand Advocacy

Customer loyalty

Business Leaders Approach

To truly understand how businesses approach thecustomer experience, it is important to considerthe perspective of those who directly focus on the business. i.e C-L executives.

What C-level executives define as theultimate customer experience objective will not only reveal the universality of the customer-centricityconcept but also the mentality that trickles downthroughout the organization.

Business Leaders Approach

29% C-L executives

21% C-L executives 8% C-L executives

4% C-L executives

Customer Experience: From design to Promise

Whether a business chooses to recognizecustomer satisfaction, brand loyalty or revenue generation as its core customer experienceObjective the recognition is only the first step.

It then must determine how to create customerexperience that achieves the desired goal.

“Your brand is a promise sets expectations forevery interaction your customers have with yourcompany,” explains IQ Services’ Mike Burke.”

Other Popular Promises

• Other popular core promises include:


Personalization/ customization

On human-to-human connections between brand

Representatives and customers high-value

Resolutions and efficiency

Managing the customer experience

The individuals and departments responsiblefor influencing and overseeing the customerexperience will directly—and significantly—affect the realization of that experience.

The internal and external entities that partner with the core customer experience group also contribute immensely to the final experience.Its dangerous to charge a single deppt for executing a customer experience.

Delivering customer experience

Knowing what is right for customers & valuable for the business is not as the same as offering those rights & creating value.

Delivering the customer experience

Growth in customer satisfaction, loyalty and

advocacy are closely aligned with customer experience


Customer satisfaction and service level rate high scores

in customer experience metrics.

Customer experience element

Accuracy ,quality of resolution, personal connection between agents and customers are the three strongest components of

actual interaction.

Perfecting the customer experience

Connecting to customer

Getting closer to customer,doing right by the customer,giving the customer what he wants.

Methods to acquire the voice of the customers

• Survey 90.6%

• Inbound / unsolicted 49.5% Feedback• Social 41.5% media• Changes in 22.6% purchasing

The transforming platform

The research tells that companies need to expand rather than eliminate the number and types of communication channels they offer customers.

Scaling for success

One minor shift in the scenario ____, will impact the nature of challenges facing the business

Technology as an answer

Technology solutions represent tools for challenges and subsequently carrying out established customer experience objectives.