Aflac’s value to business owners and employees We specialize in small and medium sized companies Our Value to Business Owners Premiums are at NO COST to the owner - employees pay 100% of the premiums. Tax savings - save on FICA & FUTA taxes with pre-tax programs that reduce your employee’s taxable income. No change to health benefits already in place – Aflac’s policies are supplemental and are independent of your benefits package. There is no need to change your package or your relationship with your broker. Aflac agent educates your employees on the benefits - your time is valuable so I speak to your employees at a time you designate to understand their needs and educate them on. We can even take surveys of what they find to be of value. You stand head to head with your competitors - Your neighboring businesses, including competitors offer Aflac, so can you. Employee retention – one of our values to the success of your business includes better benefits = employee happiness = better employee retention rates. Administrative assistance - we help you with Section 125 Cafeteria Plans under the Affordable Care Act. Umbrella/Mega Wrap plans are free - if major medical premiums are forcing you to change providers, invariably brokers will charge

Do you know what benefits Aflac provides for employers & their employees?

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Page 1: Do you know what benefits Aflac provides for employers & their employees?

Aflac’s value to business owners and employees

We specialize in small and medium sized companies

Our Value to Business Owners Premiums are at NO COST to the owner - employees pay 100% of the premiums.

Tax savings - save on FICA & FUTA taxes with pre-tax programs that reduce your employee’s

taxable income.

No change to health benefits already in place – Aflac’s policies are supplemental and are

independent of your benefits package. There is no need to change your package or your relationship

with your broker.

Aflac agent educates your employees on the benefits - your time is valuable so I speak to

your employees at a time you designate to understand their needs and educate them on. We can

even take surveys of what they find to be of value.

You stand head to head with your competitors - Your neighboring businesses, including

competitors offer Aflac, so can you.

Employee retention – one of our values to the success of your business includes better benefits

= employee happiness = better employee retention rates.

Administrative assistance - we help you with Section 125 Cafeteria Plans under the Affordable

Care Act.

Umbrella/Mega Wrap plans are free - if major medical premiums are forcing you to change

providers, invariably brokers will charge you for a new umbrella plan. Aflac will never charge you for

an umbrella plan regardless of your major medical plans.

Short Term Disability – Choosing STD policies can help diminish worker’s compensation claims.

Our Value to Employees Pre-tax savings - some of Aflac’s tax-advantaged plans allow employees to use pre-tax dollars to

pay for their policies, therefore reducing their taxable income.

Fastest payout - Aflac pays out claims in ONE DAY to the employee, not their doctors. Our

competitors don’t do this, not by a long run.

Page 2: Do you know what benefits Aflac provides for employers & their employees?

Payout they receive can pay for expenses such as - medical bills, diagnostic bills, hospital

parking garage fees, home electrical bills, taxi cab fee to drive loved one to or from hospital, etc. It is

your money to use as you like!

Reasonable rates – we offer options in our plans to accommodate what you can afford. They do

not cost thousands of dollars.

Rate stable - our rates do not change, they are stable. Yes, you read correctly.

Our policies are guaranteed renewable - at the end of the policy year you will be renewed at

the same rate unless you have a change in family events and want to change it (i.e. got married,

have kids) or don’t pay your premiums.

Policies are portable - if employees leave the current workplace, they can take their policies

with them at the same rate.

Family plans with kids are the same- your family plan covers your children - if you have one

child, five children, eight children - it costs the same. We cover children up until 26 years of age.