Dream Dinners Franchise Reviews: When’s Your Most Productive Time of Day?

Dream Dinners Franchise Reviews: When’s Your Most Productive Time of Day?

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Dream Dinners Franchise Reviews: When’s Your Most Productive Time of Day?

Page 2: Dream Dinners Franchise Reviews: When’s Your Most Productive Time of Day?

When’s Your Most Productive Time of Day? Productivity can be a tricky thing. Time and time again we hear that we’re supposed to complete our most important or strenuous work during our most productive times of day. In theory, this makes complete sense, but in reality, many of us don’t actually know when we are most productive. Not knowing your productivity peak may be causing you to become less productive.

"We’re too often stuck without thinking about the bigger picture," said Daniel Gold, a productivity specialist and author of Evernote: The Unofficial Guide to Capturing Everything and Getting Things Done. “If you’re constantly in reactive mode or your life features irregular hours or travel, you may not be familiar with your own internal rhythms. Getting there is really just about taking that uncomfortable step inwards.

Page 3: Dream Dinners Franchise Reviews: When’s Your Most Productive Time of Day?

Are you looking to capitalize on your most productive periods of the day? Dream Dinners franchise reviews how to better identify what times of the day your productivity peaks so you can get more done in less time.

1. Track your time

2. Travel Back in Time

3. Consult With Your Staff

3 Ways to Determine Your Productivity Peak

Page 4: Dream Dinners Franchise Reviews: When’s Your Most Productive Time of Day?

Naturally, the first step in trying to identify your productive windows of time is to start by tracking. If you want to do it the old fashioned way, spend a week using a pen and paper to write down hour-by-hour what you completed during identified blocks of time. Don’t forget to also note how you felt during these time blocks. Was completing the task like pulling teeth, or did it feel like you were on a roll? Examining how you felt during these blocks of time compiled with how much work actually was completed can begin to tell you something about your productivity throughout the day.

However, in the modern day of smartphone apps and sophisticated computer software programs, some people are looking to get fancier with how they track their time and productivity hacks. If you’re looking for a more technological answer to tracking your time, check out these three time management apps to track your time. Tracking your productivity and progress in these varying apps can visually show you your productivity peaks.

1. Track your time

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Odds are that your time management and productivity has been the same since you were young. If you were a procrastinator then, you probably still have procrastinating qualities now. There’s nothing wrong with procrastination. Instead you should view your productivity style as just another personal quirk and look for ways to maximize its potential. If you tended to stay up until 2 a.m. cramming before a test in high school or college, then this may mean that you work best when under pressure and maybe during the later hours of the day. Conversely, if you thrived in early-morning classes throughout your educational career, then this may give you insight that your productivity peak is during the earlier hours of the day.

2. Travel Back in Time

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If you work closely with other employees at your place of business, then they likely will be able to give you insight into when you work best (and when you work worst, too). If you feel comfortable doing so, ask your colleagues or even friends about what they think your most productive times of day are. If they’re unable to answer this, then ask them what times of day they view you as least productive. Are you most productive after you’ve taken your lunch break? Are you least productive before your morning cup of coffee kicks in? Let your colleagues and friends know why you’re asking. They likely will be more honest if they know the purpose of your questions. Maybe they’ll even jump on board and try to identify their productive peak!

3. Consult with Your Staff

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When running a Dream Dinners franchise, there is always something that needs to be done, but oftentimes these tasks are of varying levels of importance or require varying capacities of thought. When a Dream Dinners franchisee is able to recognize parts of the day he or she works best, then he or she should work on the essentials of the business that take more thought and strain then. During lower productivity periods, Dream Dinners franchisees can work on other tasks that require less pressure. Doing so can make your Dream Dinners franchise location run smoother, making both your customers and employees happier and more productive in the process.

Why Should Productivity Matter to Dream Dinners Franchisees?

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For more information about the Dream Dinners franchise opportunity, visit the Dream Dinners franchise information page today http://dreamdinnersfranchise.com/.


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