Smart Accelerator Project Overview 13 th May 2014 Jackie Smith

ECCI's Smart Accelerator Project - Jackie Smith - Carbon Chat Room - 13/05/14

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Jackie Smith explains the ins and outs of ECCI's Smart Accelerator Project. The aim of the project is to identify, support and accelerate the formation, packaging and financing of up to 12 Scottish project partnerships that support Scotland’s transition to a low carbon economy and society through creating smarter and more sustainable cities, communities and islands.

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Smart  Accelerator  Project  Overview    13th  May  2014    

Jackie  Smith    

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So  what  is  the  Smart  Accelerator  Project  ?    

Project  Aim  is  to  •  iden>fy,  support  and  accelerate  the  forma3on,  packaging  and  financing  of  up  to  12  ScoCsh  project  partnerships  which  support  Scotland’s  transi>on  to  a  low  carbon  economy  and  society  through  crea>ng  smarter  and  more  sustainable  ci>es,  communi>es  and  islands.  

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Balanced  PorIolio  of  Projects    Good  prac>ce  ‘lighthouse’  projects,  focused  on  collabora>ve  business  models,  not  technology,  and  a  broad  ecosystem  of  service  providers  drawing  on  and  applying  knowledge  developed  elsewhere    •  Size    •  Geographical  Loca>on    •  Lifecycle  Stage  •  Social  and  Economic  Impact    •  Theme  –  Smart  Mobility,  Energy,  IT    •  Risk    

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The  Partnership  

Mobility Integration Challenge

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How  can  we  help  projects  ?    

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Current  Progress    

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Evalua3on  Process  Created  pan-­‐Scotland  Partnership;  Gathered  Long  List  ,  Assigned  Unique  IDs,  Removed  

Duplicates      Removed  Projects:    

Complete,  cancelled  or  under-­‐implementa3on;  Funding  applica3on  underway;  In  tes3ng  &  

development;  ‘SME  Products’  not  projects;  Over  focus  on  one  key  Smart  City  priority    

Removed  projects  using  standard  approaches;    Remove  projects  with  focus  on:  Wave,  Wind,  Solar,  CHP,  Biomass,  District  Hea3ng,  AD,  Energy  from  

Waste,  Hydro  ,  Recycling  ,  Retro-­‐Fit  ,  Street  Ligh3ng  as  supported  elsewhere    

Panel  interviews  for  in  depth  analysis    Final  selec3on  of  10-­‐12  Projects  

Tailored  Support  

Applied  Full  Evalua3on  Criteria  Passed  Projects  to  Sustainable  Islands    

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Ci>es  projects    – Short  list  to  Steering  Group  Thursday  – Announce  All  Energy      – Detailed  discussions  to  finalise  terms  &  dura>on  of  ECCI  engagement  

– Recruit  specialist  consultancy    – Develop  and  implement  rela>onship  management  approach    

Sustainable  Islands  Projects    – Submission  deadline  14th  of  May    – Short  List  to  steering  group  by  30th  June    

Next  Steps    

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Thank  you      

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Backup  Slides    

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Lifecycle  Stage  of  Projects    

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Geographical  Spread    

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Evalua>on  Criteria    

Projects  were  scored  as  follows:              3  =  strong  evidence  of  mee>ng  evalua>on  criteria,    2  =  good  evidence  of  mee>ng  evalua>on  criteria  1  =weak  evidence  /  challenged  to  meet  evalua>on  criteria,  0  =  insufficient  informa>on/  evidence  to  make  a  decision    


Interna3onal  Applica3on    

Project  has  the  ability  to  be  applied  

elsewhere  in  Scotland  and  abroad  crea>ng  income  genera>ng  opportuni>es  for  

ScoCsh  business  and  organisa>ons  


Sustainability    Meet  at  least  one  of  the  dra^  Green  Bank’s  Green  


•  The  reduc>on  of  greenhouse  gas  emissions;  

•  The  advancement  of  efficiency  in  the  use  of  natural  resources;  

•  The  protec>on  or  enhancement  of  the  natural  environment;  

•  The  protec>on  or  enhancement  of  biodiversity;    

•  The  promo>on  of  environmental  sustainability    

Proven  Technology        

The  project  will  use  the  Technology  Readiness  Levels  for  assessment  as  first  developed  by  

NASA.  Projects  which  meet  Technology  Readiness  Level  7  

criteria  or  above  will  be  considered  suitable  for  inclusion  

Invest  ability    Abrac>veness  of  project  to  funders-­‐  

poten>al  ROI,  Benefits,  Payback    

Economic  Development    Project  poten>al  to  create  jobs  /  turnover  for  

ScoCsh  organisa>ons  

EU  Funding  Poten3al    Projects  ability  to  access  

 further  EU  funding  &  support    

Strategic  Alignment      YES/NO                      Projects  must  demonstrate  alignment