Josh Cavuoto Free eToolbox The Entrepreneurs Toolbox

eToolbox: The Entrepreneur's Toolbox (Free Edition)

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The eToolbox is a list of internet resources curated by Josh Cavuoto. It features websites, services, tools & apps for everything form business, to pleasure & everything in between. Get lost discovering the awesomeness of the internet with eToolbox by Josh Cavuoto

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Josh Cavuoto


eToolboxThe Entrepreneurs Toolbox

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1 Knowledge is power.Power to the people!


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Codecademy: Learn to code

“People write code to make computers do things..”reads the Homepage of Codeacademy. Codeacademy is the simplest way to start learning how to code, it has proven itself as a great introductory tool to learn coding for beginners of all ages.

To see the full list of Coding resources, tap here to unlock the FULL version

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Gary Halbert Letters: An archive from the King of Copywriting

TheGaryHalbertLetters.com is a fan site for copywriting guru Gary Halbert, and coins itself as “the most valuable website on the entire internet”.

Buried within this treasure trove is publications and long form articles from Gary Halbert sharing his secrets and experience within Copywriting.

By understanding that words on a page or website are what sell things, and by editing words we can impact what people read and how they feel; this archive will open your mind to writ-ing techniques you may have never considered... Try reading the first letter on the Home page from Gary Halbert himself, I guarantee you will be hooked to find out more.

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22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing is a brilliant publication widely recognised in the field for its bold, brash & unrelenting laws of marketing following decades of research in the industry by Marketing practitioners Al Reis & Jack Trout.The article suggests 22 laws of marketing of which may be bro-ken at your own risk! Beginning with the Law of Leadership right through to the Law of Resources.

If there is just one publication you should check to spark your interest in Marketing, it should be this, the 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al Reis & Jack Trout.

How to Find Anything Online: Be an Internet Research Expert

So often we hear “everything is available online,” commonly met with the coined phrase, “Google it”. Many internet users

are simply not able to find what it is they are looking for, and it’s not their fault. Search engines like Google are constantly revising their algo-rithms and how their search function works, to make finding in-formation on the internet easier; however, they are still not per-fect.

The good news is that there is a way to find what you want on-line, you just need to think how the search engines think. You need a path of resources to find what it is you are looking for, regardless of the topic.

Thankfully this longread article by Cameron Chapman will de-mystify all your internet search woes and turn you to Internet Research Expert in no time!

The Technium: 1,000 True Fans

A great article by Kevin Kelly in which he attempts to distin-guish the opportunity of Niche markets. A niche market is a subset of any market in which a specific product is servicing. Wikipedia uses the example of Fox Sports as a niche product serving sports fans as opposed to the community of TV viewers as a whole. The Apple iPhone 5C is a niche product attracting younger, colourful, budget conscious smartphone buyers,

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eBooks & Interesting Reads

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whilst its counterpart the Apple iPhone 5S is aimed at luxury, sleek or premium class smartphone buyers.

The first paragraph of this enthralling article sets the tone for much of this powerful read:“The long tail is famously good news for two classes of people; a few lucky aggregators, such as Amazon and Netflix, and 6 bil-lion consumers. Of those two, I think consumers earn the greater reward from the wealth hidden in infinite niches.”

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10 Reasons You Should Never Get a Job

A great article by Steve Pavlina who preaches the wonderful side to self employment. Whilst Steve certainly paints a rosy picture of entrepreneurship, his success stories are certainly achievable.

If there was ever motivation for you to try something yourself and be your own boss, this is it!

Eric Ries :: Startup Lessons Learned

Eric Ries is an entrepreneur and somewhat tech entrepreneur royalty. Eric is an uber successful founder & highly praised author of “The Lean Startup Methodology”.

This resource “Startup Lessons Learned” is a great introduction to concepts of “The Lean Startup Methodology” which has revolutionised the way companies are formed and managed,

and how rapid timeframes in bringing a product to market can be achieved through the methodology.

Not just for solo entrepreneurs and small to medium business, The Lean Startup Methodology has since been adopted by large multinational companies, including General Electric (GE).

If you benefit from observations made on “Startup Lessons Learned” I would highly encourage you to check out Eric’s book “The Lean Startup Methodology”.

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Ball Exercises | A Complete Guide to Ball Exercises

I still recall my first office or “workstation” setup. It was my grandfather’s old work desk with a modern office chair for the ultimate in seated comfort.

Unfortunately however, as progress marched forward I became unhappy with the large number of hours I spent sitting down, so I moved from a comfy, cushioned office chair to a <$100 Gym Ball or Swiss Ball as they are sometimes referred to, best thing I ever did!

The Ball-Exercises.com website contains everything you need to know if you want to workout using ball exercises. You'll find information on, Ball Exercises, Workout Routines, Benefits of using ball exercises when working out, Equipment & Techniques together with Detailed Safety Precautions to take when doing ball exercises.

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Solution Selling

This is a Wikipedia article on Solution Selling which differenti-ates between simply selling an offering or product as opposed to working with a customer and solving pains or challenges they face.

The Noob Guide to Online Marketing (INFOGRAPHIC)

A great Infographic by Unbounce marketing which summarises online marketing efforts in one neat illustration.

This Is How You Make Something Go Viral

A fantastic piece by Gawker Media on how to make something go viral and spread across the internet.

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Marketing & Sales

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A personal favourite of mine and go to resource for when things are simply too hectic.

Zenhabits is a great resource of short and longreads that will minimalise your mind and allow you to enjoy the beauty in every moment, whether your stressed or looking to pass some time, there is always something interesting to read on Zenhab-its.

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BuzzFeed :: News across multiple industries

BuzzFeed is the latest attempt at a breaking news platform for the “generation of today”. How BuzzFeed differs from other news outlets is that it tends to be closest to the time of break when breaking news happens.

Expect to see a lot of what you watch on Television ‘news’ to be stories on BuzzFeed first.

Campaign Brief :: Latest in PR & Marketing

Quite simply Campaign Brief posts the very latest press re-leases and stories in the field of PR & Marketing.

Reddit: the front page of the internet

Reddit: it really is the front page of the internet. Start exploring the Front Page (the Home page), before long

you will lose yourself in a black hole of internet memes & sheer weirdness by exploring other sections, referred to as “sub red-dits” e.g. Technology, or “Ask Me Anything” where celebrities including US President Barrack Obama hosted an “Ask Me Any-thing” question and answer post which caught the media’s at-tention worldwide.

The question is not where does it end, but how far down the rabbit reddit hole do you want to go?

Caution: Severe time of your life may be wasted which you are never getting back - avoid black holes.

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Duolingo | Learn languages for free

Exactly as the site title suggests, get learning!

Freerice.com: Play & learn online and feed the hungry

The rules as listed on the website are as follows:

Click on the right answer in the middle of the (sic) page.If you get it right, you get a harder question. If you get it wrong, you get an easier question.For each answer you get right, we donate 10 grains of rice to the United Nations World Food Program.WARNING: This game may make you smarter.

HowStuffWorks "Learn how Everything Works!"

Arts, Automotive, Entertainment, Money, Technology...

Khan Academy :: Learn almost anything for free

From Khan Academy:

“Learn almost anything for free.

Our mission is to provide a free, world-class education for any-one, anywhere. All of our resources are completely free forever, regardless of whether you're a student, teacher, home-schooler, principal, adult returning to the classroom after 20 years, or a friendly alien just trying to get a leg up in earthly bi-ology.

We're a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and we would not be possible with-out the generous support of users everywhere. In particular, we'd like to thank our major supporters for helping our mis-sion.”

Lynda.com software training & tutorials

A one month Lynda.com subscription allowed me to learn the entire Adobe Suite of products and how to use them in the workforce. I was then able to apply the skills I learnt from those video tutorials as artillery for my Resume.

Rosetta Stone :: Learn a new Language

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Online Courses

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Rosetta Stone was a name I had read about frequently in my morning news presented to me via the iPad app “Flipboard”.

It wasn’t until a flight from Rome to Dubai where I met an in-credibly fluent Italian speaking Australian who had learnt Italian via the Rosetta Stone website. This was enough a testimonial for me.

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Ramit Sethi :: I Will Teach You To Be Rich

If there is one thing I have learned about the U.S. Dot Com crash of 2002, is that it gave birth to Evan Williams who came up with the whole meme (concept) of a “blog” and “blogging” and one thing is is certain. Americans love to blog. And they love cheesy titles.

One thing is certain, whatever Ramit blogs about is interesting. His book “I Will Teach You To Be Rich” is where the blogs title comes from by the way, it’s up to you whether you buy his book but check out his blog frequently for some interesting reads. RyanHoliday.net | Meditations on strategy and life

I wish I wasn’t right, but Ryan Holiday is a genius. No, I am not kidding. Currently he heads up American Apparel as the Direc-

tor of Marketing; but Ryan is very, very different to everyone else.

In his book “Trust Me I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Ma-nipulator” he explicitly details the steps involved guerilla mar-keting & in manifesting a viral concept.

Try just reading Ryan’s about page to see where he came from and his writing style, you’ll either love it or hate it.

Caution: you’ll love it.

Seth Godin's Blog

Seth Godin is a marketing guru, speaker, author and entrepre-neur.

Highly recommended titles by Seth include Purple Cow & Linchpin; however, it’s worth noting that all books by Seth Go-din are a must-read.

Tim Ferriss :: My Story

Tim Ferriss a lifehacker, investor & best selling author.

Tim blogs regularly on the most intriguing of topics from busi-ness, technology, philanthropy and life hacking.

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Tim is a best selling author of the 4 Hour Workweek, the 4 Hour Body & the 4 Hour Chef; although cheesy titles, each book can have dramatic impacts on your life, as they did mine.

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100 Must See Interviews With Successful Entrepreneurs

Under30CEO published this fantastic article listing the most in-spiring entrepreneurs on the planet to learn from.

100 of the Most Inspiring Business Videos on YouTube

ZenCollegeLife has curated a list of inspirational videos by busi-nesses and individuals.

Go through the list and add them to your “Watch Later” list on YouTube.

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2 We consume content on mobile devices. We produce content on desktop workstations.The gap is closing.This is the world of “mobile-first”


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Passbook and Pass Kit integration made easy by PassSlot

Building your own Passbook Pass for iOS (the operating system for iPhone, iPad and iPod is dead easy!

Now integrating Passbook, Apple’s own virtual ticketing wallet is as easy as picking a template and customising it for your busi-ness or offering.

WalletKit - The easiest platform to deliver mobile passes

WalletKit is an easy to use mobile pass creation tool for Apple’s iOS Passbook & Google Wallet.

WalletKit makes it easy for anyone to start building their own mobile passes for either platform today.

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iOS Passbook Tools

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AppClix | Free Mobile Analytics For Your App

Once you have built your mobile application, you will want to know how people you are using, where your users are based and what is or what is not working within your app.

For this you will need Mobile Analytics for your mobile app, look no further then AppClix.

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Mobile Analytics

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Bizness Apps - App Maker For Small Businesses

BiznessApps is great for small businesses looking to enter the Mobile App space across a plethora of industries, from Gyms & Social Clubs to Take Away & Restaurant mobile apps.

Another great option for BiznessApps is their Whitelabel pro-gram which allows anyone to start their own mobile app com-pany reselling the BiznessApps platform under your own brand!

Festival Mobile: Create mobile apps for festivals, events, ex-pos, conferences & more

Hosting an event, expo, conference or festival? Festival Mobile is the market leader for mobile apps in Australia targeting events, expos, conferences and festivals.

Festival Mobile apps portfolio includes work for:ActiveTVad:techBird In Hand WineryCarols in the Domain (Woolworths + Channel 7)COG AdvertisingDMG EventsFalls FestivalFestival TicketingField DayFun4KidsFuture EntertainmentFuture Music Festival FuzzyHomebake Festival Harvest FestivalInternet Show 2012International Truck, Trailer & Equipment ExpoLemon & LimeMelbourne International Coffee Expo MotopiaMurdoch UniversityNextFazeOneloveOzTixParklife

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Mobile App Makers

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Peats Ridge Festival Southbound Splendour in the Grass StereosonicSt Kilda Festival Summadayze Sunset Events T4 (Channel 4)Totem Onelove Group Tribble Reese The Falls Music & Art Festival V EnergyWOMADelaide+ many more

Get started FREE today!

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PlaceIt by Breezi: Generate Screenshots in Real Environments

Once your mobile app’s User Interface is almost complete or has reached its final stage; you’ll want to show it off!The best way i’ve found to create marketable screenshots is with PlaceIt by Breezi; allowing anyone to upload app screen-shots and have them appear in natural settings and environ-ments.

TestFlight » iOS beta testing on the fly

In the building stage of your mobile app, you’ll want to be able to distribute your application either to your own devices or oth-ers’ devices for testing and feedback.

Thankfully this process has been made relatively easy thanks to TestFlight with their ability to provide you with an Ad Hoc demo version of your mobile app on your device, before it is approved and published to their relevant App Stores.

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Mobile Dev Resources

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Mobile Patterns: UI Templates For Your Mobile Project

Just as the site title suggests, Mobile-Patterns is a great re-source and starting point for shaping your User Interface (UI) & User Experience (UX) for your own smartphone application.

Sifting through templates of various UI elements the site pro-vides inspiration for your mobile project, which you can then curate & forward to your mobile app designer, as a starting point for your vision.

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Mobile UI / UX

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3 Get the job done with the right tools!


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FreshBooks - Cloud Accounting for Small Business Owners

FreshBooks is a fantastic Accounting & Invoicing application that works across smartphones and the web so no matter where you go, you’ll always have access to your financials.

Whilst FreshBooks does employ the Freemium model, there is much power and control associated with the Free plan for FreshBooks.

For accounting without the fuss, try FreshBooks for your small business or consulting.

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Crazy Egg - Build heatmaps and track clicks on your website

CrazyEgg has cemented itself as a key player in the website analytics space.

With CrazyEgg you can view your webpage with different over-lays, varying from where people click, to where the users come from (e.g. from another website, from Google, from Facebook etc) and where they go.

CrazyEgg is a great, no nonsense analytics tool with a Free sub-scription to monitor one page of one of your websites.

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Datablaze - Low cost, simple and secure online backup facility

In my experience, you don’t value the importance of backing up your digital files until they are gone, whether it’s a hard drive crash, a hacker or a fire; Datablaze gives you unlimited cloud storage to backup all your computer data for up to 5 computers in your home, there are also backup plans for busi-ness.What separates Datablaze from its competitors is the optional briefcase drive which Datablaze can mail to you, which you then fill up with your files and mail it back. The advantage of this is that you won’t have to wait months & months uploading all your content to the cloud... Like I did.

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Kaggle: Go from Big Data to Big Analytics

Whether its improving GE’s arrival & departure times, or help-ing NASA gain more accurate images of dark matter, Kaggle is the company with data scientists solving business challenges through predictive analysis.

When your company is large enough and your data is all but lost in an archive, Kaggle is the one to call.

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Big Data

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Docstoc – Small Business Document Templates

Doctstoc is your one stop resource for the best professional documents and content resources to grow your business.

Everything from Business Plans, to Non Disclosure Agreements and more is all available at Docstoc.

Lean Canvas: Your Startup Blueprint

The Lean Canvas is a personal favourite of mine, it takes the core findings of a Business Plan and illustrates them on one page.

Popular amongst startup entrepreneurs, the Lean Canvas is a great tool for validating a business idea, solving a problem or sharing your vision with potential collaborators.

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Business Plans

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Literature and Latte - Scrivener Writing Software

Scrivener is one of the most popular tools for authors and me-dia publishers that allows you to simply get to the end of your first draft!

Formatting and other options are available; however, the power of Scrivener lies in taking what’s in your mind to a page as quickly as possible and then moving on, without anything getting in the way... Until you finish that first draft!

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Copywriting & Content Marketing

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SugarCRM: Online Customer Relationship Management

Sugar is a popular Customer Relationship Management applica-tion that is cloud-based meaning you can access it from any-where, and it can be completely customised and branded ex-actly how you want it.

When project and customer management are vital, look to Sug-arCRM.

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Customer Service & CRM

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99designs | Logo Design, Web Design and More

Whatever you need outsourced, whether it’s a T Shirt design, logo design, web design and so much more... Host your own Design Competition and crowdsource your next design project with 99designs

Color Psychology in Logo Design by Visual.ly

Visual content provider Visual.ly presents this fantastic info-graphic on the psychology behind colours in design.

Infographic Builders

PiktoChart :: Infographic Builder

My personal favourite tool for creating infographics, PikToChart

allows you to pick an infographic template and then use that

template’s design to present your own data that you’ve col-

lected, whether it be survey results, research findings or any

other topic that needs to be illustrated neatly with an info-


Music | Audio | Sound Design

Free guitar lessons: Learn how to play Guitar free here!

Justinguitar.com is a great resource to learn how to play the Guitar instrument for free! From beginner right through to ad-vanced, Justin relies on donations to keep the site running and offer the tutorial videos for free.

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Design Resources

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WhoSampled :: Listen to Music Samples, Remixes and Covers

Ever wanted to know what that music sample or riff you heard comes from?

I frequently hear people say, “all the music in the world has al-ready been created, everything now has been borrowed from somewhere else”, well now there is a resource for digging up classic treasures living on via samples and edits through the mu-sic of today.

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MailChimp :: Email Marketing and Email List Manager

For sending email blasts and reaching your users via email for a promotional campaign is as easy as collating email addresses with users permission (e.g. at the point of sale asking if they’d like to join your subscriber list), uploading your email address list to MailChimp, choosing & editing your eMail template with content and hitting the Send button!

Get started for free today with MailChimp, but remember: NO SPAM!

Rapportive :: Get rich contact profiles inside Gmail

If you receive a lot of cold-call or unsolicited emails from peo-ple or potential clients, or you have a terrible memory such as myself... Try Rapportive.

Rapportive is a handy extension for Gmail that allows you to view instant information about the person who is emailing you.

ReadNotify: Email delivery receipts, silent tracking + more

Have a quick browse of the internet for “email tracking reliabil-ity” and you’ll soon learn that email tracking where and when someone opens an email is actually not that reliable.

So much so, that Apple & other leading technology companies do not include the option of delivery receipts in their email cli-ents (as opposed to Microsoft Outlook).

Without getting into the specifics of why email delivery re-ceipts and tracking are easily spoofed by Internet Service Pro-viders and eMail clients such as Gmail, the option to be noti-fied when a user reads an eMail & where is still available, and may be useful to you in your case; enter ReadNotify.

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eMail Marketing & Management

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Broadcom : Silicon Manufacturer

Broadcom has a reputation for high quality, premium silicon products across a variety of categories, manufacturing for wired and wireless products and applications.

Serious about engineering your visionary product? It starts with Broadcom.

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Clarity: Talk one on one with experts

Clarity is an awesome communication platform for anyone seek-ing clarity on a range of topics for a range of industries. Talk to a technology expert about creating your tech product, or per-haps chat with an overseas entrepreneur about how to best tackle your problem of hiring. Clarity allows you to browse lists of verified experts, and schedule a time to chat, call costs vary per minute depending on who you are wanting to talk to.

Google Apps for Business

Looking to setup a Calendar for your business or work, how about an email service so you can have “yourname”@”yourbusinessname”.com and then setup alias addresses such as finance@”yourbusinessname”.com?

The truth is it’s all really simple to do and it’s all really, really cheap! Thanks to Google Apps for Business.

The best $50 a year you will spend, Google Apps for Business takes the process of getting an online presence setup in hours, rather than weeks and months.

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Festival Mobile: Create mobile apps for festivals, events, ex-pos, conferences & more

Hosting an event, expo, conference or festival? Festival Mobile is the market leader for mobile apps in Australia targeting events, expos, conferences and festivals.

Festival Mobile apps portfolio includes work for:ActiveTVad:tech Bird In Hand WineryCarols in the Domain (Woolworths + Channel 7) COG Advertising DMG Events Falls Festival Festival Ticketing Field DayFun4Kids

Future EntertainmentFuture Music Festival FuzzyHomebake Festival Harvest FestivalInternet Show 2012International Truck, Trailer & Equipment ExpoLemon & LimeMelbourne International Coffee Expo MotopiaMurdoch UniversityNextFazeOneloveOzTixParklifePeats Ridge FestivalSouthboundSplendour in the Grass StereosonicSt Kilda FestivalSummadayzeSunset Events T4 (Channel 4) Totem Onelove GroupTribble Reese The Falls Music & Art FestivalV Energy

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WOMADelaide+ many more

Get started FREE today!

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Top-Rated Online Fax Service by HelloFax

I haven’t sent a fax before, I don’t believe in wasting paper. Hel-loFax will help you time travel to the past for those odd times you need to send a fax.

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bit.ly :: URL Link Shortener + More

Often when sharing files or specific web address (for a blog post or article you’d like to share) the URL is simply too long to be memorable. Enter bit.ly with its URL Link Shortening service for any URL. Simply copy paste your destination URL into bit.ly (e.g. www.joshcavuoto.com/about) and it will provide you with a short URL (e.g. www.bit.ly/1234) for you to publicly share.

When users enter your short bit.ly URL (e.g. www.bit.ly/1234) it will redirect the user to your destination URL (www.joshcavuoto.com/about) as intended, without ever need-ing to remember the lengthy URL in the beginning.

JustBeamIt - file transfer made easy

JustBeamIt is a very simple website. Simply drag n drop the files to be shared anywhere on the webpage and it will provide

you with a URL to share publicly for other people to view and download your file.

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File Transfer

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DocuSign eSignature | Sign Documents OnlineGo green! Stop wasting paper, save the trees, we need them to breathe! DocuSign allows you to sign electronic documents so you can stop printing pages and do away with the printer all together, like I have!

EULAlyzer® :: Analyze license agreements

Quite simply, the EULAlyzer is a fantastic web tool for scanning your End User License Agreements. What is an End User Li-cense Agreement or EULA? Every time you install a piece of software or sign up for a service such as Facebook, you are agreeing to the terms & conditions laid out by that company in their EULA.

When you install an application or piece of software on your computer for example, you are typically requested to Accept the EULA before the installation can begin. The trouble with this is that the terms you are agreeing to are so typically wordy,

small, confusing and most of the time we don’t actually read them!

If you care about your privacy, and what your signing up for, check out EULAlyzer and get informed today.

Wufoo · Online Form Builder!

When you need to create a form for customers or participants to fill out online, Wufoo is a great platform for creating and sharing your online form.

Useful for Market Research and Sales, get building forms on-line now with Wufoo.

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Forms, Letters & Legal

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How to Land More Clients With Persuasive Fees

An excellent blog post by Bidsketch on how to effectively inte-grate persuasive fees into your Estimates.

The Freelancer’s Toolset: 100 Web Apps for Everything

Are you a freelancer? Here’s everything you will ever need...

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Dual Maps: Google Maps, Street View and Bing Maps in 1

Perhaps one of the more left field entries into the eToolbox is this handy web tool, as the title suggests (best viewed on desk-top) you can simultaneously search Street View by Google Maps & Bing Maps in 1 screen... Surprisingly handy.

Google Maps for Business

Composing a proposal? Need to take visual mapping to the next level? Google Maps for Business will give you what you need to make better decisions... Much like the rest of their products really.

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Salesforce Sales Cloud by Salesforce.com

One of the largest sales applications available on the web, this cloud based management platform is suitable for medium to large business.

Vocus :: Marketing Software

Another sales application is Vocus, particularly it’s ability across advanced PR marketing & sales.

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Join.me – Free Screen Sharing and Online Meetings

Easy to use no fuss Online meetings portal with screen sharing ability. Sometimes not everyone has Skype or Google+, some-times it’s easier just to share a link and everyone agrees to meet at that time via a web browser. This is join.me

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Fiverr: Graphics, marketing, fun and more online services for $5

Find people willing to do a variety of activities for $5. Great for some random PR & marketing material, or browsing a few hours and getting lost in the blackhole of offerings!

oDesk | The world’s largest online workplace

Recently merging with eLance, oDesk is the world’s largest on-line workplace to find contractors willing to do a variety of be-ginner to intermediate work from building websites, mobile apps, graphic design and so much more oDesk is proven to be the world’s largest online workplace.

Remember if you have a service to offer to list yourself as a pro-vider, not just a buyer! It could make for some interesting pas-sive income.

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KeePass :: Password Safe Archive For All Your Passwords

KeePass is a free, open source, super secure digital archive for all your passwords, other competition such as 1password typi-cally come with a hefty price tag.

Password Strength Checker

You know you don’t change your online passwords as often as 30 days like you should, but if this should prompt you to do so now then be sure to use the Password Meter to check the strength of your potential passwords & find an Exceptional one. You’ll be surprised what your current passwords rank as!

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HelpAReporterOut :: Connecting Reporters and News Sources

Just as the title suggests, HelpAReporterOut (HARO) links re-porters with news sources because after all, everyone knows something. They’ve been quoted by The New York Times, ABC News & Huffington Post.

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Go Mobile With Your Presentations With Presefy.com

Imagine you walk into a room to give a presentation, as usual, the presentation equipment fails and you are no longer able to present your slides.Luckily you uploaded your presentation to Presefy.comNow, you can direct everyone to a URL where your presenta-tion fills their screens, but here’s the difference. With your smar-phone logged in to the same presentation, you control the slides, you control what they see just as you would a Keynote or PowerPoint presentation.

Presefy, great for presentation second screening and for back-ups!

SlideShare :: Upload & Share Presentations & Documents

The most common form of presentation URLs I receive person-ally come to me via SlideShare, with a growing community of

professionals and support for SlideShare presentations on your LinkedIn profile, this platform is great for uploading and shar-ing presentations you create for yourself, for others, from talks, keynotes, wherever!

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Evernote | Remember everything, collected & sorted

“Evernote apps and products make modern life manageable, by letting you easily collect and find everything that matters.”

Evernote is a great way to sort your brain, it can be accessed via a webpage from any device along with supported apps for all platforms such as Mac, PC, iPhone, iPad, Android and many more.

Those late night brainwaves and notes you simply must not for-get, sit well in the Evernote ecosystem.

More than just a note taker, try Evernote for free today.

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Run Giveaway, Sweepstakes Promotions, & Contests Tool

Rafflecopter is a great service for creating your own branded online/offlline giveaways. After all, every one loves a freebie!

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I love Buffer App. There I said it. Buffer is an incredible service for social media management that allows you to schedule posts and tweets to different social networks and the most opti-mal times. All you have to do is maintain an inventory of con-tent through various outlined methods and Buffer will do the rest, as well as give you analytics on each post.

Oh, and it’s free.

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Section 26

Social Media

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I always book my flights through Skyscanner, not only are they a website but their smartphone apps are also incredible lifesav-ers!

Skyscanner searches multiple airlines to find you the cheapest routes and airlines, and there is no additional fees. Ever!

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Jing, screenshot and screencast software

Jing is an incredibly powerful, easy to use screen recorder appli-cation that is good for demos, or anything visual where by re-cording what you see on your screen would be helpful later on to either you or someone else.

You could use Jing for product demonstrations if you produce a digital product, or perhaps as a tool for creating tutorials on how to use your product or service.

Try Jing FREE now and see if it works for you.

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Down For Everyone Or Just Me: Check if your website is down

Just as the website’s name suggests, this is a great tool not just for webmaster but for anyone experiencing problems loading any webpage on the internet, simply visit Down For Everyone Or Just Me, paste your URL you are attempting to visit and you’ll quickly know whether the issue is just you or experienced elsewhere.

Free Summarizer, an online automatic summarize tool

Now we live in an era where a tweet restricts us to just 140 pre-cious characters. For any material you find online or offline, copy paste it into this Free Summarizer tool to quickly extract the necessary details, before deciding whether to read it in its entirety.

IFTTT: If This Then That tool for automating online

If This Then That is not a new concept; however, as we ap-proach the era of The Internet of Things where every item around us shall soon have an internet connection, If This Then That allows you to set parameters on actions which trigger based on an event, these are referred to as “recipes”.

For example, I have one recipe set up so that each time a friend tags me in a photo in Facebook, that photo is automati-cally added to a photos folder in my Dropbox.com account. The possibilities are only going to grow further with the intro-duction of the internet into everyday household items.

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4 The most resourceful websites online


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Commission Factory Affiliate Advertising Network Program

CommissionFactory is a leading affiliate platform for monetiz-ing your website or blog through advertising.

The truth is big money can be made through affiliate advertis-ing if your website or blog has a large number of viewers per day; however, in most cases the revenues are quite small.

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Section 1

Affiliate Marketing

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Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services or AWS for short, is the leader in cloud computing. Not just a shopping market, Amazon has an incredi-ble inventory of products and services for businesses small and large.

Check the intro video on the home page to discover all the in-credible offerings of AWS.

Go Daddy Domain Auction | Buying & Selling Domains

I’ve bought quite a number of domains in my time, and of all the providers I believe GoDaddy is one of the best.

The best part about GoDaddy is that you can edit your DNS Nameservers to point your domain to your website for free, as opposed to some other domain providers who charge extra for

this (geek talk, but important & you’ll thank me later when you go to setup your own website or for a friend).

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Section 2

Domain & Hosting

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Gumroad :: Sell directly to your audience

Have a digital product you’d like to sell? A song, a file, an eBook? Upload your file, set the price and start sharing. Gum-road handles the processing for payments at an extremely com-petitive rate per transaction. You only pay when you sell some-thing!

Online Store Builders

Shopify - The Best Ecommerce Platform

Ever wanted to setup your own online shop, well now it’s so easy anyone can do it! Shopify will have your online store up in minutes in just a few clicks, and the Shopify App Store allows for some serious customisations to your site.


Tinypass | Easy paywall integration with websites

If you setup a webpage or site on the internet with content you only want purchases to see, you will need a paywall i.e. a wall that blocks the site unless the user pays the price nominated.

Tinypass is an easy to integrate paywall for your website, check it out should you ever want to keep particular eyes out!


AliBaba :: Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters & Importers

One of the largest online wholesale marketplaces in the world, AliBaba is the place to find textiles, jewelry, electronics and so much more at wholesale for you to sell in your online store.

Be sure to verify your sources on AliBaba, and don’t be shy to do your own research about wholesaling through AliBaba.

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Steam: The Ultimate Online Game Platform

Steam is the ultimate online game platform, it says so in the ti-tle. But seriously, if you’re a gamer you have probably already heard of Steam. If it’s been a while since you’ve played, check out Steam now!

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We code your Photoshop design to CSS and HTML/xHTML

MarkupService will take your Photoshop designs and turn them into CSS & HTML code for you to use as a website.

Design your own websites without the knowledge of code!

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Glassdoor – an inside look at jobs & companies

Interested in knowing what it’s like to work at some of the big-gest companies in the world? Glassdoor provides first hand re-counts from existing and previous employees about their expe-rience working for companies such as Google, Apple, Face-book and more.

PostSecret: Where people mail in their secrets anonymously

An incredible art project turned internet meme, PostSecret posts anonymous secrets from around the globe that are mailed in.

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LaunchRock - Set up a "Launching Soon" page in minutes

Have an incredible business idea? Want to test it out and see if anyone will buy what your thinking of selling? Set up a “launch-ing soon” page using LaunchRock without knowing any code, and start collecting details of people interested so you can no-tify them when you launch.

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Section 7

Landing Pages

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MixRank :: Uncover your competitors' online ads

A great tool for gauging a benchmark with your own online ad-vertising spend, MixRank will uncover your competitors online ads for greater insights to help shape your own online cam-paigns.

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Section 8

Online Advertising

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Flavors.me : The Digital You

For most people, they know they want an online portfolio or some form of online presence, but they don’t want to deal with the costs and headaches of building a website.

Enter Flavors.me an easy to use hub to collect all your online identities from Social Media in one page.

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Section 9

Online Portfolio

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The Long Tail Keyword Tool by HitTail

As the website summarises, “HitTail tells you, in real-time, the most promising organic keywords you should target based on your existing traffic.”

This tool is most useful for looking at what keywords to bid on for online advertising. For example in the case of advertising on Google using Google AdWords, if our client was a website for a Veterinary Clinic for animals, how are current website us-ers finding our website? If they are using Google as a search en-gine what keywords are they typing to find us? Is “vet clinic” as common as “animal clinic”? Enter HitTail.

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ASOS :: Shop clothes, jeans, shoes, t-shirts, shirts + more

Need a nice outfit for those business meetings? You’ll find that and so much more with Free shipping to most countries at ASOS.

FatFingers: Bargains for eBay Spelling Mistakes & Typos

Did you know every day items go unsold and completely missed on eBay due to spelling mistakes and typos made by the sellers?

Enter FatFingers. Thank me later.

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Shipito :: USA Address & Mail Forwarding

Some products I find on websites such as Amazon still don’t of-fer shipping to Australia, even though it’s free shipping any-where in the USA.

Enter Shipito and you’ll never miss another bargain from your favourite online retailer, just because you don’t live in the USA.

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Section 12

International Shipping

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Wix Free Website Builder

Want to build websites but don’t know how to code. Don’t worry! With Wix anyone can be a Web Developer, you never know, it could be some easy side income for you?

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Website Builders

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Appsin | Convert your Blog to Mobile

Appsin has one mission, to take your blog into the mobile-first era we live in today. Have a blog? Go mobile with Appsin.

Technorati :: Search Engine for Blogs

If you love Google Search Engine for the web, you’ll love Tech-norati for searching the blogosphere.

The Technium: 1,000 True Fans

A fascinating long read article by Kevin Kelly titled “1,000 True Fans” which explains at length why all you need to succeed is 1,000 believers or followers. Interested? Try read 2 minutes of this article without being intrigued.

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Section 14

Website Resources