1 [email protected] - www.evellia.com [email protected] - www.evellia.com Digital Story - On-boarding at Number26 Bank January 2016

Evellia - Digital Story - On-boarding at Number26 bank

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1 [email protected] - www.evellia.com [email protected] - www.evellia.com

Digital Story - On-boarding at Number26 Bank

January 2016

2 [email protected] - www.evellia.com


Lower barriers to entry, even in the banking sector Be mobile first right now Gather more customer information, the gamification way Allow customers to manage & validate theirs own data Improve the customer journey with digital leverages Be sure in the quality of your product, and keep iterate Be focused on your clients, for real this time Conclusions

3 [email protected] - www.evellia.com

Lower barriers to entry

Main contact

point + ID

Workflow customization

(requirements by country:

regulation, legislation, etc.)

Barriers to entry are the

lowest possible to be in

the Number26 CRM

4 [email protected] - www.evellia.com

Be mobile first right now

Mobile first

Adapt the

workflow following

the customer


5 [email protected] - www.evellia.com

Gather more information, the gamification way

The reward … … to gather more

customer information !

6 [email protected] - www.evellia.com

Allow customers to manage & validate theirs own data

Automate the process

to validate emails

Communicate on the

last improvements of

the product

Guide the customer for

the best user


7 [email protected] - www.evellia.com

Improve the customer journey with digital leverages

Why use a fax or scanner to send documents when you

can open a video call: the customer service grab during

this call a picture of the customer & a picture of his ID

8 [email protected] - www.evellia.com

Be sure in the quality of your product, and keep iterate

9 [email protected] - www.evellia.com

Be focused on your clients, for real this time

10 [email protected] - www.evellia.com

The best customer journey so far:

• 30s to have access to your customer account (and be in the Number26 CRM)

• 2mn to give the needed informations

• 5mn to chat with the customer service (take a picture of you and your ID, sign the contract)

• At the end, around 8 minutes to open an account, and 48 hours to receive the credit card

The on-boarding process is available:

• Through a native IOS app (20% market shares): the best UX if you are an iPhone owner

• Through a native Android app (70% market shares): the best UX if you are an Android owner

• On the website (full responsive design as a fallback solution for the remaining 10%): you can use your phone/tablet/desktop


11 [email protected] - www.evellia.com

Client’s brief: we have 9 months to create a new digital product Evellia’s answer: set up the team, manage the weekly interviews to create the vision, the product roadmap and the backlog. Help the creation of user stories. Implementation follow-up and validation.

Key results: in 8 months, an operational product, data migration included: we had to cut the functional scope to respect the budget and the deadlines

Some of our customer successes

Client’s brief: we want to completely rethink and redesign our .com in 10 months Evellia’s answer: artistic direction and marketing interviews, experts synchronization (> 12), workshop facilitation, implementation follow-up, agile methods, management of the functional principles and priorities

Key results: in progress

Client’s brief: we want a group CRM but we failed to implement it several times Evellia’s answer: select both the integrator and editor, split the functional perimeter in different releases, set up a maintenance workflow.

Key results: kept the project within the budget and deadlines : 2 millions of clients within the database CRM in 2 years.

A key player in the luxury
