February 2013: Showing Customers Love

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Showing your customers love is an important way to build loyalty. We gathered some great and not so great examples on customer relationship building.

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February, 2013

Page 2: February 2013: Showing Customers Love

During February, we celebrated how companies can share the love with their customers. What are customers looking for here? What are great (and not-so-great) examples? We’ve gathered the best from our Customer Experience InvestigationsTM blogs and shared them with you here.

(Sometimes love hurts.)

Page 3: February 2013: Showing Customers Love

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Customers do leave you. How you treat them as they walk out the door can be the difference between a break and a final break up. • A business only has a 20-40% chance of ever winning back a lost

customer! Why make it more difficult by treating exiting customers poorly?

• We believe companies need to consider this part of the journey, too.

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Customer Onboarding: Honeymoon or Not?

The first 90 days after the sale is a critical point in the customer relationship.• Onboarding should establish trust, create a personal relationship and

reassure your customer the purchase was a great choice!• Companies often use this time to invoice first and not offer value.

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3 Ways To Seek Feedback from Non-Customers

Showing your customers love means discovering what matters to them. But what if you are offering a new product that doesn’t have customers yet?• Cadillac created their first electric car. Without their own electric car

customer base, they paid close attention to feedback from current and former Volt electric car drivers.

• Crowdsourcing is easier than ever, which is one of the ways to seek this type of feedback.

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How Do You Define Customer Advocacy?

Getting customers to love you to the point of evangelizing for you is often the end-game of marketers and customer experience professionals. But do you know the types of advocates you have?• Active Advocates are passionate and loud!• Passive Advocates wait to be asked, but then are happy to share.• Conditional Advocates don’t really love the brand.

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Insulting Customers Is Not a Strategy

Whether it’s indirectly insulting customers by insulting your competition or calling your customers “shallow” for complaining, insults often lead to customers dumping the brand!• H&R Block stood up for their customers and people after TurboTax insulted

them in commercials.• Agencies and marketers don’t always stay connected to the customer

experience. Don’t let creativity cloud customer-centricity.

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3 Ways Your Customers Feel The Love

Feeling the love means feeling appreciated, valued and supported.1. Hire the right people.2. Communicate how you actually like to be talked to.3. Respond and react ASAP!

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Proactive Social Customer Service Is Now Expected

New studies show just how important it is to focus on fast and proactive social customer service.• Just 49% of brands track and respond to social media mentions!• Hispanic consumers are nearly 21% more likely to recommend a brand after

their social care experience.Do you think enough companies are recognizing how to proactively show the love and improve the customer experience via social media?

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Communication Is Critical To Customer Experience

In a personal story about my small bank experience turning into a series of communication blunders from the big bank that took over, we examine what went wrong and where it could have been right.• Customer service training often focuses on how to communicate, but WHY

and WHEN are just as important to any customer relationship.

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LOVE: Microinteraction of the Month

We love microinteractions so much we highlight our favorite one each month! They are those small moments that improve or detract from a great experience.• For more, check out the TEDx talk about this, or follow our Pinterest board.• Our fave this month was a thoughtful touch of customer consideration in the

form of a spoon. Well done, Pom Wonderful!

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Thank you! Thanks to our community for joining us in our discussions about showing your customers love all month long! Want to join in? We’d LOVE to have you!



Jeannie Walters





CXI® Club

