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Five Common Basement Waterproofing Mistakes You Must Avoid

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Five Common Basement Waterproofing Mistakes You Must Avoid

The property owners of New Jersey always want to keep their basement free of moisture problems, water leaks and other related issues. However, several misconceptions about basement waterproofing make way for mistakes while accomplishing the project. Read on to find out the common mistakes that property owners commit while waterproofing their basement and ways to avoid them.

1) Making price a top priority of the project

Remember “you get what you pay for!” From choosing the contractor to using the finest materials, make sure price does not overrule your decisions. Quality must be the top most priority and it is completely worth it to pay a little extra to achieve lasting results.

2) Choosing the wrong contractor

Finding the best basement waterproofing New Jersey contractor is not easy but it is not impossible either. Hasty decisions can lead to undesirable results. Take the time and effort to research for the most appropriate contractors in the respective area. Talk to more than one contractor, get estimates and ask for references. Do not sign up for the deal until you are 100% satisfied with the contractor’s promises as well as rate.

Page 2: Five Common Basement Waterproofing Mistakes You Must Avoid

3) Attempting to fix the problem without any prior experience or expertise

Trying to save some money by trying to waterproof the basement by yourself can end up in a disaster. Basement waterproofing New Jersey is one of the most complicated home improvement jobs and is better left to the experts. Initially, property owners may seem to save some money but the lack of professionalism can pop up at anytime and lead to emergency situations too.

4) Considering the waterproofing paint as the ultimate solution

Waterproofing paint seals the moisture but only to a limited extent. It is important to note that the actual root cause of the problem is leakage and the waterproofing paint can do nothing about it. Property owners must talk to the contractor about the real cause behind the basement problems and together they must work out the most permanent and efficient situation.

5) Spending more than required

Doing more work than it is actually needed to waterproof the basement is a common problem among property owners who end up with unreliable contractors. As the owner of the property, one must not blindly trust the contractor but instead research and understand the water or moisture problems of the basement beforehand.

Ensure you keep away from the above list of waterproofing mistakes and upgrade to the right dehumidifier size to stay away from basement troubles.

A Little about Bonded Waterproofing:

Established in 1980 family business, Bonded Waterproofing has evolved into a company

of over 30 full-time employees, headquartered in Bergenfield, New Jersey. Bonded

Waterproofing has successfully waterproofed over 50,000 homes and businesses in the

tri-state area. To know more, visit http://bondedwaterproofing.com/