Flooring Ideas For Homes With Pets

Flooring Ideas For Homes With Pets

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Flooring Ideas For Homes With Pets

Page 2: Flooring Ideas For Homes With Pets

Your pets are a treasured part of your family. When you are making design choices, you have to keep your pets in mind. This is especially true when you are making decisions about new flooring. There are some qualities that any pet owner should look for in flooring. You want something that is going to resist scratches and damage while also offering traction and and being comfortable for your pet. Also, a flooring that is easy to clean is a definite plus. Thankfully, there are many options that are good for pets.

  Hardwood flooring is likely to be at the bottom of your list

because it really isn’t that durable, especially when it comes to scratches. However, if you really want hardwood floors, then you can choose very hard woods - the harder the better- and coat it in a urethane to help prevent scratches and stains. Do know, though, that your pets may slide easily on hardwood and it isn’t the most comfortable for them to lay on.

Page 3: Flooring Ideas For Homes With Pets

Carpeting may seem like a hard to clean option, but you can get a stain guard applied to help with this. It is a soft option that will prevent your pet from slipping and that is comfortable for them to lay on. Additionally, if you use carpet tiles, you can easily replace a tile if it gets worn or stained.

  Something that branches out from the traditional hardwood

and carpet options is cork flooring. This is actually great for pets because it helps reduce allergens, is soft to walk on and is very durable. Cork is also stain resistant. However, it does scratch easily.

  Tile is likely the best option for pet owners who are most

concerned about keeping the flooring looking good. It is scratch resistant and durable. It also is easy to clean. However, it is cold and doesn’t offer a lot of comfort.

Page 4: Flooring Ideas For Homes With Pets

Out of all the flooring options, though, the top choice is usually vinyl. This is an affordable option, easy to clean, easy to install, provides good traction and is durable. However, the one downside is that it doesn’t provide a soft, comfortable surface that is only available with carpet.

  Nobody can make the choice of what flooring you should

install but you. It really is based on what you want from flooring and your preferences. While all of the options above offer some nice benefits, they also have downsides, so no flooring is perfect. You just have to consider what characteristics are most important to you and make your choice based on that. Visit this website to learn more about wood flooring store in Waco.