food production distribution & storage in india

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‘India will have to double food production by 2040’___The Indian Express Sun Dec 02 2012,

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India's raw food sector covers fruit and vegetables; spices; meat and poultry; milk and milk products, beverages, fisheries, soya-based products, etc…..

The Indian food services industry is estimated to be nearly worth Rs 75,000 crore (US$ 13.79 billion) 

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Cropping PatternIndia is a vast country. The climatic conditions like temperature, humidity and rainfall vary from one region to another. Accordingly, there is a rich variety of crops grown in different parts of the country. Despite this diversity, two broad cropping patterns can be identified.1)Kharif Crops2)Rabi Crops

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Kharif Crops

The crops which are sown in the rainy season are called kharif crops. The rainy season in India is generally from June to September. Paddy, maize, soya bean, groundnut, cotton, etc., are kharif crops.

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Rabi Crops

The crops grown in the winter season are called rabi crops. Their time period is generally from October to March. Examples of rabi crops are wheat, gram, pea, mustard and linseed.

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• Rice • 103.41  million tonnes (record)• Wheat  •   90.23  million tonnes: highest ever• Coarse Cereals  •   41.91 million tonnes• Maize• 21.33 million tonnes• Pulses• 17.02 million tonnes

The production crops for 2011-12

Rice 103.41  million tonnes (record)

Wheat  88 million tonnes: highest ever

Coarse Cereals    42 million tonnes

Maize 21.33 million tonnes

Pulses 17.02 million tonnes

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• Proper food storage is important to help you:* Preserve food quality, including nutrients, flavor and texture* Make the most of the money you spend

on food by preventing spoilage* Keep food safe by limiting the growth of harmful bacteria and preventing contamination of foods

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High risk foods• Dairy products, such as custard and

dairy based desserts • Eggs and egg products• Cooked rice and pasta• Prepared fruit salads• Food that comes in packages, cans

and jars can become high-risk foods once opened, and should be handled and stored correctly

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Date markings

• Food packages have date markings to let us know how long food can be kept before it is unsafe to eat or before the quality of the food begins to deteriorate.

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Storing leftovers

• Throw away any high risk food that has been standing at room temperature for more than two hours

• Divide food into smaller portions and put it in a shallow dish

• Do not put food in the fridge when it is still hot

• Leftovers stored in the fridge should be eaten within three days

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Freezing • If food is properly frozen there are no

food safety concerns• The freezer temperature should be

below -15 °C• Frozen raw foods can be defrosted

once and stored in the fridge for up to two days before they need to be cooked or thrown away

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Types of Food Storage Products

• Canned foods

• Dehydrated foods

• Retort foods

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Canned foods• Cheaper than other types of food• Canned goods have a shelf life from two

to seven years• Canned goods can be eaten right out of

the can, either cold or heated• The canning process destroys many of

the micronutrients in the food

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Dehydrated foods

• It involves reducing the moisture content in foods to create an unfavorable environment for spoilage

• Dehydrated foods can be either air-dried or freeze-dried

• Both methods can reduce the weight of fruits and vegetables by 80-90%, and meats by 30%

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Retort foods

• These foods are packaged in multilayer laminate pouches that are vacuum sealed and then heated to 240-250° to sterilize the contents

• Retort products have a shelf life equal to that of canned goods

• They can be eaten straight out of their packaging

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8 tips of food storage• Follow the First In, First Out (FIFO) rule• Place meat as low as possible• Store food in air-tight containers• Store all food off the floor• Temperature control still applies• Do not overload refrigeration units• Keep shelves and floors clean and

organized• When in doubt, throw it out

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Food Distribution

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Retail concentrationRefers to the market-share generally

belonging to the top 4 or 5 mass distribution firms

ReasonsThe particular relevance retail is gaining on

a global scaleThe particular shape of the food chain

Positive & negative impacts

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Management of the flow of resources between the point of origin and the point of destination in order to meet some requirement

• Logistics fields

Procurement logistics Production logistics Distribution logistics Disposal logistics Reverse logistics Green logistics

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Agricultural marketing

Covers the services involved in moving an agricultural product from the farm to the consumerInterconnected activities Also includes acts of buying supplies, renting equipment & paying labor

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Introduction to PDS

Established by the Government of India under Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution

It distributes subsidized food and non-food items to India's poor.

Major commodities distributed include staple food grains, such as wheat, rice, sugar, and kerosene


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Fallouts of P.D.S System

1. Growing instances of the consumers receiving inferior quality food grains.

2. Deceitful dealers replace good supplies received from the F.C.I. with inferior stock

3. Illicit fair price shop owners have been found to create large number of bogus cards

4. Many FPS dealers resort to malpractice, illegal diversions of commodities, hoarding and black marketing due to the minimal salary.

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5. Numerous malpractices make safe and nutritious food inaccessible and unaffordable

6. Identification of households to be denoted BPL status and distribution to granted PDS services has been highly irregular

7. Regional allocation and coverage of FPS are unsatisfactory.

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•CONCLUSIONIndian food economy is one of the strongest sector.Eventhough food production is increasing per year, due to factors such as food inflation , inefficient distribution systems and storage systems ,India is facing downfall in its food maintenance.