Frisk Special: WOMEN February 2014

Frisk jan 14

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Frisk Special: WOMENFebruary 2014

Page 2: Frisk jan 14
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Hi there. Welcome to the fancy first edition of Frisk.

OK, so it’s actually the 34th edition of Frisk… Leo Burnett London’s Knowledge Centre

& Planning department have been circulating this internally for some time, and now

it’s burst forth from these four walls like some kind of information-centric Hulk. It

evolved from a weekly internal email to incorporate monthly themed specials, and a

further evolution of this is what you now hold in your hands. (I say ‘hold in your hands’

as if we’re in some kind of sepia-tinted pre-paperless past – I imagine you’re probably

looking at this on a screen, right? That’s progress for you.)

So, er, anyway… these monthly specials have become a newsletter in their own right,

along the lines of the quarterly newsletters and annual Predictions docs we already

circulate – this is the first one to officially leave the building. Momentous, no?

And the theme for this Frisk special? WOMEN. Inside you’ll find a variety of women-

themed snippets from all corners of the LB London network, with stuff from senior

management, account teams, external information suppliers, the chaotic dusty attic

of the internet, and much more besides. It begins with a piece from Canvas8, one of

our information suppliers, looking at ‘a new leadership paradigm’ (which will make

sense when you read it, trust me), before moving on to a glance at the modern female

consumer by resident retail expert Sarah Leccacorvi. We’ve got an overview of our

work for Plan, some keen trend insights from a pair of Planners plucked from Leo

Burnett London and Holler, and some solid insight into the VivaWomen initiative from

our Head of Talent Strategy, Sarah Baumann. We finish with a few cultural snapshots

to pique your interest.

I hope you enjoy it. It took ages. Oh, and I’d love to get your feedback; you can hit me

up – as I imagine cool people say – on Twitter; the handle’s @LeoBurnettLDN.

See you next month for more of this colourful whimsy.

Daniel BevisSenior Knowledge EditorLeo Burnett London

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We work closely with Canvas8, a deep-dive insight network who ‘make the complex simple by helping us make the simple significant’.This ‘Girl power’ piece is one of their most recent published features, and fits rather neatly into the theme of our newsletter.

Around 80% of purchases are made or influenced by women, but with women making up less than a fifth

of corporate board members, the gap between consumer and designer is huge. Despite this, the modern

woman is setting her sights on increasingly ambitious career goals, and as concepts of power shift, they’re

more likely to succeed now than ever before.

John Gerzema, author of The Athena Doctrine, surveyed 64,000 people worldwide to find out which

character traits comprise the ideal leader. Alongside co-author Michael D’Antonio, Gerzema discovered

that two thirds of participants felt the world would be a better place if leaders were to think more like

women. We sat down with him to find out more about the modern power woman; how her attitudes have

changed, what hurdles she faces and how brands can cater to her needs.


INFLUENCE: THE NEW LAWS OF POWERTraditional Machiavellian power worked well for thousands of years, but now we’re verging on a new era

that’s far more social, interdependent and transparent. With technology and globalisation making the world

more interconnected, power itself is changing – the way you get it, and the way you express it. Globally,

around four out of five people now believe power is no longer about control, but about influence. As a

result, success is now about being intuitive and having soft skills – being able to listen and communicate.

During our research for The Athena Doctrine, we spoke to hundreds of leaders, finding that ‘feminine’

qualities, like generosity, collaboration and patience, are becoming more prevalent – and this is bringing a

very different approach to leadership from the traditionally ‘masculine’ command-and-control structures.

image © Dan Queiroz (2010)

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We interviewed Silvia Loli, who runs the private Women’s House in Peru for female victims of domestic

abuse. Frustrated by the Peruvian police’s indifference to the mistreatment of women, she started her own

private women’s police force. Up until then, the police force was entirely male, but she made history by

forcing integration between the female police officers she’d trained and regular police officers. She reacted

to public anger over corruption, and her work lowered that corruption by around 32%. She’s one of many

who are going after huge problems in innovative ways – showing the courage to do what’s right regardless

of social barriers.

Some of the most interesting places we visited were countries where extreme change was occurring –

many of them developing countries. In Colombia – a society trying to combat issues like drugs, violence

and decades of civil war – we found courageous women taking on these extreme circumstances. We

found Catalina Cock Duque, who was helping ex-rebel soldiers reintegrate into society. Her foundation,

Fundación Mi Sangre (My Blood Foundation), has helped 30,000 former soldiers give up their arms and

become citizens again. In these emerging societies, you find creative thinkers – enigmatic men and women

who aren’t bound by rules or conventions. http://youtu.be/ybaz3JPNq_8

CAN WOMEN BE POWERFUL AND PREGNANT?Despite this talk of high-powered women,

traditional paradigms haven’t been cast aside;

the working woman’s challenge of a work-life

balance won’t go away any time soon – and to be a

housewife is still hugely respected amongst these

women. A high-powered career takes devoted

partnerships between couples – spouses that are

supportive and involved. Without that partnership,

you’ll continue to see women forced to make

choices between career and a life outside of work.

Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo, is a perfect example

of a woman who’s both powerful and pregnant

– but the controversy she faced earlier this year

highlights the underlying tensions. She banned

working from home for her employees, to an

extremely poor reception. Yet when a male CEO

made a similar decision a month later, nobody said

a thing. These double standards create imprinted

biases against female leaders – but those women

who have the courage to assert their ‘feminine’

values are thriving.

Take Orna Barbivai from the Israeli Defence Force.

When she considers military strategy, mothering

ties into it – because, as it turns out, mothers are very

protective (she actually told us that the last person

you want to provoke is a mother). She created

programmes designed to de-escalate conflict at

check points, and it’s been very successful. She

created measures to reward soldiers who keep

the peace – things like accommodation. She even

stations her own daughters on checkpoints. By

adopting her ‘feminine’ qualities, she went about

strategy in a completely fresh way.

image © Fortune Live Media (2011)

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A SECRET SOCIETY: THREE BILLION AND RISINGWomen are very conscious of their role in inspiring

other women. Anne-Marie Slaughter, a writer and

editor at The Atlantic are rallying women to power.

“Only when women wield power in sufficient

numbers,” she writes, “will we create a society that

genuinely works for all women.” Kirsten Gillibrand

is a Democratic senator from New York, and she’s

really pushing her campaign to be more inclusive

of female politicians and to promote more women

in corporations and on boards.

Regardless of the dynamics that exist between

some women in powerful contexts, women who are

generous with their time – nurturing young talent

and sharing with their ideas – are going to thrive.

Our research shows that 77% say collaboration

is essential to success, and when I speak with

executive women, they talk about needing to be

forceful and fighting to be heard – but also being

generous with their ideas and time, and sharing


Compare two cultural icons, thirty years apart –

Madonna and Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga has this huge

anti-bullying campaign; she’s expected to give

back to the people who put her where she is. This

the modern price of stardom, and power – to be

generous or selfless. And this isn’t just about pop

music; around the world, many women are using

their careers to try and make things better.

There are some tremendous organisations

connecting and empowering young women around

the world. Reshma Saujani, founder of Girls Who

Code, is working towards closing the gender gap

by encouraging young girls to work in technology.

Likewise, the UN Foundation’s Girl Up programme

– where all proceeds from The Athena Doctrine

go – is helping build esteem in young girls, and

encouraging self-belief. These girls are raising

money in their schools to help girls around the

world, forming a kind of sisterhood in challenged

countries and developing skills that will make them

the leaders of the future.

Many of these women stay motivated by looking

to each other, but also by looking for companies

who support their needs. Companies are realising

that they need to be more flexible, collaborative

and nurturing to be relevant to the next generation

of talent – and all our research shows that younger

generations aren’t into gender labels.

image © Girls Who Code (2012)

THE RISE OF AUTHENTICITY; THE DECLINE OF SHOULDER PADSA few decades ago, when Duran Duran were really

big, women were wearing huge shoulder pads as

business attire; it was a bid to play into ‘masculine’

approach to power. A lot has changed sinced then.

Our research shows that modern leaders thrive

when they have the courage and conviction to be

themselves – and to put their whole selves into

a problem, being genuine and authentic. It’s not

about conforming and losing your own identity,

nor is it about being more ‘feminine’ or ‘masculine’;

it’s about an increased authenticity. Maintaining

identity is the key for effective leaders – people

who are open and honest about who they are.

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We met these amazing women and men that just

threw their personalities and values into a problem

and wouldn’t accept the status quo. Ultimately,

a balance of ‘feminine’ and ‘masculine’ values is

essential to leadership – so it’s a great time to be

a man as well. Some of the best reactions for the

book have been from men – young guys who’ve

said “I can be more myself at work”.

Consider Berlin-based scientist Dr Ijad Madisch,

who created ResearchGate – a social network

for scientists. It all started when he went to some

colleagues at Harvard and admitted he was stuck

in his research. People thought he was ridiculous

for admitting he didn’t know something, but soon,

he discovered plenty of other people with the same

problem. Together they formed a social network

to share their ideas and collaborate, which now

has more than three million members. These kinds

of ideas prove that projecting ‘feminine’ values

into traditionally ‘masculine’ industries can really

drive innovation.

Founder Eriko Yamaguchi has built ‘feminine’ values into her business modelMotherhouse (2013) ©

INSIGHTS AND OPPORTUNITIESSoft drinks like Dr Pepper Ten whose latest

campaign is specifically for men, under the

caption “It’s not for women,” feel ridiculous to

me. Advertising campaigns depicting women in

submissive states or in contexts that are outdated

need to be avoided.

Great brands are brands that anyone could buy into

because of great attitudes or mindsets – whether

Apple, Nike or Virgin Atlantic. It’s a brand you buy

into because you believe in it, because of who you

are – not because you’re a man or a woman.

It pays to be inclusive when it comes to gender,

but that’s not to say there aren’t exceptions. We

laughed for hours at Old Spice, who marketed to

men through women, with “The Man Your Man

Could Smell Like,” but there are certain boundaries

that marketers need to understand are not to be


Yet men still form a large part of the innovation

to attempt to appeal to women. Despite the fact

something like 80% of all products are purchased

or influenced by women, still only around 16-

18% of corporate boards are female, and the gap

between female consumers and women as product

designers and innovators is huge.

But things are changing. For The Athena Doctrine,

we interviewed Eriko Yamaguchi, the founder of a

Japanese clothing line called Motherhouse, which

specialises in high quality handbags. The entire

brand ethic focuses on helping factory workers

in Bangladesh, whom she taught to make these

expensive, high quality handbags – and she pays

them twice the average rate. Eriko’s approach is

about building values into her business model. We

see that here in the US with Toms Shoes, where

every time someone buys a pair of their shoes,

they donate a pair to someone in an impoverished


Our book came out at roughly the same time as

Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In, and to paraphrase her

book, business, politics and society need to lean in

to the ways of women, because ‘feminine’ traits are

essential qualities that all of us can share: they’re

largely absent from these fields. That’s what our

story’s about.

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Storebites is a regular in-house roundup of tangy titbits relating to shopper marketing and the goings-on in the retail environment. Here, Sarah Leccacorvi summarises some recent findings to create a picture of the modern female consumer.

With women’s spending power continuing to grow across the globe, retailers and brands are now reframing

their approach to meet the needs of this evermore influential audience. Women are faced with different

social, cultural and lifestyle challenges, so traditional approaches to segmentation are fast becoming

irrelevant; women are a complex and diverse group of archetypes, differentiated through lifestyle and


Take “Urban Independents” for example: they are late-20s/early-30s who have decided to put getting

hitched and having kids on hold. They have a large disposable income at their fingertips and are ready to

spend it, whether it’s dining out, entertaining at home or choosing the latest must-have for their highly

fashionable apartment. Or how about the “Millennial Mother”, who uses more than five different digital

channels each day including apps, blogs, videos to multi-task and get advice from other like-minded

women? And did you know that “50+ Boomers” are huge online shoppers; spending more than Gen X or

Gen Y online? Understanding the needs and desires of these groups, as well as others, is where brands can

truly adopt a relevant approach.

Women’s expectations have also risen. They want brands that are empathetic to their needs, providing

fresh experiences that encourage learning and sharing. They also expect products that are individualised to

support their ever changing lifestyle. Consequently, there is a new breed of retail spaces born from brands

responding to this growing change.



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Adidas, for example, has three women-only concept stores, in Korea and Russia, designed to take a holistic

approach to sport, via wellness. They repositioned the bold, almost clinical, style of unisex ‘performance’

towards a feel-good fashion retail experience, creating a more tactile, sensorial and uplifting environment.

They have also incorporated a community area detailing local fitness classes, as well as a zone for style

advice. Cycle Surgery is another brand that ran a series of women-only workshops for runners and cyclists

utilising female sports influencers. Kevin Young, Group Marketing Director said ‘Our female consumers

perceived the women experts as credible, but also accessible, as opposed to their male counterparts, who

tended (in their view) to relay the same information in a purely technical way, which creates a barrier’.

And then there’s Vodafone, who are leveraging their “Angel Stores” in India, staffed only with women to

support social change. Ram Iyer, Head of Retail said ‘The store gives women exposure to cross-functional

opportunities in the telecom and retail sector, from finance, logistics, and customer relations to security.

We believe this platform is a great building block in social and economic development.’

Further female centric-trends include brands taking cues from fashion to empower individuals to reflect

their personal style and customise products accordingly. Sportswear is a perfect example that demonstrates

how to combine high-tech functionality with style, while still delivering high performance. Take a look at

The Cambridge Raincoat Company, they produce chic and versatile raincoats for cyclists that looked good

both on and off the bike, alleviating the need to wear ugly waterproofs or hi-vis clothing. Then there’s the

rising popularity of personalised digital accessories with fashion brands diversifying into smartphone and

iPad covers. After the success of Kate Moss’s collaboration with Topshop, Kate has now designed a suite

of mobile and tablet accessories for The Carphone Warehouse. With a high-end approach to the mass

market, the focus was on quality materials, texture and detail to reflect an aspirational lifestyle.

The Cambridge Raincoat Company / Kate Moss, The Carphone Warehouse

So as you can see, engaging female consumers requires an inherently different

strategy, needing a much more empathetic approach to truly understand their

lifestyle and the challenges they face. Try leveraging online communities to bridge

the gap and identify the fast moving trends. Or why not provide a platform to

encourage conversations and emotional connections? Most importantly, get to know

them, understand their lifestyle and, who knows, you could increase the chances of

them saying ‘I do’…

Sarah Leccacorvi, Client Service Director

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For the last two years, Leo Burnett London has been working with the global children’s charity Plan UK, a non-profit which recognises that if you give a girl in the developing world an education and support, she will raise herself, her family and her community out of poverty.



Yet in many developing countries around the world girls are denied the right to an education. In fact every

day girls are taken out of school and forced into work, or married off to strangers where they risk isolation

abuse. This is something that Plan UK fights to stop, and we here at the London office teamed up with Plan

to support that fight.

IN THE BEGINNINGAt first, we created a powerful TV spot that has been running on CNN for over year, but we realised to

create such a huge societal change in the developing world we needed something much bigger than a

TV or print advertisement; we needed to bring girls and women together to start a global movement that

would fight for and support girls around the world to allow them to achieve their potential.


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Our idea – to create a series of inspirational talks hosted by influential women, about how education

transformed their lives. These influential women are those who have overcome challenges, achieved the

impossible, pioneered and paved the way for the others. And so the Plan Talks were born.

LB London’s ‘Mass Construction’ TV spot for Plan International.


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Asking anyone to host a Talk is no easy request, and asking women who are leaders in their fields, extremely

busy and receive charity requests on weekly, if not daily, basis made the challenge to get inspiring women

involved a big challenge. Further still on the list of women to contact were names like Kate Winslet, Vivienne

Westwood, and JK Rowling – if this was for a TV ad the fee to involve all these women would be in the

millions, and we were asking them to give a Talk for free.

Fortunately, our talented creative team of Laurie Smith and Steve Robertson, had an idea that would allow

us to cut through to these women. We created hand illustrated school jotters that were sent in school

satchels that formed the invitation to host a Plan Talk. The response was fantastic.


The Plan Talks launched in London with flourish on the first International Day of the Girl. The talks began

with Georgia Arnold, Senior VP Social Responsibility for MTV’s Staying Alive Foundation speaking and

with a mentoring session for young girls which was held on the London Eye and included a number of

inspirational women in a range of careers (including some from Leo Burnett). Each lecture is promoted

with a portrait of the speaker made from the words of their talk. The talks were inspiring, intimate and

personal, and women who attended were tweeting and posting – the message was spreading.


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Since the first Plan Talk, three more have taken place in the last year, including talks from Sarah Brown and

Jude Kelly.

RESULTS SO FARThe Plan Talks have been a great success, with

hundreds attending the Talks live, thousands

then sharing on social media, and in turn reaching

millions of women. And more importantly, many

of these women have made a pledge to support

Plan’s cause.

MORE TO COME…We are lining up a number of inspiring women to

give Plan Talks during 2014. If you want to find out

more about the campaign visit Plan’s website at


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Leo Burnett Planner Rebecca Fleming teamed up with Holler Planner Bianca de Sousa to take a look at

modern gender roles, and how the issues surrounding today’s perception of masculinity really impact

women today.

‘Planners are a curious (read: nosey) bunch,’ says Rebecca. ‘With the launch of VivaWomen and the release

of a new year’s worth of trends updates, we’ve taken a long, hard look at how gender roles are being

impacted by key issues and movements in society. We wanted to explore what masculinity really means in

2014 - do Millennial men admire Ryan Gosling’s active support of feminism and are they all yearning to be

Old Spice-doused gentlemen? Meanwhile, do women need a rallying cry to encourage them to lean in? Or,

are they looking for role models who accept that to do well you need to focus on doing one thing well, not

everything quickly...? We’ve produced a snapshot of 6 key trends from both the XX and the XY perspective.’

Click here and take a look: http://www.slideshare.net/juicypips/xx-vs-xy-2014

A look at key trends from both perspectives, from the planners at Leo and Holler.

XX vs. XY

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Naturally, the subject of women as leaders is one that is very close to our hearts. Barely a day goes by

without some new research proving the commercial value of women in business, the unique contribution

they make to society and regrettably, the fact that we are still a long way away from true equality.

The communications industry is no different to other sectors. According to the IPA’s 2012 census, 25%

of Executive Management positions are held by women. It’s an improvement on 2011 but still under

representative when you consider that it’s only 3% of the 10,000 women who now work in advertising in

the UK.

So, to ensure that Leo Burnett is helping women progress and achieve their career ambitions, we have

launched VivaWomen, a women’s network open to all women within Publicis Groupe agencies in the UK.

Spearheaded by Sarah Baumann, Managing Director of Atelier and Group Talent Strategy Director of LB

Group, it’s an initiative supported at global level by the Publicis Groupe and chapters are launching across

the world.

The premise is very simple – to provide support, help and inspiration to women as they forge their own

career path. We do this through a cross-agency mentoring programme, a series of seminars and speaker

events that enable women to meet and network with their peers and colleagues within the Groupe. It’s

echoed within the agency with a growing internal Leo Burnett London network. Critically, this is not

a network that excludes men but recognises that both men and women need to understand this as a

fundamental talent issue. It’s about creating a positive leadership and development culture throughout our

agencies that recognises men and women may need different things to succeed.

VivaWomen’s initiatives are based on research conducted amongst the Groupe’s male and female

employees. Some headlines are to be expected, some were surprising.


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This is more the case for women than men. 85% of women say that interesting and exciting work is very

important to them, versus 75% for men. It’s particularly true of younger women, and is deemed even more

important than a good salary and benefits - which 80% of women deemed as very important.


Overall, flexible working practices are significantly less important to people than salary and the nature of

their work but of course, flexibility is greatly desired by parents, and particularly mums. The industry has

improved significantly in terms of delivering against flexible working requests -


of mums had

made a flexible

working request,


71% 88%

of them were

given a more

flexible working



Additionally, 27%

of dads made a

flexible working


But, flexibility will of course continue to be a priority.

Our research also over-turned another common perception – that women with children might be the ones

who are less likely to go for the most senior or autonomous roles. In fact, when we split out women with

children and women without, there is a clear distinction between their career planning. Working mums

are more likely than those without children to be envisaging moves into consultancy, freelance, running

or setting up their own agency. So, whilst they may be seeking more control over their working life, it’s

further proof that ambition and drive isn’t always compromised by changing life circumstances and that

in working mums, we have an incredibly driven talent pool within our organisations.


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Another key difference between men and women

in career planning is where their aspirations lie

(among those who do claim some clarity over

their future ambition). Women are more likely to

see themselves staying at their agency for the next

3-5 years than men. Men however, are more likely

to set their sights on the bigger roles –

of men see themselves running the agency

vs. only 13% of women.



No doubt linked to the level of projected ambition,

the most popular areas of training and development

for women were: Improving confidence at work

and learning/ improving self-promotion skills.



of women wanted help in

improving their confidence at work

compared to 25% of men.

of women wanted training

in self-promotion skills vs.

48% of men.


And, to continue the debate around any

misperceptions of women with children - only

13% wanted confidence training, but their need

for self-promotion shot up to 56%, suggesting the

issue is with cultural misperceptions rather than

motherhood suppressing ambition.

Men tend to be more positive about their male line

managers than women, whilst women are more

positive about female line managers. However,

overall job satisfaction for both men and women

is higher among those who have a female line


Both men and women agree that female line

managers are better at “supporting a good

work/life balance”, “providing strong career

development” and “supporting flexible working”.


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Hollywood has long been pigeonholed as a male-

dominated industry – male-oriented movies, starring

men, directed by men, about man stuff. So the Bechdel

Test is a useful barometer of how accurate that

stereotype is in modern film-making. Its three rules

are simple: in order to pass the test, a movie needs to

(1) have at least two women in it, who (2) talk to each

other about (3) something besides a man. This isn’t

positive discrimination, it’s just an interesting eye on

cinematic behaviour and construct. So, how did the

major blockbusters of 2013 figure?

Well, it’s a bit of a mixed bag. Of the top 50 movies,

17 of them passed cleanly, with another 7 technically

passing but in a questionable way. However, of

these fifty flicks, just one was directed – co-directed,

actually - by a woman.

Interestingly, a number of the movies that passed the

Bechdel Test in 2013 were the biggest-grossing ones

at the box office too, suggesting that pictures with

strong female leads are more of a money-spinner.

Let’s see how that pans out in 2014…





Pity the alarm clock. It’s pretty much the most hated item in your house, aside from that enormous gas

bill that’s sitting on your sideboard, and the tin of fancy pâté you received as a gift and don’t really want

to eat, but feel obliged to hang on to. Alarm clocks are designed to disrupt and ruin one of the most

enjoyable things we do, by making a noise that makes us jump up and swear while we’re all fuzzy-headed.

It’s never a sound you’ll grow to like. And you can’t circumvent this ire by setting your phone alarm to play

a song you like, because you’ll inevitably end up hating that too. Why, oh why, can’t somebody invent a

likeable alarm clock…?

Well, by gum, they have. The Little Rooster is a device designed just for women, which wakes them by

bringing on what its makers call a ‘snorgasm’. You may be able to guess where this is going…

The user places the Little Rooster inside their pants at bedtime, setting its built-in alarm to, ahem, rouse

them at the appropriate time by gently vibrating. The brilliance of this system is that, unlike conventional

alarms that make an annoying noise, it will only wake up the one person it’s intended for. And they won’t

wake up grumpy either. http://www.littleroosterstore.com/


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Every now and then a story pops up in the news about an incorrectly-loaded cashpoint that’s gone rogue

– local news teams will be interviewing hapless but excited locals who’ll be saying things like ‘durn it, I

couldn’t believe it when I asked for a tenner and it gave me a twenty,’ neatly sidestepping the very obvious

point that you’d then try to withdraw everything you could and then pay it all straight back in to your

nearest branch. Naturally.

The flipside of this, of course, is something that’d leave you dumbfounded. You ask the machine for money

and it doesn’t give you enough? Why, this is cause for RAGE!


…which is exactly what happened

in Switzerland a little while back. In

order to demonstrate the yawning

chasm of wage inequality – namely

that women receive on average 20%

less pay than men for equivalent

jobs – Publicis Zurich teamed up

with the International Women’s

Media Foundation, to arrange a

situation whereby cashpoints would

shortchange male customers by

20%. You can see how that went here:
