What does that mean for me? Gaylin Jee 33 EMERALDS The Age of Social

Gaylin Jee: The Age of Social

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What does that mean for me?

Gaylin Jee 33 EMERALDS

The Age of Social


How do you respond?

‘The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world

to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable


George Bernard Shaw

‘Every organisation must prepare for the abandonment of everything it does’.

Peter Drucker

Consider this:

•  Are you ready to abandon everything you do?

•  Is your organisation?

•  Do you know your business case for social?

•  How do you show up online?

•  How are you building currency (influence)?

‘Daniel H. Pink looked at society's future and saw that it

belonged to the creative minds’

Innovation is the implementation of a new or improved product, service, process or interaction that creates value. Innovation is enabled by


‘Innovation often starts with something that annoys you personally and is relevant for you. Something you personally really want to change, because you need to. It's the WHY for innovation.

Your personal motive to move beyond your borders must be strong because, especially when you're innovating within a large

organization, it is going to be a long bumpy road.‘


Are you ready for your future?

Efficiency and

operational excellence

Nimble, not disrupted

Disrupting, out-

innovating competitors

Leading change

33  Emeralds  

Most organisations (+ individuals) focus here, on moving in one direction more effectively than competitors, hoping

not to be disrupted

We could be aiming aim here – where eventually we lead change

“unreasonable men”

What is the focus for Learning and Development/Practice in a changeable business context?

Could it be …. The Innovators DNA: Associating, Questioning, Observing, Networking, Experimenting


33  Emeralds  

Why do we need Innovators DNA? In the age of the knowledge-empowered consumer, things have changed. •  Build organisations that are good at connecting, co-

creating, learning, adapting, acting on insights and deep engagement with customers

•  Empower customer to make intelligent decisions – allow increased level of knowledge, access and honesty

•  Create additional value.

We don’t settle for loyal customers.

We create advocates. They generate a new currency: Customer Referral Value.

Use of social media services, techniques and technology to enable organisations to engage with their customers. Philosophy and a business strategy, supported by a technology platform, business rules, workflow, processes and social characteristics, designed to engage the customer in a collaborative conversation in order to provide mutually beneficial value in a trusted and transparent business environment. It’s the company’s response to the customer’s ownership of the conversation.


Effective engagement is inspired by the empathy that develops simply from being human.

Brian Solis

Are you being human?

What does a Google search return about you?

When writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen.

Harley Davidson


Show Up

•  Be proactive •  Be targeted •  Personalise your message •  Grow your authority – find, share, create,

comment on great content •  Don’t spam


The more your content can help them amplify the way they want to be seen, the more shares your content will earn. http://www.inc.com/kelsey-libert/4-reasons-your-customers-aren-t-sharing-your-content-on-social-media.html

33  Emeralds  

What tools are out there? How can I use them? A few ideas ... Tickling the surface Don’t stop here!  


LinkedIn Pulse






“A McKinsey study in 1980 projected 900,000 cell

phones would be in use by 2000. The actual number was just under 1 billion. That's no rounding error.”



…the uncertainty of changing behaviors  

Predict or build …dealing with uncertainty differently

•  ‘Uncertainty of changing behaviors is the best source of opportunity, and we've never seen an era of behavioral change as radical as what's coming at us in 2015 and beyond. Hyperconnectivity is changing every aspect of how we live, work, and play.’

•  The really big opportunities and the organizations that are exceptional at innovation get this.

•  They build: ‘They are small and nimble, and leverage it in ways their behemoth competitors can't; they thrive in the face of uncertainty; and they end up shaping our behaviors in ways we'd never imagined.’

•  So will you predict or build? http://www.slideshare.net/simplymeasured/2015-social-media-predictions

² Change leadership is the necessary solution to today’s

problems and opportunities, created by a faster moving world.

²  It is done by leaders who have a clear vision of a better future for the entire organisation.

² That vision is communicated.


Leading the change



Don’t wait for your Chief Learning Officer …Throw your life a curve

Connect with me on LinkedIn:

http://za.linkedin.com/in/gaylinjee  Or email me:

[email protected] You can tap into a stream of business, leadership and tech content here:

Twitter: @GaylinJee Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/gaylinjee/

Scoop.it: http://www.scoop.it/t/digitally-disrupting I occasionally share my thoughts on my blog (s):

http://gaylinjee.wordpress.com http://gaylinjee.blogspot.com


33  Emeralds  

Take opportunities to INNOVATE, SHOW UP and INFLUENCE