Globalization And Colonisation

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By: Christian Rafael Mora Parga 7a

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Phenomenon of Automatic impact and global instant that occurs in the field of social activities.

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Colonization is the act of mastering a country or territory with inhabitants of another region, which becomes known metropolis.

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1. To form or establish a colony or colonies in.2. To migrate to and settle in; occupy as a colony.3. To resettle or confine (persons) in or as if in a colony.4. To subjugate (a population) to or as if to a colonial government.

Process by which the experience of everyday life, marked by the diffusion of commodities and ideas, is becoming standardized around the world. Factors that have contributed to globalization include increasingly sophisticated communications and transportation technologies and services, mass migration and the movement of peoples.

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The similarities is that the two do an intercampus of cultures cause the people that colonized are from other parts of the world.

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We understand the globalization like the phenomenon for which we can consent more easily to distant things.

To share with people that perhaps will never see likes and customs.

To use in Spain products manufactured in China, but designed in New Zealand.

To enjoy in few second things that before we had never gotten.

But the globalization has arrived much further on.

It is the bed by means of which the rich countries exploit the poor.

The road that leads us to the distinction between first and third world.

It is to give false hopes to many individuals of those regions of the world drowned by their own governments and strangled by ours.

It is the new colonization.

And who is the paradigm of the new colonization?

Who the teacher that indoctrinates our governments, the western governments, while it humiliates and does it bribe, when it doesn't overthrow and does it change to their whim, the governments of emergent economies?

Yes, they are the United States of America.

It is for colonization that not for globalization, for what is spoken of the elections in these alone days “American.”

It is for colonization that not for globalization that we want Kerry, and non Bush to leave, because we fear ourselves a lot his expansionary longings.

It is for colonization that not for globalization that they have stayed many lives in the road and we have returned to times very, very next to when alone we were primates.

The Greeks attempted globalization the world that they knew and they founded colonies and they traded; but they were the Romans who colonized, invading and devouring the towns bordering.

Will this be Bush's Principle?


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Is globalization the new colonization of the modern era?

Somehow one can say that the globalization is a new colonization to the world for cause, leaving of the I toss that globalization is interpreted everybody and I eat we already know it there are countries but powerful that others that to strengthen in many aspects like economically, politically, socially and especially the natural resources that it is the needing at the present time is said that the globalization is the union of continents and countries to get but profits socially to get the achievement of the peace through of helps that the cultures are given mutually it is interpreted like a new colonization because the countries with but to be able to somehow explodes to the countries but poor removing them their natural resources.