Grammar Book 2 nd Semester Por: Maya Cawood

Grammer book 2

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Grammar Book2nd Semester

Por: Maya Cawood

Page 2: Grammer book 2

Table of Contents1. Imperfect : 32. Preterite: 4-8 Car/ Gar/Zar: 5 Spock: 6 Cucaracha: 7 Snake/Snakey : 81. Model: 92. Adverb: 103. Progressive : 11-12 Present Past 4. Future and Irregulars: 135. Superlatives: 146. Formal Commands: 157. Prepositions: 168. Demonstratives: 17

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Imperfecto VerbosForms of the imperfect, regular verbs. Stem: Take

the infinitive, and remove the last two letters (the infinitive ending):           hablar > habl-; comer > com-; vivir > viv-.

Endings: -ar verbs: -aba, -abas, -aba, -ábamos, -abais, -aban.             -er and -ir verbs: -ía, -ías, -ía, -íamos, -íais, -ían.

Irregular verbs. Only three verbs are irregular in the imperfect: ser, ir, and ver:

ser    ir     verera    éramos iba    íbamos veía    veíamos eras  erais

ibas ibais veías  veíais era eran iba iban veía veían

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PreteritePast Tense!!

-AR -ER/IR-é -í-aste -iste-ó -ió-amos -imos-aron -ieron

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-Car, -Gar, -ZarRegular verbs with these endings have a

spelling change to the yo form to keep the sound of the verb.


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Spock- irregular for preteriteHacer: HiceHicisteHizoHicimosHicieron

Dar o Ver: IIsteIoImosIeron

Ir o Ser: FuiFuisteFueFuiemosFueron

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Cucaracha= irregulares for preteríteAndar- anduv Endings: Estar- estuv -ePoder- pud -istePoner- pus -oQuerer- quis -imosSaber- sup -isteisTener- tuv -ieronVenir- vinDecir- dijTracer- traj

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Modal Verbos

Modal verb in right form + infinitive

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AdverbosMost Spanish adverbs are formed by adding -mente

to the feminine singular form of the adjective. This ending corresponds to -ly in English.

Adjective to feminine form to adverb

Claro…..clara….claramenteNote: if two adverbs pertain to one verb the first

adverb gets changed to only feminine form and the second one gets changed all the way to the –mente form.

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Progressive- PresentStep One: Right form of EstarEstoy, estás, está, estamos, estáis, estánStep Two: Change verb to –ando, -iendo, -yendoAr- ando Er/Ir- iendo -yendohablar: hablando

(hablar - ar + ando)comer: comiendo

(comer - er + iendo)

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Progressive-PastThis tense, EL PASADO PROGRESIVO, is used when you

say sentences such as..I was working.Estaba trabajando. / TrabajabaThey were studying.Ellos estaban estudiando ahora.We were selling a novelEstábamos vendiendo una novela.He was eating a lot.Él estaba comiendo mucho.She was leaving.Estaba partiendo

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SuperlativesYou use superlatives when you want to say

something has the MOST or the LEAST of a certain quality.

MOST= másMENOS= menosLuis es el más alto. Luis is the tallestCarmen es la más pequeña

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Future“I will…”Formula:

infinitive + future endingEndings Example: Cantaré

-é -ás -á -emos -án

Los irregulares


Decer Dir

Hacer Har é

Poner Pondr ás

Salir Saldr á

Tener Tendr emos

Valer Vendr án

Poder Podr

Querer Querr

Saber Sabr

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Formal CommandsFor Ud./Uds.: put the verb in its “yo” form

and change to its opposite vowelComer- Como- ComaTener- Tengo- TengaNegative Form: Add NO in front of the verb.

Conjugate the verb the same way!¡No Coma! ¡No tenga!Irregulares= TVDISHES

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PrepositionsAbajo: belowArriba: aboveDebajo de: underDentro de: insideEncima de: AboveFuera de: outsideCerca de: nearLegos de: farDetrás de: behind

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DemonstrativesIndicate which one

This (near)

That (far)

That over there

Este Ese Aquel

Esta Esa Aquella

These Those Those over there

Estos Esos Aquellos

Estas Esas Aquellas

The T is near me!!