Healthcare ‘To Increasingly Use The Cloud’ Facebook.com/storetec Storetec Services Limited @StoretecHull www.storetec.ne t The role of cloud computing in healthcare is set to grow further, according to a new report. According to Marketsandmarkets, the global market for this facility will have enjoyed a compound annual growth rate of 20.5 per cent between 2012 and 2017, CIOL reports.

Healthcare ‘to increasingly use the cloud’

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Healthcare ‘To Increasingly Use The Cloud’


Storetec Services Limited

@StoretecHull www.storetec.net

The role of cloud computing in healthcare is set to grow further, according to a new report.

According to Marketsandmarkets, the global market for this facility will have enjoyed a compound annual growth rate of 20.5 per cent between 2012 and 2017, CIOL reports.

It noted that only four per cent of service providers in the sector used the cloud in 2011, with one reason for the low level of adoption being its concentration in the more developed parts of the world, in particular North America.

The report said reasons for the uptake not being faster include some concerns over security, interoperability and the lack of ability to comply with government regulations in some jurisdictions. It also suggested that cloud adoption has been slow to take up the use of the public cloud because these are highly regulated, in comparison with the private and hybrid cloud.

Such issues may be temporary, of course, as healthcare providers may in some cases find ways of ensuring they can make full use of the cloud without many fears over security, while also establishing ways of doing so that do not conflict with legal regulations. indeed, some countries may seek to alter legislation in order to enable this to happen.

The latter possibility could occur in countries with large state-run health services, in order to help them to make good use of the cloud.

One organisation that may do this is the National Health Service in Britain, with plans already in place to migrate patient records to a £1 billion digital system.

This has been heralded by health secretary Jeremy Hunt, despite his admission that the public may be "sceptical" about the move after the costly failure of a new IT system that the previous government tried to establish.

Ease of access is the main motivation behind the new system, as it means patient records can be accessed swiftly and easily from a central computer by any authorised professional, day or night.

Storetec News/Blogs. "http://www.storetec.net/news-blog/healthcare-to-increasingly-use-the-cloud

/".‘Healthcare ‘To Increasingly Use The Cloud’. September 25, 2013. Storetec.