Presented by: In association with: How Global Records Management Practices and Standards Are Evolving for Business Today Presented July 22, 2015

How Global Records Management Practices and Standards Are Evolving for Business Today

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How Global Records Management Practices and Standards Are Evolving

for Business Today

Presented July 22, 2015

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AIIM is the Global Community of Information Professionals AIIM believes that the information systems we use at work should be simple, secure, and available anywhere, anytime, and on any device. Our mission is to improve organizational performance by empowering a community of leaders committed to information-driven innovation. Learn more at www.aiim.org

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AIIM Presents:

How Global Records Management Practices and Standards Are Evolving for Business Today

Host: Theresa Resek Director AIIM

Barbara Reed Director Recordkeeping Innovation Pty Ltd

Michelle Phillips Global Product Marketing Manager Information Governance, HP Software

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What does today’s business look like?

• Relentless speed to market • Not so much on transparency and

accountability • ‘Innovation’ but only if it works • Mobile, 24/7 • Risk management approaches • Tensions in the management of

personal data from clients/those who interact with company’s technology

Image: edar at Pixabay

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What is the state of information management?

• Vast amounts of data – created in multiple systems • Storage seemingly cheaper every year • Keep everything – we might find valuable insight (big data rhetoric) • Cloud first strategies • Provisioning being done at team level, not corporately • Divide between personal use of technology and corporate systems • Increasingly fragmented siloes that are possibly not even known


Image: Morgue files Digital: Grafixar36808 | 21580 | 29

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Where are records in this?

• Records dismissed as paper concern – This is convenient (but of course incorrect)!

• Rigidly applied methodologies not agile enough for today’s organisations

• End product view stifles capacity for intervention

• Technology conversations have colonised ‘information management’

• Investment in baseline knowledge not seemingly valued in short performance management cycles

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But records are everywhere!

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So what do we need to do?

• Focus on the risk conversation – not everything needs the same degree of ‘recordness’

• Be open to an informed risk based approach • Focus on ‘trust’ and recordkeeping’s role in this • Link the recordkeeping requirements to the business as its

being done • Stress sustainability • Process not end product • Reclaim access issues • Collaborate – information governance, data management,

enterprise architects

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Tools to help – ISO 15489

• Redraft underway – very close, but not quite there yet. Release June 2016

• Written for records professionals, but applicable in all business

• Principles based, outcome focussed • Methodology (how to do it) left flexible

for multiple options • Digital without excluding paper

practices • Integrated with business • Much greater emphasis on records

controls (governance tools), not simply embedded in systems: – Access and permissions; retention rules;

classification; metadata schema

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Notion of ‘authoritative’ records

• Everything is a record – by the definition – but we need to manage some with more formality than others

• Makes the ‘recordness’ an assertion which can be tested • Defines the characteristics as the way of testing or making


Image:purplejavatroll https://www.flickr.com/photos/44124466731@N01/27687364

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Different ways of creating and managing records

• Written in language that is capable of embracing different technological implementations – Outsourced in various ways – Distributed – Created in business systems, not just in

‘EDRMS’ systems

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Analysis methodology

• Called ‘appraisal’ to stress continuity of methodology

• Social and environmental conditions of business, mandates and regulations

• Determining records requirements • Done many times across recordkeeping

processes: – What to capture – Who requires access – What to keep – What to migrate

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Primary importance of metadata

• Digital records don’t exist without metadata • The importance and centrality of metadata is stressed • The core understanding is that records see things as

connected, sequences of events, not as single objects • The ability to trace interactions – who did what, when – is

core to building authenticity and trust • This links to other disciplines: data management, information

governance, enterprise architecture, MDM, etc.

Image by Cassie Findlay

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• Records classification is about linking records to the context of their creation

• Still around function/activity • Not about access • Other indexing/tagging to enhance retrievability


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Further guidance being worked upon

• Appraisal guidance • Systems implementation

Photo credit: Lendingmemo

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HP Records Manager

Transforming records management for today’s business • Designed for government, regulated industry and enterprises

- globally • A key component of HP’s information governance portfolio

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HP Records Manager and ControlPoint

Auto-records declaration and classification • Removes manual and error prone processes • Improves records capture, security and compliance



Shared Drives

ECM Systems


HP ControlPoint Selects the records based on declaration

policies linked to IDOL categories

HP Records Manager

Allocates filing location based on classifications linked to IDOL categories

and automatic folder creation rules

Policy Categories

Filing Categories



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For further information

Barbara Reed


Recordkeeping Innovation Pty Ltd

Email: [email protected]

Website: http://www.records.com.au

Michelle Phillips Global Product Marketing Manager Information Governance Software HP Software Email: [email protected] Website: http://www8.hp.com/us/en/software-solutions/edrms-electronic-document-records-management-system/index.html

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AIIM Resources

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• Enterprise Content Management Improve customer and staff engagement, ensure compliance, and automate business processes.

• Business Process Management Map, design, and automate operational processes for your organization using a combination of strategies, change management, and technologies.

• Taxonomy & Metadata Optimize navigation, findability, and information discovery through content classification.

• Information Governance Create an information accountability framework that reduces costs, manages risk, and optimizes value.

• Managing Records & eDiscovery with SharePoint 2013 Manage records, ensure compliance, and prepare for civil litigation requests.

• Electronic Records Management Know what to keep and what to discard as volume, variety, and velocity of digital information intensifies.

AIIM Training

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Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

Business Process Management (BPM)

Capture & Scanning Collaboration Content Analytics

Electronic Records Management (ERM)

Information Governance Search SharePoint Taxonomy & Metadata Web Content Management

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